75) The Job In The Air (Misha)
Misha sat in his seat, finally feeling relaxed. He had placed his luggage over head in the compartment, luggage consisting of a small trolley and an even smaller bag pack.
He sat at the window side of the plane, ready to fly to the destination where he was going to attend a convention. He was happy that no one sat in the seat next to him, he was on the aisle side.
He made sure his phone was on flight mode, then looked out of the window and watched the runaway. It was pretty boring but he couldn't wait till he was flying. The view is always amazing.
"Good morning passengers, this is your pilot speaking. We will be taking off in another ten minutes so please ensure that you have your seat belts on for take off," The pilot said and Misha listened closely. He always had his seat belt on, as soon as he sat down.
He watched a movie. He didn't know what else to do. Sure the view was great but... How long are you going to look out the window?
The flight wasn't a long one so all they have were some chicken sandwiches. They tasted good and Misha was hungry. They disappeared as soon as he got his hands on them.
"Hi, would you like a drink?"
Misha turned to look and froze. The most beautiful [y/e/c] coloured eyes he had ever seen stared back at him, no exaggeration. She had the most pleasant and warming smile, the softest [y/h/c] hair.
He couldn't muster the words he wanted to say. She was so beautiful that Misha was speechless. He had never seen her likeness anywhere at all in his life.
A smile curled on his lips. He felt... Happy.
"Um, sir? Would you like something to drink?" She raised her eyebrows a bit as she asked with a smile. "Oh I'm sorry, I'll have a... I'll have some coffee," Misha replied. You smiled widely, "And what coffee would you like specifically?"
He raised his eyebrow. For some reason, he could sense that you liked talking to him. "Oh... Anything actually," Misha placed his head on his hand.
"Well I tend to have black coffee," You chuckled and he went back a bit, shocked.
"I think cappuccino is good, yeah?" You said and he nodded. He definitely didn't want any black coffee, too strong for his taste.
"So... If you don't mind me asking, what is the hostress' name who gave me this lovely coffee," Misha asked after taking a sip. You smiled, a bit shy, "[y/n]."
"That's a lovely name," He said. She smiled again, the same warm smile as before and walked off. Misha knew that his heart was stolen.
Yes... No. Yes... No, Misha thought.
He kept thinking about if he should push the button or not, push the button that will call you over to his seat.
He continued to tap the surface softly, thinking about how awkward if would be or how creepy he would seem. Misha looked into the aisle, watching you help another passenger and wanting to get to know you even more. He tried to think of an excuse, a 'genuine' reason of calling you over.
I can't... Work out how to put on the music, He thought and smiled, Yeah that's my reason.
With all his will, he pressed the button. A light went on and soon you came walking over to his seat.
"Hi, what would you- Oh! Hi... Again," You said and put a strand of your hair behind your ear. Misha smiled and immediately felt as if pressing the button was the worst decision of his life.
"I-I..." Misha stuttered, thinking about how stupid his reason was, "I can't understand how to work this thing." He sighed as he gestured to the screen infront of him. You raised an eyebrow and grinned.
You got a bit closer and touched the screen, "This is for going to the movies section and this is for the music. You press that for the games, if you want to play and yeah. Just search the movie or music artist you want and it'll come up."
He nodded and when you turned back, you didn't realize how close your face was to his. You glanced at his lips, then immediately got up.
"I-I hope that helped you, sir," You said and he nodded. You walked away quickly, mentally slapping your self for looking at his lips.
He probably thinks I like him or something! You thought, Stupid, stupid!
Misha felt hollow once you left. Be felt good when you were next to him. He had to wait a while if he wanted to call you again... And oh, did he want to.
Once again, Misha contemplated on whether he should press the button or not. In the end, he did and you came walking up to him.
"I think you're doing this on purpose now," You raised an eyebrow and smirked. He looked down, feeling a bit nervous.
"C-Could I have some water?" He asked, running a hand through his hair. You smiled and nodded.
You walked over to the pantry and took a bottle of water and a glass. You walked back to his seat and poured him some water.
"There you go," You said and he nodded. "Thank you," Misha said and smiled softly.
"Now don't make it a habit of pressing the button," You said and grinned. You were never like that around people, especially the passengers but... There was something different about this guy. You couldn't help yourself.
Misha watched discreetly as you walked back ahead to the front of the plane. He placed his head on the head rest of his seat, thinking about why he felt inclined towards you.
"Thank you and have a good day," You told every passenger with a smile as they exited the plane. It had landed ten minutes ago, taxying to a halt at the allocated location.
Just when you relaxed a bit, you saw him. Your muscles tensed, you stood up straight. "Hey," He said, smoothly. "Thank you, have a good day!" You said and he smiled.
"No, thank you and you have a great day," He said and you gave him a small smile. You watched him walk off, you'd probably never see him again.
Come to think of it... You didn't even know his name. He knew yours but you... You probably would never find out his name, it would remain a mystery.
You saw one of the airhostress, a friend, grin at you after the passenger had left. You rolled your eyes and mouthed a 'stop it'.
You wheeled your trolley bag behind you as you walked with the rest of the cabin crew. You smiled as one of the crew members talked about some incident that had happened on plane.
You stopped at the security area, taking out your documents from your hand bag. You stopped while the others went ahead.
From the corner of your eye, you saw someone standing about ten feet away and looking at you. You turned to see who it was and smiled.
It was that guy, the passenger on the plane. He waved at you and you couldn't help yourself but walk over to him.
"Hi again!" You said and smiled. "H-Hey," He said. You continued to look at him with your eyes squinted, "I'm sorry, do we know each other?"
"We've been seeing each other at so many times today and... I don't know," You ran a hand through your hair, "I'm sorry, I don't want to sound creepy or anything."
"No not at all! You're not creeping me out at all," He said, "I should be the one apologizing. I just-You... I don't know." He scratched the back of his neck and looked to the floor.
You looked at your watch and raised your eyebrows. You took out an old receipt from your purse and a pen.
"Well, I would love to here all about it," You said as you wrote your name and phone number on the paper, "I dont usually do this in my working hours but... Why don't you call me, uh...?"
He took the paper and looked at it, "Oh um, Misha." You smirked, "Misha... That's a nice name." He smiled and placed the note in his pocket.
"I have to go," You said, "I'll be waiting for your call Misha. It was nice getting to know you a bit!" You shook his hand and he smiled. "Talk to you later," Misha said and you walked away from him.
He watched you go farther away, unsure of whether he'll see you again.
At least I get to talk to her, He thought and smiled as he wheeled his trolley to the next counter.
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