Turn On My Love (Misha Ft. Jensen)
Long one, I'm sure you'll enjoy 😏
🎶: 'Trumpets' by Jason Derulo
You heard the door open and you looked back then immediately turned away, not wanting to confront him. You just didn't want to be around Castiel right now.
"[y/c/n], listen-"
"Cas please I've had enough of your care. You act like you care but you really don't!" You yelled then stepped to him, "There's an army of monsters about to invade and you expect me to sit at the back and watch?! Sam and Dean need me, you need me! And I'm not letting you go alone and fight-"
"Your 'know-it-all' attitude could put lives at risk. This is war [y/c/n] and no matter what we have to win," Castiel argued as loudly as you were, while you shook your head and scoffed.
"My 'know-it-all' attitude?! How do you know that I'm going to mess everything up, with my remains on the floor for everyone to see?" You shouted.
"Don't say that-"
"How do you know if we even have a chance or if we ever had a chance at winning Cas?! Sam, Dean, me and you might as well be dead because all this is our fault and you expect me to sit back?! I'M TIRED OF DEALING WITH YOU-"
He grabbed your arms and pushed you back to the wall, you were pinned with your back straight. Castiel was breathing heavily and he looked into your eyes with slight sadness.
"Stop it, STOP IT!" He exclaimed, "For one moment stop defying me and listen, PLEASE." You gulped and stared at him as he took a breath.
"You and the Winchesters are family but you... you're special and I don't want to lose you," He moved closer to you, slowly grinding his hips into yours, "Because you mean everything to me and I can't live without you."
He froze and you eyed him, waiting for him to do something.
You poked him with your finger to try to trigger the next move.
You raised an eyebrow and looked at the man in front of you with surprise. "You were supposed to kiss me, MISHA!" You slapped his arm playfully and he looked at you with disbelief.
"What? No!" He stepped away form you and ran a hand through his hair, the set bell ran in the background to reset the scene.
"Yes you were, it's in the script dumbass!" You said while a makeup artist fixed your hair, "This is the fourth time Mish! Bobby's going to kill us... actually just you."
"Then why didn't you kiss me?!" He argued while another makeup artist fixed him up for the next take.
"It wouldn't make sense. You were angry, it's angsty and then boom! Kiss away and cue the love," You looked at him with horror, "Oh my lord we still have THAT scene left."
"Hey chill, I'm just that childhood crush you'd have dreams about laying in bed with and doing who knows what," Misha helped you visualize and winked at you.
You rolled your eyes, "I was never that kind of girl Collins... but thanks for the um, motivation?"
You both stood on your markers and waited for Bobby's cue. You glanced at Misha, unable to get rid of the anxiety building up for scene. The thing was that he's such close friend of yours, Having this kind of scene is kind of... awkward, but you both don't show it.
Pretend like no one else is here, do it one take and don't mess it up, focus on the scene and yeah, he's my high school crush [c/n], You thought while trying to pump you up.
He grabbed your arms and pushed you back to the wall, you were pinned with your back straight. Castiel was breathing heavily and he looked into your eyes with slight sadness.
"Stop it, STOP IT!" He exclaimed, "For one moment stop defying me and listen, PLEASE." You gulped and stared at him as he took a breath.
"You and the Winchesters are family but you... you're special and I don't want to lose you," He moved closer to you, slowly grinding his hips into yours, "Because you mean everything to me and I can't live without you."
He stared at you and you feared that he froze again but the next moment he smashed his lips onto yours and you both moved in the same rhythm. You could feel your body melting into his.
You slipped your hands under his trenchcoat and pushed it off while he fiddled with your pants. You took his blazer off then broke the kiss, while he helped take your shirt off from over your head.
"Cas I'm sorry, I got... overly-dramatic and I'm extremely frustrated all over these days," You said but all he did was kiss you again, this time leaving a trail on your neck.
"Cass..." You moaned and grabbed his shirt and tucked it out then unbuttoned it as fast as you could. Your fingers grazed his bare chest as kissed you roughly, groaning as he did.
