Bruises (Sam)
This is a long one... Hope you guys like it 😆
You walked out of the car, a gun pointed ahead. It took you two hours and an extremely loud and stubborn tone to convince your husband Sam to let you on the hunt. You had to help out. Castiel was nowhere to be seen and Dean had a sprained hand, but he still came along, saying it was still functional. Sam needed backup and you were the only one available.
The reason Sam protested against was that you're 5 months pregnant. You're a superb Hunter but he, as any husband would obviously be towards his pregnant wife, is extremely protective and doesn't want you getting hurt or over worked.
Well, you are pretty convincing. It's a skill you've learnt over the years.
"Alright Dean, you go left and [y/n] and I will go right," Sam instructed and his brother nodded. You followed Sam, staying right next to him. He'd keep glancing towards you, then look down at your bulge. Eventually, you rolled your eyes.
"I'm fine Sam, just keep-"
There was a bright white light, a beam that illuminated the whole forest. Then came the piercing and screeching sound, something like when Angels speak.
You collapsed onto the ground, covering your ears and screaming. Sam yelled your name but you couldn't hear him, the noise was too deafening.
It stopped abruptly. You stayed on the ground and Sam hurried towards you. He froze when he saw some sort of purple mist disperse across the forest.
"S-Sam... Sammy?" You felt faint and you started to slump a bit. "Hey hey, stay with me. What's wrong?" Sam held you in his arms but it didn't help. Without saying another word, you fainted, unaware of your husband speaking to you.
"[y/n]? [y/n]!" Sam exclaimed at the top of his lungs. He checked your pulse and a wave of relief passed over him. You were alive but unconscious.
"DEAN!" Sam yelled and moments later his brother ran towards him. "Oh my God, what happened?!" Dean asked.
"I don't know. There was this light and a really annoying sound and then there was this purple smoke," Sam said and looked at you, "She's fine but she fainted."
"We need to get her back to the Bunker. There could be something wrong," Dean said and helped Sam get up. Sam carried you bridal style in his strong arms and he and his brother walked to the Impala.
"Hypnoses?" Dean said as he ate a sandwich. Sam sighed, "No I don't think so. I mean, I wasn't affected, only [y/n]."
You were asleep in your bedroom and Dean and your husband were researching on what that smoke was.
Dean thought for a moment, "Could it be related to the fact that she's pregnant?" Sam stopped to think but shook his head, "No one knows she is, only us and Cas."
"No but think about it. We're hunting a witch and I remember Rowena doing all sorts of things. There have been countless times when she listened in on our conversations. I'm just saying," Dean said and went for another bite. Sam grew more worried than ever. It could be true...
A week later
You took off your shirt, ready to take a shower. You couldn't help but stare at the mirror, at your stomach. You stepped closer then looked down at your tummy. There were these purple, fairly large, smudged marks on the sides. You rubbed them, wincing a bit. There were a few on each side and they ached a bit. You started to grow worried.
You hurried to the washroom door and opened it. "Uh, Sam? Honey, could you come here for a second?" You called out and moments later, he knocked on the door and came in on you examining the marks.
"I didn't notice these before... I don't know what's happened?" You said and he stepped closer. You placed a hand on your hip as he knelt on one knee. He swallowed hard, Sam didn't feel so good.
He rubbed the marks softly, pressing them a bit with his thumbs. "Does it hurt normally?" He asked and you shook your head. "Does it hurt when I press them?" He asked and you nodded. "Just a bit," You said.
"Dean! Come here!" Sam called out and his brother came over moments later. "Dude I have no idea what those are... Do you?" Sam asked and his brother examined the purple splotches closely. You felt a bit shy infront of Dean but this was an extremely serious issue.
Dean stood up, confused and speechless. "I'm sorry, I have no idea," He ran a hand through his hair. Sam felt weak in his knees.
"I knew it, I shouldn't have let you on the hunt. This is my fault," Sam said as he walked out of the washroom.
You rolled your eyes and followed him. "Sam, baby... Please. Don't blame yourself. This could have happened to anyone," You said and held his hands. "No it actually couldn't. Nothing happened to me," He said and sighed, "I think she had specifically targeted you."
You felt pain on the side of your stomach. You held it and shut your eyes tightly, gripping onto Sam's hand. "Woah, are you okay?" He started to panic. Sam helped you to the library and you sat on a chair.
"I-I... I'm fine," You took a deep breath, "I think... I think the baby-the baby is being hurt." You slammed your fist in the table because of the pain. Sam had the anger to kill someone right now, even himself.
"Call Cas, he's the only one who can help us," Sam commanded his brother. "Sammy, he's-"
"JUST DO IT! He'll surely listen to you!" Sam yelled. Your husband held your hand and kneeled down. "Take deep breaths. It'll be fine," He said, "Tell me what your feeling right now."
You were scared, you could feel some sort of darkness taking over you. "I-It's spreading, I can feel it spreading," You started to panic a bit. Your back started to hurt, then your legs.
"I think I'm dying Sam," You looked to the floor. He held your face in his hands, "Don't you dare say that! I won't let it happen."
