Unsee The Jealousy (Leila x Jensen)
This imagine was requested by SweetGirlonFiree.
Thanks for the request and enjoy!
You could never thank Misha, one of your close friends, enough for giving you the best opportunity of your life, to be the director's assistant on the CW show Supernatural. It was beyond what you could wish for and you enjoyed every moment of being on set for four seasons.
You're really close to Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, the leading men playing the main characters on the show but you can proudly call Jensen your best friend. You instantly bonded with him up on coming to the set four years ago.
There was a set party that happened at the end of your first season of work. It was great and packed with good food and a good time. You and Jensen stayed together through the whole of it and you aren't aware but at some point he just... kissed you on the lips, out of the blue.
He didn't comment about, he didn't say a word related to it... and you didn't feel like asking him, though his action never left your mind.
But the best part was that you both never felt awkward and that your friendship didn't weaken.
"Places everyone, camera rolling in five!" You announced with the megaphone to alert the cast and crew that filming the next scene on the schedule was going to start.
You went back into the recording tent after spotting Jensen and Rachelle on the set. They were in their positions, cameras focused and ready to film them.
You sat beside the director, keeping your eye on the screens that showed the camera views. You sat quietly, dreading this scene since you read the script. You didn't like how Dean was supposed to act around Tabitha, the character played by the actress Rachelle.
It didn't feel right... and you couldn't help but feel jealous and possessive.
Maybe he'll start to spend more time with her. Maybe she's a good kisser. Maybe Jensen wouldn't find me interesting anymore, You thought and it made you feel worse than-
You jerked slightly, getting back to reality. You watched the screens intently, examining Jensen's every movement. The questioning statements kept coming back in your mind and it got frustrating.
They got closer, inches between their faces and you couldn't take it anymore. You'd regret so much later but you removed your headset and stormed out of the tent and towards the building's exit.
To your horror, Jensen noticed you leaving and didn't care about the scene. He looked at everyone then sighed, rushing to follow you out of the warehouse.
You heard people groan and call Jensen's name. A few even called out to you but you didn't look back and you didn't stop walking away.
You just wanted to go to your trailer and sit alone, maybe cry a little for some reas-
"Leila!" Jensen called out then placed his hand on your shoulder, startling you. You jumped in fright and almost hit him when you turned back.
"What the hell are you doing here?! The scene, you've messed it up!" You exclaimed, feeling even more crappier than before.
Jensen rolled his eyes, "The scene's anyways ruined. Rachelle delivered her line wrong and I noticed something off with the lighting. It was right in our faces. I wouldn't be able to go for any longer."
You continued to look at him with sadness. He shook his head and put his hand out, "Anyways that's not the point. Why did you run off like that from the tent? Are you upset about something?"
You huffed and started walking away again, arms crossed, "Why would you care? Just go back and finish the scene."
You sort of pushed his shoulder but he grabbed hour arm and pulled you close to him.
"Come on Leila, tell me what's wrong," He looked straight into your blue eyes, which made you shiver discreetly.
"I just... I didn't like how the scene was. I didn't like watching you with Rachelle like that!" You said in a rush and sighed, "Okay there, I said it! Happy?!"
You snatched your arm from him and walked off towards your trailer. He followed your every move, eventually banging on your door to try to talk to you and really understand what's wrong.
"Leila, it was just a scene! It doesn't mean anything!" He continuously banged on your door and almost fell inside when you opened the door.
"What do you want?" You asked flatly with your arms crossed. He raised a brow and grinned, "I don't even know her... I don't even like her in that way."
You titled your head slightly and looked at him with confusion. "It's a secret, don't tell anyone I said that," He added with a whisper.
You stared at him until he snapped us fingers in front of your ears, snapping you out of your trance.
"I'm going back to the set before Bobby fires me, would you like to join me on the way back?" He invited and you nodded slowly, shutting the trailer door after you stepped out.
"You know I really didn't want to do that scene with Rachelle, especially since I've got my eyes on someone else," He told and ran a hand through his hair, "I just wish she was an actor... That way we could have these... cool scenes but she's just the assistant to the director and all she does is sit in the recording tent and watch me or Jared or Misha act."
You stopped all of a sudden but he continued to walk ahead, a smirk on his face.
"J-Jensen you like me?! JENSEN!" You exclaimed but he didn't stop or turn back, "Tell me if I'm right, p-please?"
He didn't respond in any way, he didn't give you any indication.
You were confused and puzzled. It felt like you had been stripped naked of all common sense, standing there in the open with not a clue about what anything in the world meant.
And it felt like déjà vu, to the time when Jensen kissed you on the lips at the wrap party with no comment after it.
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