175) 'Old McDonald Has A Farm...' (Misha)
The most sweetest, kindest, considerate, inspiring, beautiful and sexy, adorable and loving person on the planet:
Happy Birthday to my adorable snowflake Misha Collins!!! 🎉🎉
(Sorry for the Gif bombardment but he's so perfect)
(He'll probably never see this, unless I show it to him, but I have to say it 😂😏)
The world doesn't deserve having you in it, you're flawless and beautiful and I love you no matter how crazy, insane and sexy you are 😍❤😚
(Long imagine, lol I got carried away 😂 what can I say? He's my husband, I love him 😘)
"Hun come on, we'll miss it!" You told and rushed to the train's door. "[y/n], don't worry, it stays at the station for five minutes then leaves," Misha chuckled. All he could do was brisk walk, because he had your child in the baby carrier he was wearing. Your son was fast asleep, And it took effort to get that result. Misha didn't want to waste it.
You stepped into the train and found an empty private booth somewhere in the middle. You looked back to make sure Misha was behind you and on the train. Nodding when you saw him, you set your bags in the overhead compartment then took the one that was with Misha and did the same.
"Okay now I just need to check that we're on the right train," You said, your eyes darting to the ticket. Misha held your arm and pulled your towards him.
"Babe let me-"
He kissed you on the lips, you moaned a bit then pulled away. You grunted and walked ahead but couldn't because he still gripped onto your arm.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and smiled, "You've checked three times already. We're on the right train, stop stressing out!"
You rubbed your head then sighed, "Fine." You pecked his lips then smiled happily when you saw that your son had woken up. "Hi baby! How are you doing?" You said and kissed his cute chubby cheek. He stared at you with fascination, clutching onto his daddy's shirt tightly.
You're on a short vacation of three weeks, going to your parents house to spend time with them. They live in the suburbs, they have their own land, their own farm. They haven't seen your son in person, they were unable to visit when he was born three months ago.
You just wanted this trip to be perfect, no flaws and no unexpected occurrences. Sadly, you were stressing a bit too much.
"Please take your seats, the train will be leaving in two minutes," A voice announced throughout the train. You helped Misha take the baby carrier off of him then held it while he took your son out.
Misha bounced him slowly and smiled. "[y/s/n], were in a twain! We're riding a twain!" He tried to talk like a child and you giggled. You loved his goofy side, it's one of the reasons why you fell in love with him.
Mish sat down next to you and you both looked out of the window, while your son was busy sucking on his own hand and trying to fit his whole fist in his mouth.
The train started to roll forward, slow at first but it picked up speed quite quickly. You were shaking with excitement, you were going to meet your parents after two years. Life had just got really busy, you couldn't take the time out to spend a good two or three weeks with them.
You rested your head on Misha's shoulder and wrapped your arm around his. Your son started playing with your hand, making yours all slobbery with his saliva.
"I can't wait to show [y/s/n] the farm. He'll love it so much," You said and Misha smiled softly. He remembered the time when he had visited it first. He had the time of his life, you ended up staying an extra two days.
Your son started to cry out, grabbing onto Misha's shirt and pulling it. "Shhhh, hey what's wrong?" Misha picked him up and let him stand on his legs against his chest, bouncing him slightly and rubbing his back.
Your son continued to cry out, looking at you as if he were asking you for something. "I think he's hungry, it's his lunch time," You told and took your son from Misha's hold.
Your husband gave you your son's blanket and you slung it over your shoulder and covered your boy as you breast fed him, just in case someone came into the booth.
Misha sat on the seat across, glancing at you and smiling, while you smiled back, then looking back out of the window as lines of trees and empty fields passed by.
"He was pretty hungry," You told and Misha chuckled. You straightened your shirt after your son was done then picked him up and smiled widely at him.
"Mommy was going to starve you huh? Mommy didn't give you anything to eat, I'm such a cruel mommy huh [y/s/n]?" You brought him closer, smiling, and touched your nose with his. He tried to grab your nose, making happy noises in the process.
