Asylum (Sam)
This imagine is inspired on S07E17 - The Born-Again Identity.
I've made it my own thing and more like an imagine so 👌👍
🎶: 'Ghost Town' by Adam Lambert
Sam rested his head on the top back bar of the bed. He was extremely tired but he couldn't sleep. He wouldn't let him... His hallucination wouldn't.
"So Sam... I think having sleep would be great but, take a look at this book!" Lucifer said and smiled smugly. Sam just ignored him. His attention was taken by footsteps approaching his room.
There. It was her again. The mysterious girl that always stands or passes by Sam's door, watching him.
She stood there like always. Sam thought she was beautiful but she was starting to creep him out.
"Who are-Wait!" Sam said tiredly. He got up from his bed with struggle and went over to the door. The girl was on her way but Sam reached out and held her arm.
"Wait, why do you... Keep doing that?" Sam was extremely tired, "Why do watch me everyday? Even in group therapy..." She frowned, unaware that her actions had been creeping the guy out. She didn't have a bad intention.
"I uh, I have trouble telling the difference between real and unreal," You confessed and he raised his eyebrows. "What?" Sam said.
"It's stupid. I have... Schizophrenia. When I see a hallucination they usually have some glitch, I guess you can call it," She explained, "Usually some feature of them twitches, like their hand or leg or eye. It's extremely discreet but..."
She stood there awkwardly. "I thought... I thought you were a h-hallucination," You told but regretted saying it, "I'm sorry, I don't want to sound offensive. I just... I should go." Sam intervened as she turned to walk away.
"Wait, it's fine," Sam blinked slowly, "I'm Sam. What's your name?" She fidgeted with her hands. "[y/n]," You said, smiling a bit. "That's a nice name," Sam said and smiled warmly.
"So... I've told you what I'm here for. What's your story?" You asked and sat on his bed, suddenly feeling more friendly around him. "I uh..." Sam hesitated, "I sort of have voices that um, don't let me sleep."
You raised your eyebrow, a bit surprised and a bit pitiful. "Oh so who's bothering you?" You asked curiously, "Someone that evil must be a devil." You chuckled. Sam laughed nervously, "Yeah it's basically that." You frowned, suddenly feeling bad for saying it as a joke.
"That's horrible," You commented, "Well we're similar then. I have imaginary people pestering me and you... The devil is bothering you."
Sam nodded in confirmation. "Our lives suck," You said and sighed. Sam frowned.
"Shut up asshole," You said sternly but widened your eyes in embarrassment when you realized you said it aloud.
"Oh I'm so sorry, I wasn't saying that to you," You said to Sam who was looking at you hurtfully, "It's Stephenal... He can be annoying sometimes."
You turned around and showed your middle finger to your 'friend'. He is your friend but right now, he was teasing you about how Sam is a hot guy and you both should get together.
More than creeped out, Sam looked at you with sympathy. You and him were pretty similar.
Two weeks passed by and your relationship with Sam Winchester grew into one of close intimacy. You learnt everything about him, his life and how he got here in the asylum after getting hit by a car.
"So is he always with you?" You asked Sam about the 'voices' that bother him all the time. "Yeah he comes and goes but I can always sense him even if he isn't there visually for me," He replied and frowned.
"Well I have a pretty embarrassing and weird story..." You chuckled nervously, "Before I knew about my condition, a guy came into my life. Um, he was this awkward and innocent guy, a bit too innocent to be real. I liked him, he was sweet."
"We spent time t-together. A lot of time but then he just... Disappeared," You continued, "He wasn't real and that's when it started." Sam furrowed his eyebrows a bit and you sighed. "His name was Steve. I haven't seen him from then."
You were sad. You really liked him and you missed his presence. You had spent about 3 months with him until he disappeared suddenly, making you go into an emotional breakdown. You had always been the target for bullying at school, you were already psychologically traumatized. Steve made you feel less worthless.
But now you had started to like Sam... And you were sure he was real. "I should go," You said as you stood up, "Goodnight Sammy."
You kissed his cheek, unaware of why. It was the first time you had liked someone who was real. Your hallucinations are always people with personalities you like.
"B-Bye [y/n]," He said and rested his head on his pillow. You smiled and walked out of the room. You hadn't felt this happy in months... Maybe years.
You cried as you hugged your knees. There were times where you'd suddenly feel like crap. They'd say, the caretakers, that its all because of your condition but you know the real reason.
You hate the asylum. They treat you as if you're some psycho gone way past sanity. You're just a person who can't tell the difference between reality and made-up... Sometimes. You hadn't gone into any psychotic episode yet but they'd still talk to you as if you didn't know anything. Worst of all, the food tasted like dirt.
