Added To The Pack (Dean Ft. Everyone)
A/N: This is sort of an AU. Everyone is alive and Bobby and Ellen are married and their daughter is Jo
"Hun, did you set the library up?" You asked as you walked out of the kitchen. You had just popped in three trays of lasagne into the oven for 12 guests.
You wiped the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand and entered the library.
"I'm awesome, aren't I?" Dean said with his arms out. All the tables were pushed together in a line with the chairs on each side, just like a grand dining table, and just the way you wanted it.
"This is perfect!" You said with excitement, "And yes, you're awesome." You planted a kiss on his cheek and were about to walk away but he pulled you close.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked with a grin and leaned towards you, and held you romantically. He placed his lips on yours.
(lol, I don't know how to describe it so here's a pic)
"Hey, I'm back!" Sam said as he walked into the Bunker. You and Dean quickly stood up straight and straightened your clothes.
You rushed to Sam, who had his hands filled with holding bags. You and Dean helped him and walked to the kitchen. He had brought food and drinks, and a few decorations too.
Dean went for one of the chicken cutlets. "Hey! That's for the party!" You slapped his hand, "No snacking till then." You glared at him and he backed away. You put all the food and drinks in the refrigerator.
Sam took out some balloons and birthday candles from one of the bags. "Start blowing you two!" You instructed and threw them each a bag of balloons.
You placed the candle that said '1 month' on the side of the counter. You had sent Cas on the errand to get the perfect cake.
Now, all this commotion was to celebrate the first month birthday of you and Dean's daughter, Marie. You payed a tribute to Dean and Sam's mother, but keeping her unique and different by changing the spelling.
"Okay so food and drinks are done, decorations are in progress, the library looks perfect and Cas is on the run for a cake. Now all that's left is-"
You paused. Sam and Dean paused too.
The cries of an infant echoed through the Bunker's corridors. You looked at Dean then jogged to your bedroom.
"Hi baby! How's my sweet angel doing?" You switched on the lights and walked towards Marie's crib, where she lay. You picked her up and cradled her in your arms.
You checked her diaper to make sure that wasn't what she was upset about. You were sure she wasn't hungry so... Maybe she just missed having people around her.
You walked back to where your husband was, to find Sammy standing up on a chair and putting some streamers up.
"Yeah stick it there," Dean said and gave him a thumbs up. Marie made some sounds, which caught Dean's attention. "My two favourite ladies!" He walked over to you and you handed him your daughter.
He held her delicately in his arms and swayed her back and forth. Marie loved her father and you loved watching him spend his time with his daughter. He was extremely attached to her.
You changed into your party clothes, a baby pink knee length dress which flowed below your hips. It matched what Marie was wearing, a baby pink onesie with dark pink poka-dots.
You and dean decided to wear the same colours as your daughter. "I look like a clown," Dean walked out of the washroom in an a dress shirt, the top two buttons unbuttoned, and dress pants. Even though this was a birthday party it revolved around the formal theme.
"No you don't. Clowns wear goofy shoes and extremely bright colours," You approached him, "And they have a big red nose." You pinched his nose, making him furrow his eyebrows. He wrapped his arms around your waist.
"You look good," He said and smirked. "Thanks babe... You do too," You said and kissed his cheek. Marie watched you two, waiting to be picked up.
Dean picked her up and you both walked to the library. Sammy stood there assessing the whole room. He was fixing up some colourful lights, just to add more vibrancy to the place.
"Hey Sam!" You greeted and he turned around with a smile. He was wearing a white dress shirt and pants, and dress shoes. The complete formal get up minus the blazer.
"Hey, you two look really good!" He said and you smiled. "It looks perfect Sammy. You don't need to worry anymore," You said and patted his shoulder.
"Oh, by the way, Cas had brought the cake," Sam said and he walked towards the kitchen. You followed him, leaving Dean standing in the library with Marie.
Not long after, Castiel entered the library looking rather... Handsome. He was wearing his white shirt and pants, but had a black tie on instead of the blue one. His hair was made but slightly messy and lifted.
"Hello Dean... Marie," He greeted. Dean looked at him, "Hey Cas..." The Angel walked towards Dean and smiled. "Hi Marie, you look beautiful," He said as the baby stared with fascination at the Angel. She was very fond of the Angel, even before she was born, kicking whenever he was close to you. She could sense him... Probably through his power and grace.
"Do you want to carry her?" Dean asked. Cas looked at him with worry and hesitation. "I uh... I'm fine," He said in a rush. Castiel loves Marie with all his heart but he didn't want to be the reason if something happened to her.
Ignoring the protests, Dean handed him Marie, who happily went into Cas's arms. "There you go... A natural!" Dean said and smiled widely.
Just then there was a loud knock on the Bunker door.
Gradually, in a span of forty minutes, all the guests had arrived, filling the library. The guests , apart from Team Free Will, you and Marie, were: Balthazar, Gabriel, Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Charlie and even the King of Hell Crowley and his mother the witch Rowena. They were all on good terms with the Winchesters, none searching for a fight.
They all were super excited to see the newest addition to the family.
"Everyone!" Dean captured the attention of all present. "Thank you all for coming! [y/n] and I, and also Sam and Cas, are very proud and excited to introduce you to the youngest member of the Winchester family: Marie Winchester," Dean announced.
Everyone smiled and cheered. It was he cue to walk into the crowd. "Guys... I'd like you all to meet someone," Dean said and walked over to where you entered from. You had Marie cradled in your arms. Everyone stood still and quiet, watching you walk into the room.
You smiled uncontrollably as everyone slowly stepped towards you. Before this, none of them had seen Marie. They knew that you and Dean had a child, a daughter, but they didn't know how she looked or anything else.
Marie cried a bit, her eyes wide open darting everywhere as she looked at everyone. She wriggled a bit, scared of so many eyes looking down at her.
"Oh she's so cute!"
"She looks like Dean."
"No she looks like [y/n]!"
"Does it matter? She's still adorable!"
"She's definitely got Dean's eyes."
Chatter broke out, everyone commented on your daughter. You looked over to Dean who was talking to Gabriel.
You passed Marie on to one of the guests, after she had become acquainted with the sudden increase in people. Ellen and Bobby held her first, adoring her in their arms. Then Gabriel wanted to hold her.
"You guys produced one good looking and adorable kid," He commented and you laughed nervously as you glanced to your husband. "What do your expect? She's got sexy parents... Obviouly the kid's going to be adorable," Dean said in a matter-of-fact tone. You punched Dean playfully and he laughed softly.
Gabriel huffed and rolled his eyes. The rest of the guests chuckled. Dean sneaked his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. You held his hand tightly.
You loved your family: Dean, Sam and Cas and now Marie. You loved your friends, everyone here. But you especially loved the fact that you all were so close.
What better than spending an evening with the people close to your heart?
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