The three hour train ride finally came to an end. You stood infront of your parents home, analysing the cosy little house. It hadn't changed one bit since the last time you came to visit, atleast the outside of it.
You walked down the stone pathway, glancing at the front yard to find your dog's dog house sitting in the corner. "[y/s/n] would love Buster! I'm so excited!" You expressed happily, referring to the family's Border Collie.
You pressed the door bell and rubbed your hands out of feeling nervous. Misha noticed and rubbed your back slowly. You kissed him on the cheek and smiled.
Moments later the door opened up with a Click! and a CREAK! and there stood your mother smiling widely.
You hugged her on sight, she kissed your head and called your father to come to the door. "The kids are here [y/f/n]!" She said. You gave her a bag that had a small gift you had bought your parents, a decoration piece. She smiled and led you inside. You were so happy to find that the place hadn't changed much from the inside as well.
You unbuckled the baby carrier from Misha so that he could help your dad with the luggage. You held your son in your hands protective, after taking him out of the carrier.
You mother looked at him in awe, tickling his belly and making the funniest faces to amuse him. "He's beautiful! He looks exactly like Misha," She expressed and you stepped closer to her. "Don't tell Misha that, otherwise he wouldn't leave me alone," You chuckled.
Once your dad and your husband brought in all the luggage, you introduced your son formally and told him who those new people in the room are. The whole family then sat in the living room and talked about life and how it's been for the past few months.
"Well we have a surprise for you both," You mother told and you looked at Misha with eyebrows raised. Your son had become a bit agitated so you started to bounce him on your knee.
Your mother walked out of the living and came back quickly. She brought something with her, trying her best to hide it behind her.
You moved forward in your seat, curious and excited. "For our youngest and sweetest member in the family, so that he and his mama and papa can have a good time here," You mom said and revealed the blue baby rocker she had hidden behind her.
You gasped slightly and in shock, "Wow [y/s/n], look at that!" He watched your mother push it into the living room but he was unamused, and continued to suck on his hand.
You placed him in it and he froze, looking at all the faces that peered above him. He started to tear up, reaching to you, and you frowned. "Aw, I think he needs to get used to it," You chuckled and picked him up, "He usually just sits in our laps or lays down on his play mat when we're busy."
He had calmed down and you smiled. "Thank you mom and dad, you really didn't need to do get this honestly," You said and gestured to your husband sitting next to you, "We were fine with keeping him in our arms for the whole day and stuff.
"Nonsense!" Your mom rolled her eyes, "I will not let my children... and their children, find living here in our house hectic." You smiled at her and got up, kissing her on the cheek.
You talked for surprisingly three more hours, which included dinner and tea as well.
Your son started crying out loudly. You looked at him and pouted. "What's wrong sugar plum?" You asked even though you knew you wouldn't get an answer. He began to suck on his hand, something he always does when he's hungry.
You nodded. You did feed him about 6 hours ago. "You must be hungwee sweetie," You said in a childish tone then told everyone that you'll be upstairs for a little bit.
You grabbed his baby bag and walked to what once used to be your bedroom, And now was where you and Misha were staying. You got out his blanket and breast fed your son again.
You heard footsteps approach the room, moments later Misha peeked in. "How's my baby boy doing?" He asked after knocking to alert you. You smiled and patted the bed space infront of your crossed legs.
Misha walked over and uncovered the blanket. You weren't wearing a shirt but you didn't mind him seeing you like this. "Hey, he's holding your finger!" He said softly, pointing to how your son wrapped his small hand around your index finger.
"He always does that, it comforts him somehow," You told and he smiled, rubbing his soft and slightly-covered-with-hair head, then kissing it.
The next day...
Misha's eyes fluttered open, staring at the ceiling above him with confusion. He continued to stay still as the sound around him faded away...
"UGH!" He groaned then sat up, leaning back on his arms. He turned to the side table and squinted his eyes, his phone flashing on and off.