Sam looked back, about to storm towards the Angel who appeared in the room.
"GODDAMNIT CAS! THIS IS YOUR FAULT! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Sam yelled so loudly you wanted to cover your ears.
His brother held him back, almost not being enough. Cas looked to the floor, he felt ashamed and guilty. "Sam I-"
"DON'T DO THAT!" Sam yelled, "If you had come, this... This wouldn't have happened!" Sam pointed to you, stammering, as you felt like you were going to die.
"I was attending important issues in Heaven, I-I-I'm sorry," Castiel said, still feeling ashamed. Sam snatched himself away from his brother, burying his face in his hand.
"Well now that Cas is here, he can help us," Dean announced and walked up to Cas, "Could you check [y/n]? She's not well." The Angel nodded, walking up to you.
"I'm terribly sorry for this, this is my fault," He told you and you held his arm. "Cas it's not your fault fully. I had persisted on going," You said, "Just... Respond to us next time." He nodded and held his hand out. You pulled your shirt up a bit and he placed his hand on your stomach.
There was a light, a white light. It abruptly stopped when Cas took his hand away. He backed away, a frightened and horrified look on his face, "I-I..."
"Cas what's wrong?" You questioned while fixing your shirt. He didn't answer, the look of horror still plastered on his face.
"Earth to Castiel, come in," Dean waved a hand over Castiel's face and he shook a bit. "Huh? Oh I'm sorry... I-I don't know what that is," He said and shook his head slightly.
You felt weak. If Cas didn't know then that was it, you had to get the books out because this was something really serious.
"It's nothing I've never encountered. It's bad... It's... Very bad," Cas said. Sam was about to storm out but you held his arm to calm him down.
"I'm sorry," Cas said and without another word he disappeared.
"Wow that was useful," Dean said and glared at the spot where Cas had stood moments ago. You started to panic a bit, the dark feeling within you never diminished.
"I need t-to sit down," You trembled and sat down. You held your head, you felt as if you were going to throw up your organs.
"Hey, hey, relax," Sam bent down, coming to your eye level. You gripped Sam's hand, wincing in pain. "M-Make it stop, p-please," You begged through your tears. Sam held you closer, rubbing your back slowly.
"Sam," Cas said after he appeared in the library. He walked over to you, a box in his hand. He placed it on the table and opened it up.
It was the weirdest sight, the items in the box were definitely not from Earth. "Uh, Cas... What are those?" You stared at the glowing pink spherical objects inside the box. They had a little stem and leaf come out of the top.
"They are called 'Lonsa' but to you... They are sort of like apples but for Angels," Castiel said, "They cure the wounded after battles, acting as a pain killer and healer to help out with wounds."
He handed you one but you were hesitant. You looked at Sam, who without any questions, took one from the box. Castiel took out his Angel blade and cut a slice. The inside glowed brightly, you were mesmerized.
"I think this can help you out. Here have some," Castiel handed you the slice but Sam stuck his hand out. "Woah woah woah, there's no way she's having that," Sam said, "This is for Angels, it cures Angels. It could be bad for humans."
"I can assure you it's perfectly safe. She's only having one slice and..." Castiel said and stepped closer to you. He placed his two fingers in your forehead.
"This may sting a little, it will protect the baby from any further pain or contamination from that purple smoke," Castiel said and you nodded.
You shut your eyes when the pain zapped throughout your body, not missing even the smallest of muscles. You jerked a bit, gripping the table.
And just like that, it was gone. You rubbed your stomach, shocked that you didn't feel that 'dark' feeling anymore. The pain was still there though, even stronger now.
"C-Cas, the pain is still there," You said wincing. "Yes, it will remain but your baby is protected. The baby won't be affected by what you're going through," Castiel explained. Sure, you were going through hell but at least your baby was safe.
"Now when you eat that, whatever side affects, if any, won't harm the child," Cas said and you nodded.
You ate the slice of fruit, not expecting the flavor and texture of it. It was crunchy like an apple but soft and slightly mushy like a peach. You couldn't explain it. It was extremely tasty and not overpoweringly sweet.
"Wow that is..."
Your world started spinning, you felt light headed. "Woah, that's weird..."You said, about to fall out of your chair. Sam held you and you fainted in his arms.
"Uh, Cas, is that supposed to happen?!" Sam said, starting to feel himself freak out. "Yes, that's when the healing takes place," Cas explained and Sam raised his eyebrows, "She will be out cold for about four to five hours, then I will have to check her. If she's not completely cured, she'll have to take another slice."
"Couldn't you tell this earlier?!" Sam said as he carried you in his arms. Cas looked to the floor, fidgeting with his coat.
"Well... Thank you Cas, and I'm sorry about shouting at you earlier," Sam apologized, "I was just really-"
"You are forgiven," Castiel have him a soft smile and Sam nodded. He took you to his bedroom and lay you down on the bed. He kissed you head, whispering 'goodnight' into your ears.
He put the duvet over your body and walked out of the bedroom, praying that you'd get well soon.
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