You raised your head a bit, terrified by the sudden banging on your door. "[y/n]?" A voice yelled from the other side. You shook your head and hugged your knees more tightly. You wanted it all to end.
"[y/n]! [y/n] [y/l/n]!" The voice repeated, more loudly. You were convinced that it was a trick from your mind. You kept telling yourself that it would go away if you ignored it.
The door opened, the person had the key-card for the door. He looked at you then raised his eyebrows, "Well I wanted to protect your privacy but you left me no choice."
You looked at him hesitantly, "What the hell are you doing here?!" You were terrified.
"We have no time to lose, you need to come with me," He walked over and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of bed. You snatched your hand from him and pushed him back slightly, "I don't know who you are so get the hell away from me!"
"[y/n]!" A voice called your name. You knew the voice very well... It was Sam.
"Sam! Tell this creep to get out of here," You begged but Sam did nothing. "That's my brother, Dean," He responded and you relaxed slightly.
"What?" You said with disbelief. Dean smiled at you, "I should have introduced myself first before barging in." You raised an eyebrow and gave him a look that said 'Oh really?!'.
"Dean is here to get us out. We don't deserve to be here... you don't deserve to be trapped here," Sam said and held your hand. You nodded, ready to follow instructions. "Sam there's an entrance that way but we-"
You turned to the voice and froze. Your muscles went stiff, you couldn't feel your heart beating in your chest.
"[y/n]?" The new voice said and you started to step back. "No this can't be real, you aren't r-real," You were going to have a panic attack.
You stuck your hand out and pointed at the guy, "You! You were my mind-friend. YOU CAN'T BE REAL!"
You held your head because of the pain. You couldn't believe your eyes. The guy you met at the gas station when you were on your way to your sibling's house, the guy who helped you another time when your car broke down on the road, the guy you slept with because you... liked him.
It was Steve... and he looked as real as possible.
You started to go into a mental breakdown. If Steve was in front of you again, that means that Dean isn't real and Sam... isn't real too.
"All we shared Sam! YOU'RE A LIAR!" You shouted, "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TRICKED ME!" You were going to attack him.
You screamed at the top of your lungs, collapsing into tears. Dean looked at his brother then at Cas with concern and worry. Someone was definitely going to notice.
"[y/n] listen to me. I'm real, he's real, this is all real," Sam held your head and looked straight into your eyes, "You need to ask yourself... Do I have a defect? Your hallucinations have glitches. Do I have any?"
You looked at his whole body, unable to find a twitch or sign that would tell you that he was fictional.
You started to calm down, but when you'd see Steve, you would start to feel the stress come back. "No no no... He's not real," You said and looked to the floor, gripping your hair.
"That guy there is real. His name is Castiel and he's an Angel," Sam said and you looked at him with disbelief, "That's why he disappeared suddenly. From what I remember, you met him when he was Steve, a human. He got his grace back, he's real."
You had a hard time believing what he was saying. "Uh guys, I wouldn't want to interrupt your intimate moment but I think there are people coming," Dean said with worry.
You tried to stand up but you were extremely dizzy. Sam ended up carrying you bridal style down the long and dark asylum corridors. You all were really close to getting caught by one of the guards but thankfully, you escaped the torturous building, finding Dean's car parked outside.
Sam told you everything... Everything about what him and his brother deal with on literally a daily basis. Everything about Angels and demons and all the other countless supernatural creatures that exist in the world.
It was really awkward sitting with 'Steve' at the back. You couldn't help but think of all the time you spent together... And now to think that it was all real and not a figment of your imagination.
"You'll be okay?" Sam asked as you shut the door of the Impala. "Yes Sam, I'll be fine," You answered, "You know this whole time I may not have even had Schizophrenia. It may have all been Angels or demons that I spent time with."
Sam smiled softly, "What about Stephenal?" You smirked, "Well, he's standing there and I don't think you can see him so... Eh, my life is complicated."
Sam hugged you then kissed your head, "I wish you the best of luck. You have mine and my brother's numbers so give us a call anytime."
You nodded and Sam gave you a duffel bag, "Here. You'll need this from now on." You shook it a bit, the sound of guns and knives rattling came form the inside.
You nodded and smiled. You said goodbye to Dean then walked over to Castiel and kissed his cheek. "I hope you remember me..." You said and smiled.
You waved to the three of them then slung the duffel on your shoulder. You walked away, chatting to Stephenal while leaving Sam and Dean confused at the fact that you were conversing with air.
Castiel, however, was suspicious about what his brother was doing with you...
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