"Jump," He growled, you obeyed his order and he held you up after you wrapped your legs around him.
You broke away, heaving, while you placed your forehead on his. "Cas where are you getting all this from?" You questioned, running your fingers through the hair at the back of his head.
"I-I... well-"
"Okay I think... I think I know," You said, kissing his neck and making him moan. He walked to the bed and threw you on, the bed creaked and you literally thought it was going to break. You watched his shadowy shirtless figure in front of you, staring at every inch of your body.
"Cas why are you just standing there?" You sat up and he looked at you with an eyebrow raised. "Will you allow me to make some decisions in your life, for your own safety?" He requested, "Could we come to a compromise?"
"Um Cas I..." You sighed, "Fine."
He smirked then crawled onto the bed, kissing you on the lips and slowly pushing you back till you lay down.
"Ugh f-"
You paused, slowly fading your voice. You were about to swear, you coudln't do that. You were shooting a scene and it was on CW after all.
Misha noticed and groaned a bit to help muffle out your voice. You wrapped your arms around his neck but he started moving down slowly, leaving kisses on every spot.
"CUT" Bobby called out through his megaphone, "That was great guys, BREAK TIME."
Everyone started to check the footage, turn the equipment off and disperse. You stared at Misha who was still all over you.
"Mish please get off, you're making me all sweaty," You said with playful annoyance and he climbed off. He threw your shirt and you caught it, putting it on then fixing your hair.
"Glad that's over," You mumbled but it was loud enough for Misha to hear. "Yeah..." He reacted and you looked at him with a tilted head.
"I'm starving, are you?"
"Yeah I'm craving some protein right now and carbs."
"Ugh don't tempt me," You thought about mash and gravy, with deep fried chicken and you could cry.
You both walked ahead but one of your friends on the set wanted to share some set-gossip with you so you separated from Misha. The actor continued to walk alone, towards as counter for a cup of green tea.
"Hey Misha."
He turned around to find Jensen walking next to him, a smug smile on his face. "How's it going?" Jensen asked and Misha looked at him with slight suspicion. He seemed to be interested in something else than just Misha's well-being.
"Fine... What's up with you?" He asked, continuing to walk ahead and Jensen furrowed his eyebrows. "Nothing, well I mean I am finally talking to you today. You've been pretty busy till now," Jensen replied and grinned a bit.
Misha figured his friends point and quickened his pace, "Jensen honestly if you're just here to talk about my scene with [y/n] then-"
"Hey dude come on, seriously? I don't only talk to you about-No!" Jensen said and rolled his eyes, then looked his lips, "But man... You hit the jackpot!"
Misha huffed, he was so done with Jensen right now. "Watching you two do that, wow dude that was seriously some heated chemistry going on there, it's like you've been doing that for months," He fanned himself with his hand and Misha looked at him with a serious expression, "I may have to do something to myself tonight, you guys make me all tingly-"
"Jensen really, STOP," Misha glared at him and his friend sighed. "Oh come on! You can't expect me to believe that you did all that, and there wasn't a single spark of yearning or lust between you two, or at least that you didn't feel anything," Jensen argued.
"She is hot..."
"EXACTLY! So you're single and-"
"Wait why are you so interested in my hookups?!" Misha squinted at him and Jensen put a hand on his co-star's shoulder.
"Look, every one here has got their special someone, I mean it's time for you to have somebody to be with," Jensen pointed out and Misha looked to the ground.
"But she won't want to be with me. I've got nothing compared to her," Misha said sadly, "She's pretty and smart, and such a great actor but I'm..."
He walked ahead, shoving Jensen aside slightly. "HEY!" Jensen called out but Misha didn't stop. "Go away Jensen," Misha requested, his friend was just reminding of his he's way out of your league.
"Mish I have never been more hungry," You said, literally shoving all the food in your plate. He nodded, doing exactly the same as you.
