'Always Keep Fighting' (Rose x Jared)
This imagine was requested by GraceStrait. I hope it pleases you!
You unconsciously started to bite your nails, something that you do when you're in the most nervous situations. You weren't aware of it till you felt a prick of pain.
You looked at your finger and it was bleeding.
Damn it! You thought and dug into your bag for a tissue.
You wrapped it around your finger and pressed slightly, so that it would stop bleeding. You took a deep breath and tried to relax yourself. You hate situations like these.
You're at your first Supernatural convention and you couldn't be more nervous and freaked out mentally. You despise social situations, the reason being that you have struggled with depression and it has made your self esteem plummet to the very low.
Nevertheless, you gathered up your will and got ready to face your nightmare, that is basically society. In the end, you'd do anything to get a glimpse of Jared, Jensen and Misha live in front of you.
Right now, you were waiting for the panel with the three boys to start. There were people everywhere and the heat and humidity was starting to make you feel sick. It became so claustrophobic that you darted to an empty space and started to run away from the crowd. At this moment, you didn't care if you'd see your favourite actors or not.
You reached a back hallway, not realising how far you actually ran. You started to panic, feeling the anxiety in you rise to the fullest. From one problem to the next, you found yourself lost in a quiet and deserted area in the building.
You shut your eyes and took a deep breath for 7 seconds then breathed out for 8 seconds, an exercise that helps you relax and clear your mind.
You started to walk ahead slowly, looking for any signs that told you where to go, or any person that could help you.
You ran a hand through your hair, stressed out by the fact that you can't find anyone.
The panel's going to start and I can't find my way back. I'm hopeless, I shouldn't have come here, You thought.
Tears started to form in your eyes, the stress was starting to eat your mind. You ran the other way and tried to find some place that was less eerie. You couldn't remember the way you came.
Tear drops rolled down your cheeks. You called out for someone but only received an echo of your voice as a reply. You were starting to have a panic attack.
You couldn't breathe suddenly. It was as if you couldn't remember how to. You kept your head down and started walking ahead when-
You bumped into someone, to your relief. You looked up slowly as the person turned around and looked at them in horror.
It was Jared Padalecki.
You broke down into tears and hugged him. He was shocked at first but when he saw that you were crying, he wrapped his arms around you.
"Hey, what's the matter?" He asked warmly but you didn't reply, only continued to sob quietly. "Are you alright?" He tried to get through to you again and you looked up to him.
"I'm sorry J-Jared, I shouldn't be disturbing you," You steadied your tone and wiped your eyes, "I'm sorry about bumping into and-"
"What's your name?" He inferred and you told him that your name is Rose. "Rose... don't think that you're disturbing me alright? I am genuinely concerned about you," Jared comforted, placing a hand on your shoulder and squeezing it slightly.
You nodded and sighed. "So tell me, what's wrong?" He asked and you shut your eyes, in attempt to calm yourself. "I-I suffer from intense social anxiety and I... I struggle with depression," You winced slightly at explaining all this to Jared.
He nodded, looking at you with sorrow. "It was stuffy in the panel hall and I thought I'd get some air and I ended up here. I don't know where I am or how to get back and no one was here and I thought I got lost," You said in a quick rush, another wave of tears forming in your eyes.
"I hate my life so much and I don't know why I'm like this. It's so frustrating," You said, "I feel stupid for crying infront of you, of all people. I'm sorry."
"Look at me Rose. You don't have to be sorry about anything. You are unique and you are special. You're beautiful and never think that you are not worthy of anything," Jared told, "I believe in you, even though we've just met. You are enough for yourself okay? And feeling uncomfortable around people is fine, don't worry. I get anxious when I'm on stage or I go for an interview."
You had calmed down completely, your frown turning into a soft smile. "See? You look beautiful with that smile. Don't get rid of it," He said.
You smiled widely and looked at your hands, fidgeting with them, "Thank you for your 'Always Keep Fighting' campaign Jared. It has helped me on more than one occasion, saving my life."
He smiled then hugged you tightly, "No need to thank me Roza. I'm glad that it has helped you. You and me are similar if you think about it." He winked at you and you could feel yourself blush.
"Do you mind if I call you Roza?" He said and started walking ahead, gesturing for you to follow. "Not at all," You replied.
"How about you come on stage for a little bit huh?" Jared suggested, "Jensen and Misha would love to meet you."
You widened your eyes and looked at him with excitement. This day couldn't have gotten better for you.
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