'And Jen Came Tumbling After' (Jensen)
♩Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.♩
^^^ Some context ^^^
(Long one... happy reading!)
Jensen was playing hide and seek with his two year old son. Currently, he was the seeker while his baby boy was trying very hard to stay in one place but was too excited that he kept running around.
"[y/s/n]! Where are you?" Jensen called out, confused as to how his son was so good at hide and seek. He scratched his head, standing at the edge of the top of the staircase.
All joy from his face was drained when he heard his son cry out. "[y/s/n]!" He said aloud and took one step down. Once the crying grew louder, He started to run down the stairs.
Jensen knew that you were downstairs but his 'father instincts' played its part right now, making him check on his son. Plus, he had heard his son giggling and being happy before he started-
Jensen landed on his back the edge of one of the steps poked his back. "SON OF A-" He placed his head back on the stair and bit his lip, making sure he didn't swear in front of his son.
He lifted his head, it was difficult for him to focus because of his blurred vision. "[y/s/n]?" He stammered a bit. His son had a mischevious expression on his face.
Then there was this sharp pain that zapped through every fiber in Jensen's body. He held the stairs' railing so tight his knuckles turned white. Tears stung his eyes and his son's giggles soon turned into cries of help for daddy.
You stood in the kitchen, listening to your tunes on the radio a bit too loudly. You heard a soft tapping of feet approach you from behind. "Mamaaa," It was your son and he was crying.
You looked at him with concern, "What's wrong?" He burst into another wave of tears, "Daddy..." He pointed towards the staircase and you walked towards the stairs after picking your son up.
You took a step back when you saw Jensen on the floor. "Oh my God Jensen!" You put your son down and knelt down, examining your husband.
"What happened? Are you okay?!" You questioned, a bit shakily. "I-I fell... I don't know..." He had no energy, all his air had been knocked out.
"Okay just relax, try to get up," You said and he looked terrified, his whole body ached. He held your hand as you slung your other arm around his waist. He struggled to come up to his feet, wincing and groaning as he did.
Eventually, Jensen stood up straight, only to fall moments later. He wasn't in a good condition. "We have to go to the hospital," You told, freaking out. You were extremely stressed.
You got Jensen's jacket from upstairs, along with yours and you told your son to wear his Crocs.
"Baby, we need to take Daddy to the doctor," You said as you carried him to the car. You placed him in the car seat then ran back into the house and prepared to get Jensen.
"Babe, just once more. We have to go," You said and once more, wrapped an arm around his back. He had tears in his eyes as you helped him up. You had never seen him in this much pain... ever.
You helped him with his seatbelt then sat in the driver's seat. On the way to the hospital, all you asked Jensen was where it hurt the most. He expressed that he was sure he has a broken ankle or something. It made you feel worse inside.
You couldn't believe what just happened, it was so unexpected... so out-of-the-blue.
"Mrs. Ackles?" A man in a white lab coat, your husband's doctor, looked at you while standing outside Jensen's room.
You looked up and he walked towards you as you stood up. "You can go see your husband now," He told and you nodded.
You carried your son and knocked on the door. A few moments later a hoarse voice said "Come in!".
You stepped inside and frowned when you saw the state Jensen was in. "Oh Jen..." You sighed as you looked at the thick fracture cast he had on his right leg around his ankle.
"Daddy!" Your son put his arms out, wanting to be put down. Once you did, He ran to his daddy and kissed his hand. Jensen ruffled his hair and smiled tiredly.
The doctor walked into the room and looked at his clipboard. "Your husband has a broken ankle with a few bruises on his back, and also a sore right wrist," The doctor informed and you sulked. He noticed and put an arm on your shoulder.
"Don't worry Mrs. Ackles, all the injuries apart from the broken ankle are not too serious," He said and smiled softly, "Two days in the hospital and Mr. Ackles should be out and moving."
You made an effort to smile. "Thank you doctor," You said and he walked out of the room. You saw your son staring at his daddy's leg with fascination. "Why is daddy's leg white and swollen?" He asked.
Jensen smiled, "Daddy got hurt. It's a bandage so I can get better." You looked around, a bit uncomfortable, then picked up the TV remote.
"Baby why don't your watch some cartoons?" You asked your son and switched the TV on when he nodded. He sat on a chair and watched Looney Toons.
You sat on the bed near Jensen's legs. "Now tell me what happened, I don't even know that," You said, concern occupied every part of you.
Jensen shifted in the hospital bed, sitting up a bit. "Well [y/s/n] and I were playing hide and seek. I heard [y/s/n] start to cry loudly, I think he had fallen in the living room," Your husband narrated, "I ran down the stairs and halfway down, I stepped on one of his toy cars and slipped."
You raised your eyebrows, then looked at your son smiling sadly. "Sorry daddy, sorry mama," He looked at floor, ashamed at himself. You looked at Jensen and rubbed his hand.
"Oh come here!" Jensen gestured for him to come to the bed. Your son ran and hugged his daddy's arm.
"Baby, you need to take care of your toys, okay? After you play with them you need to put them back in their proper place," You instructed, "Otherwise someone could get very hurt, more than daddy right now."
He nodded then took Jensen's hand and put it on top of his face. His started giggling and you smiled. "Daddy's hand is bigger than my face!" He started laughing and Jensen tickled him.
You talked to your husband about the night, whether to stay with him or not. He insisted that you go home, and not stress about all this. You refused to hear anything about that, wanting to be with your husband. If Jensen is with his baby boy, he'd definitely feel more happy.