"Wow I never thought sex scenes could be so exhausting," You commented and he chuckled. "Well it's no different than real life right?" Misha responded then slowed his tone, "Bodies close to each other, sweat beading down as the pace increases, in the dark with the chill in the room..."
You looked at him, you heart thumping in your chest. You bit your lips, scanning his expressions.
He looked at you and widened his eyes a bit then smiled nervously. "Sorry I..." He went back to his plate and continued eating. You shook your head a bit to return to reality and continue eating.
Man he is hot-
"Hi guys!" Jensen placed his plate on your table and took a seat opposite you. You glanced at Misha, who looked a bit tense.
"Hi Jensen, you're not sitting with Jared?" You asked and he shrugged. "I thought I'd tall to you guys for a change. Anyways he's prepping for the next scene," Jensen replied and dug into his slice of pie, "How did your scene go?"
You looked to Misha if he wanted to answer but it was as if he was trying to ignore Jensen and not acknowledge his existence.
"Well um... fine, yeah it was fine," You answered, "Did it in one take, which is a first!"
Jensen nodded and silence fell amongst the three of you... but Jensen couldn't keep it that way.
"Okay I'm sorry but I need to say this," Jensen put his utensils down and glanced at you and Misha, "Do you know that you both are extremely compatible and every one on set thinks that you two should... 'become one'?"
You gulped, unable to form a response. "I uh... well, I don't-"
"JENSEN I SWEAR I will hunt you down," Misha said stifly. You looked at the two of them one by one, something happened and you're really curious.
"Um, thank you Jensen for your suggestion but I'm-"
"But [y/n], gosh you're so hot in bed though... Man it must have been something. When are you free sweetheart, I'll f!@# you so good," Jensen said and batted his eyebrows while you looked at him with disgust.
He was about to claim his words to be a light joke and not something he was serious about but Misha intervened.
"UGH YOU PERV!" You got up from the table and rushed out of the dining tent, not able to comprehend that Jensen would talk to you like you're some... object.
"Great job asshole!" Misha got up and Jensen but his lip with regret. "What? Come on, I'm a married man, it was a joke!" He yelled out and Misha turned back to watch him with disappointment.
Misha jogged around, trying to find you and asking people of they saw where you went. In the end, he went over to your trailer.
"GO AWAY JENSEN!" You exclaimed, tears streaming down your face. "I-It's me [y/n], can I come in?" Misha requested and after hearing no reply, he peeked in.
He frowned when he saw you on the couch with your head down on your knees, which were pulled up to your chest. He approached you slowly then sat down beside you, "Hey... what's wrong?"
"Am I really like that, like some whore?!" You looked at Misha with sorrow and he shook his head, rubbing your shoulder.
"No way, of course not. You're so... You're far from that," Misha replied, "And I'm going to beat Jensen up for saying that, even though he was joking and he probably thought you wouldn't feel hurt."
You smiled slightly, but then sighed. "I try so hard to do my best, it's not my fault they write a scene like that for us," You expressed, "In the end, it's just a scene... it doesn't mean anything."
Misha looked at you with a little heart break. He debated in whether to ask but decided to anyways, "Because you're one of my closest friends, I shoudlnt keep this from you but... I agree with what Jensen said, about us 'becoming one'."
"I know you don't want to be with anyone, you still need some time to get adjusted after separating but I l-like you and I know that I'm probably the last person you'd want to be with but-"
You broke his words, kissing him on the lips and he immediately caught on. Once you pulled away he looked at you, completely flustered.
"Wh-What did that mean?"
"That I'm secretly happy we had that scene together?" You smiled nervously and he looked to the floor.
"Would it be weird if I felt the same way too?" He questioned but you didnt reply with words, you kissed him again.
It got heated quickly, you both were aware that you had enough till you had to report back.
"Can I just say that it took everything in me to not actually f!@# you on camera," He growled breathlessly and you were so turned on by the way he sounded.
"You can do whatever you want to me now," You moaned and kissed his neck, "How's this for a first get-together?"
"I couldn't think of it being better."
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