World Of Hues (TFW)
This imagine was requested by CaitParks. Thanks for a unique plot! 😊
[y/n] [y/l/n].
Just a simple individual who had everything anyone would ever need, but it had been snatched away from you... Or more accurately, burned away from you.
You had lost everything in a fire, a demon had lot your house in flames and your family died by suffocation. And why was it done? Just to get on a few Hunters' bad side.
After seeing the state of your home and family, you left your job, unable to complete any work with focus because of how much sorrow was put over you. Without your family, without your home... You had nothing left.
But it's at times like these where you met three FBI agents... Well, you later found out that they were con-men and that they hunt monsters. Sam, his brother Dean and their friend Castiel, who's an Angel. WHAT?!
You wouldn't have believed it either but the things you've seen and experienced... You can't deny that there are supernatural creatures lurking everywhere.
You stayed with them for a while, atleast until you got settled and could live normally once again.
But it never got better... The pain never went away.
The Winchesters and Castiel helped you feel better. Around them, you felt safe and wanted. You had started to get the hang of being a Hunter, becoming quite skillful and knowledgeable so in the end, you ended up becoming one of the permanent house guest at the Men of Letters Bunker.
The guys recently found out something new about you, something they wouldn't know if you didn't play that game with them.
"Guys I can't do this anymore," You said and pushed your chair back, away from the table, "I can't play this game."
Sam looked at you with confusion, "But all we have to do is pick colour from the wheel, match it to one of the words on the card and describe it using the colour." You sighed.
He probably thinks I'm some loser who can't play a simple game, You thought.
"That's the problem Sam," You ran a hand through your head and took a deep breath, "You guys don't know this about me but I'm colour blind. I can't see colours like you all can. I know the difference between them but I can't see how they really look like normally."
They stood there staring at you blankly and you sighed. They'd probably judge you and-
"You can't see colour properly? Really?" Dean asked and you sulked. "I've got deteuranomalia color blindness and everything's faded... That's what the doctor told me. It's not that vivid and it's not that bad, I mean I haven't seen the real deal so I don't know what I'm missing out on, which helps me avoid depression I guess," You explain and all the guys have a look of guilt on their face.
"Why do you all looks as if you've done it to me? Don't feel sorry for me please," You clarified and Sam sighed.
"Sorry about sort of forcing you to play this game. If we knew we wouldn't have sort of forced you to play this game and-"
"Honestly guys, I wanted to avoid this reaction so I didn't bother telling you," You said and looked to the floor, "Can you continue without me? I want to rest a bit."
They nodded and you walked to your bedroom, to sob a bit and look at pictures of nature and imagine how it really looks like.
You stirred awake, sweaty and confused. You felt as if something had occured within you but you noticed that nothing changed... Everything was the same.
You looked at your phone and saw the time on the lockscreen: 3:37 AM.
Good, I can sleep for a few more hours, You thought.
You lay comfortable on your side then shut your eyes, a small smile crept on your lips as you slowly faded into slumber once again.
5 hours later...
9 AM is your usual time to get up but it seems as if you've had a disturbed sleep. You wondered why, you usually sleep extremely peacefully and deeply. Not even the sound of people talking over you could wake you up sometimes.
You rubbed your eyes and got out of bed, putting on a hoodie and holding onto your self tightly to stop feeling chilly. You looked around your room and squinted a bit. Everything looked a little... Different.
I definitely need to get my eyes tested, You thought, It was first blurriness and now I can't open my eyes properly.
You stepped into the library and immediately turned away. There was something clearly wrong with your eyes, you had trouble seeing your surroundings properly. It felt sort of overwhel-
"Hey [y/n]! You're up!" Sam greeted and you smiled. You looked at him and stared for a moment, "You look fresh today!"
He raised and eyebrow and smiled a but, continuing to watch you in an odd way. "So how are you doing?" He asked as his brother and the Angel Castiel walked into the room.
"Oh [y/n], did it work?" Castiel mumbled and Dean nudged him. "What are you talking about?" You asked them and they shrugged, though Castiel looked at the boys with confusion.
You sighed, "I think I need to get my eyes checked. My eyesight is getting weaker, I can't even keep them open. All this is too much to take in for some reason."
For some reason the boys grinned and Dean said, "Let's all go for a walk. The weather is great and I heard that there's a pop-up foodtruck that sells one of the best hot dogs nearby."
You looked at the boys with questions racing through your mind but you just went along with them.
You walked out of the door after Sam and immediately stumbled a bit as you looked around. "What the hell is wrong with my eyes today?!" You exclaimed and Dean chuckled.
"It's the fact that they are healed that is seems to be wrong," Castiel states and you look at him blankly. "W-What?" You start to walk around slowly, "What did you guys do?"
"Hearing that you were colour blind broke our hearts so we went on to find a spell that could fix your eyes," Sammy explained, "I guess it worked!"
You were completely speechless.
You looked around slowly, walking up to the plants and gravel, and to the Impala and the boys. You couldn't form any words to say, the world around you was too fascinating to be distracted from.
You watched the wind blow on the lush green plants and the deep colours of the flowers starting to bloom. You walked closer to them and sat on the ground, not caring that your clothes were getting dirty.
You stared at the gifts of nature and started to cry, out of happiness.
"Hey [y/n] whats wrong?" Sam asked as the boys crowded around you. You looked at them and chuckled, "I never knew that the world was so... Beautiful. I've never felt so in love."
You got up and stared at the boys, they looked much more brighter than they did with your colour blindness. You walked to Sam and touched his hair and smiled through your tears, "Your hair is so brown..."
You looked at your hair and were surprised to find that the colour of it, and of your clothes, was so vivid now.
You went over to Dean and smiled, "You look much better now... You just looked so gloomy before." He smiled softly and squeezed your shoulder.
You watched Cas, shocked by how rich in colour his clothes were, especially his tie. "Your tie... It's more blue than I thought," You laughed and he hugged you unexpectedly.
"I'm happy... We're happy that you are happy [y/n]," He mumbled into your ear and you smiled, holding him tightly and feeling the most comfortable you've felt while hugging him, "Now you're normal... Not that you weren't before but isn't nature such a gift?"
You wiped your eyes and pulled away, nodding. "Would you guys mind if we drive into town? I just... I want to see everything change in look," You requested and they smiled.
Dean took the keys out of his jacket pocket and while you walked to the Impala, he kissed your head. You nudged him slightly, "Okay stop with this sappy 'I love you' crap!" He laughed.
You couldn't wait to see the world you've known to be so dull with a new perspective... A vivid perspective.
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