Right now, one of the nurses and the doctor came into Jensen's room, telling you about how the couch turned into a bed for one. You made your decision to stay the night at the hospital.
"It'll be something new for [y/s/n]," You smiled as you watched your son running around and cheering about 'camping' with daddy in the new 'very white and clean' place.
You kissed Jensen in the forehead, rubbing it softly and removing the hair off of it. "Get some rest," You said and started to walk away but Jensen pulled your arm and pecked you on the lips.
"Are you excited to sleep at the doctor's place?" You asked your son, who was sitting in his car seat, from the rear view mirror.
"Yes! I brought my dinosaur 'cause he'd feel lonely without me and I brought Mr. Teddy too, so daddy won't be scared when he sleeps," Your son said and you smiled.
You reached the hospital and parked your car, and picked up the small duffel bag you packed with yours and your son's nightdresses, toothbrushes and a tube of toothpaste. Your brought a book to read and your head phones. Jensen had requested if you could get his laptop, phone and phone charger.
Adding to the items to wear and use, you brought a bag of McDonald's food: nuggets and fries for your son and burgers for you and Jensen. The doctor was extremely kind and allowed you to bring something small. You used the excuse of having a two year old son and that worked well.
You walked up to the reception. "I'm here to see my husband Jensen Ackles, room 105. I'm going to be staying the night," You informed and the receptionist smiled. She gestured for you to go on ahead and you held your son's hand tightly, so that he wouldn't go running off in excitement.
You knocked on the door. "Mr. Ackles, this is room service!" You put on an accent, immediately hearing a few laughs from the other side.
"Yes please come in!" He called out and you opened the door. Your son ran as soon as the door opened, calling out 'Daddy!'. Jensen looked at you with a fake horrified face.
"What is my son doing with a room server?!" He gasped in terror, "I'm going to call the police!" You struggled to keep your laughs inside.
"Sir you wouldn't have to do that, because I've got burgers for you. They're free of charge! Just... don't call the police," You put the accent on again and walked over to the table.
You took out two burgers, "Beef or chicken?" Jensen licked his lips, mouth watering, "Definitely beef."
You walked over and gave him the burger. "You're such a... good delivery lady," He grinned and you rolled your eyes, a smiled on your face.
"I've gotten rid of that identity now, I'm just [y/n] your wife," You said and he chuckled. "But you were a delivery lady once, two years ago," He looked to your son and you raised your eyebrows in realisation.
"Hun, have your burger," You kissed his head and giggled. You walked towards a chair and pushed it to the table. You placed your son's meal on an unfolded tissue and he sat happily, stuffing a few fries into his mouth.
You walked out of the washroom after changing your son's clothes and helping him put his night dress on. He had just finished using the toilet and brushing his teeth. It was time for him to sleep.
"Daddy, when will you take this thing off?" Your son asked as he poked the cast on his father's leg. "Maybe after two weeks? We'll have to ask the doctor tomorrow," He replied, "Could you ask him for me?" Your son smiled and nodded happily.
"Okay big boy, time to sleep!" You picked your son up after he kissed his daddy on the cheek and wished him goodnight. You tucked him in, making sure he had his dinosaur with him.
"Oh daddy, [y/s/n] brought this for you so that you wouldn't get scared in the night," You said and gave Jensen Mr. Teddy.
Your son giggled softly. "Thank you! Now I definitely won't get scared," Jensen hugged the teddy bear and pretended to sleep.
After your son fell asleep, you stayed with your husband, talking and sometimes switching channels on the TV to check if any movies were coming. The cool thing was that they were showing Supernatural on one of the channels, season 10. It was the first episode where Dean was a demon.
"Oh I loved Demon!Dean," You stared at the TV with adoration, feeling proud and in love with your husband's acting. "I loved your hair," You ruffled his hair a bit and he grinned.
You yawned then looked back at your son, who was fast asleep. Jensen was sleeping too, peaceful and calm.
You got up, wanting to sleep yourself. You took your clothes out of your duffel bag and decided to change in the room. Going to the washroom would make everything bright, your boys may wake up and you didn't want to risk that.
You switched the lamp off, the light from outside shown through the curtain and a crack of light appeared from under the door was all that illuminated the darkened room.
You looked back at both your boys to make sure they were sleeping. You opened your hair up, running your fingers through it to remove the tangles.
You took your shirt off, fumbling with the night shirt in your hands. It fell to the floor, you started to panic.
What if one-
"Hey there sexy," You heard a voice say and you turned back in horror. "J-Jen?" You stuttered while attempting to cover yourself and failing miserably, "I thought you w-were asleep." He smirked, "Well... I was just resting my eyes."
You gripped your shirt tightly and put it over your head. "You should reconsider wearing that shirt. You look nice without it," He said and you were sure that you were glowing red. Your body felt hot all of a sudden.
You shrugged it off, smiling softly and shaking your head. He knows your weaknesses... He uses it against you sometimes for his own pleasure.
After changing your clothes and packing your day clothes into the bag, You walked up to Jensen and kissed him on forehead. "Goodnight baby," You whispered and kissed him on the lips.
He smiled tiredly, "I love you." You smirked, "You know it's a pity that you're leg's broken. You can't enjoy what I have to offer at night times."
He raised his eyebrows, his hand turned to a fist, "I can wait... I can wait for a month if you want."
You bent down and whispered into his ear, "I'd love to watch you wait." You grinned and walked towards the sofa-bed. You lay down next to your son, kissing him softly on the head.
Jensen sighed. He kept telling himself that a month isn't that long but in reality, he wouldn't be able to last two weeks.
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