"Hun switch it off before-"
The baby between both of you starting bawling out, alarmed at the sudden noise in the room. You rubbed your head and heard Misha mumble a 'Crap!'.
It has taken you both quite a while to get your son to finally sleep, he was pretty disturbed and agitated for some reason.
"Goddamn it!" He slightly yelled and you rubbed his shoulders. "What's going on? Why's your phone ringing?" You said hoarsely after you picked your son up and placed him against your chest, rubbing his back to calm him down.
"I forgot to turn my alarm off, darn!" He sounded frustrated, really just wanting a good night's sleep. You moved closer to him, "Hey, it's alright. It's not your fault, we'll just put him back to sleep." You pecked him on the jaw and he sighed.
You son had calmed down, looking at his daddy and wondering why he looked to sad. Misha made sure no other alarms would go off and made sure his phone was on silent, then lay back down.
You lay your son down in the middle once again and rubbing his chest and stomach softly, patting it occasionally so that he'd fall asleep.
But obviously, it's not that simple...
The minute you'd hit your dream state, loud crying would flood the room once again, making both you and Misha groan.
You'd start to calm your son down again but the whole thing kept repeating. Eventually Misha took his son into his arms then placed him on his chest, stomach down. Your son wrapped his hand around his father's finger and yawned. Misha placed an arm on his back protectively, rubbing it softly.
It that may not he so great as well right? He'll probably get a serious back ache from semi-sitting up against the bed frame.
11:00 AM, the same day...
You were so right about the back ache.
You had taken you son from your husband's hold as soon as you had woken up. You washed your face as well as your son's then changed his clothes. In the mean time, Misha had woken up and started groaning loudly.
At first, you thought it was for some other reason but as soon as you saw that he was holding his back and stretching, you frowned. "Aw honey, backache?" You said and he nodded painfully.
He bent his neck and cried out in pain. "DAMN my neck hurts even more!" He said loudly and you sat next to him. You slithered your hand under his shirt, which gave him chills, and rubbed his back, pressing it at places.
He moaned and shut his eyes, "That feels good [y/n], harder." You grinned then pressed his back with more force and he moaned louder. "Yes Lord, please ugh, that's so good!" He said breathlessly and you slapped his arm. He looked at you with confusion.
"Stop that!" You whispered, "Mom and dad would think we're having sex or something!" He laughed, realising his behaviour then smirked. He pointed to his neck and you massaged it.
"YES UGH PLEASE, HARDER [y/n]!" He yelled, teasing you, and you pushed him, hard enough for him to fall onto the pillow. You got up and scolded him, "No more massages for you."
You all met downstairs and had breakfast. Your mom madr the classic bacon and eggs, with hash browns and baked beans and homemade orange juice. Your son now happily sat in his rocker and you were glad.
After breakfast your father toured you, Misha and [y/s/n] around the farm... something you were looking forward too.
"Look [y/s/n], a chicken!" You said and pointed to the chicken that was walking out of its coop. Your son smiled widely, recognising the animal from a story you read to him often.
"There's a sheep here!" Misha pointed out, trying to pet the animal. The sheep shook its head and Misha jumped a bit, you giggled. You walked closer and your son tried to reach for the sheep's nose, you kept distance between them though.
"Grandpa has all these animals [y/s/n], they are all his," You told, your son continuing to eat his hand, "Do you like animals [y/s/n]? Huh?" You tickles his stomach and he smiled. You kissed his nose and he made a happy noise.
You walked ahead while your father showed you the barn. There were cows in there designated places as well as horses. Your son was extremely pleased to see the cows.
"Muh! Muh! Muh!" He said excitedly, waving his hands around, and you looked at him in surprise. "Yes! A cow says moo!" You told and Misha walked over, completely shocked.
"Moo! Moo! Mooooo!" He imitated a cow and your son laughed. "He's so smart!" You hugged onto your son tightly and he continued to stare at the cows as they ate their food.
Misha constantly yawned and stretched his back throughout the outing. "If you promise to not act like a horn dog, I'll give you a massage," You whispered to him, though the way he acted slightly turned you on.
"Deal. I need your magical touch on my aching body," He batted his eyebrows at you and you rolled your eyes and chuckled. Misha spotted the pigsty and raised his eyebrows.
"Aw look at the piggies! The young ones are adorable," You said as a few came over to look at the new members on the farm. "[y/s/n] do you like the pigs?" You asked and he tried to reach to touch them. It seemed like he wanted to touch all the animals, his sign that he was interested.
Sniff! Sniff! Sniff!
"Buster... please," Misha mumbled but something kept sniffing his hand as he was sleeping on a chair, "Buster! Cut it... out."
Misha rubbed his face but it wouldn't stop.
"BUSTER!" He grumbled and shot awake, jumping back and almost falling off his chair when he saw that it was one of the big pigs trying to figure out who this peculiar man is.
Misha took his hand away, completely alarmed, as the pig looked up to him with a slight smile on his face.
"Oops, sorry Misha! That one got out when we went to get young pinky!" Your father said and patted the pig on its back, leading it to its pigsty.
You all went back inside the house to have some coffee and relax. Misha collapsed onto the couch while your son lay in his rocker, having a short nap after an eventful meet with all the animals.
You gave your husband a cup off coffee and set yours on the centre table. "Okay turn," You said and placed your arms on his shoulders. He cleared his throat and you moved closer.
"Hold it in babe," You whispered and chuckled. He bit onto his lip so that he wouldn't say anything he'd regret.
You started massaging his shoulders then moved down. He gripped onto the couch arm rests tightly and shut his eyes. You could hear him moan quietly, making you laugh.
"You're so weird Misha," You said And kissed his neck, "But I like you weird. It helps me to be myself around you." He looked back and pecked your lips.
"What's wrong with Misha?" You mother asked as she entered the living room. You turned red slightly. Even though you and Misha are married, being all lovey-dovey infront of them made you feel odd.
"U-Uh, his neck and back hurts. Poor thing," You giggled, "[y/s/n] had a disturbed night so he slept on his daddy's chest, and Misha slept in a sort of awkward position for the whole night."
Your mother frowned and asked if you wanted some medicine. Misha refused, saying that he'd be fine, and thanked her.
"Now that he's finally asleep, give me a proper massage, please!" Misha smirked and you rolled your eyes. He shut and locked the bedroom door and you raised an eyebrow. "You are one interesting man Misha," You rubbed your head, "What do I have to lose right?"
You didn't expect it but he took his shirt off. You mumbled something about how great he looked under your breath and hoped that he didn't hear it. He sat right up to your crossed legs, back straight and hands in his lap.
You smirked, then teased him for a start. You bent closer and trailed your fingers along his back, making him shiver. He looked nervous, wondering what you'd do to him.
You pressed his neck with your thumbs and he moaned, cursing under his breath. You rubbed his shoulders and shoulder blades as roughly as you could, gaining more groans and moans from him.
"Uggh please... please yes," He said, slumping back a bit. You bit your lip, trying to avoid the fire starting inside yourself. "Do it harder please, HARDER! Ugghh... [y/n]," He said, clearly messing with you. You cocked an eyebrow and ran your hand firmly down his middle, making him arch his back. "Not there!" He grumbled and you laughed.
"You mean here?" You said seductively and rubbed the spot where it ached him the most. "CRAP! That feels amazing, Lord," He clenched his fists and breathed heavily.
You both stayed in silence, while you heard his noises of pleasure once in a while. "I know you love hearing me sound like this," He grinned and you paused for a moment, gulping.
"N-No, I don't," You lied. You were so turned on right now, you just wanted to jump on top of him.
He turned back and you slid your hands infront onto his thighs, squeezing them sexily.
You slapped his arm and glared at him. "Quiet! Otherwise [y/s/n] will wake up," You whispered, "I won't give you more massages then."
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