Tummy Trouble (Faith x Jared Pt. 2)
This is part two of the imagine requested by RuthTozier.
' I told you so'.
That was the only statement Jared had found to be his favourite for these past few days.
A couple of days after the events of your husband and son recovering from their flu, you fell sick. Surprise? Not much, you were expecting it but you still stayed close to your boys. You can't help it, you can't stay away from them. You love them.
But Jared inserts the 'I told you so' wherever he can because he did actually warn you to stay away from them so that you wouldn't have to go through the crappy feeling of being terribly sick like them.
But you can't help it now, it was sort of inevitable. You continued to feel like your nose was going to explode and your brain was going to collapse and stop working.
"Here, drink this," Jared handed you a glass of peculiar looking liquid. You looked at him suspiciously then shrugged, gulping the drink down-
You gagged, it tasted horrible. You were going to throw up but you did your best to swallow it down. You started breathing heavily, "What did you give me?!"
"It's a home remedy, it'll clear your sinuses," Jared replied with a slight smirk on his face. You were cursing him in your mind, "You knew it tasted horrible yeah?" He nodded with a grin.
"Daddy!" Your son grabbed his father's hand and pulled him to his playroom. You continued to sit on the couch, with your eyes shut and trying to calm your mind and body.
There was constant whispering and giggling for around ten minutes. It allowed you to generate some energy-
"Mrs. Padalecki?" Jared called and you looked at him, rubbing your eyes. "Huh? What's wrong?" You asked, and giggled when you saw him wearing glasses, on his nose, with a clipboard and pen.
"The doctor will see you now," Jared said and walked towards the play room after you got up. "I don't remember taking an appointment," You said.
"Your husband called the clinic and took an appointment with the general practitioner," 'nurse' Jared explained and you shrugged.
Jared knocked on the playroom door and a high pitched voice said, "Come in!"
You bit your lip to hide your smile. Your son was wearing a stethoscope around his neck with his small play glasses work over his eyes. He had a group of plush toys wrapped with bandage around different parts of their body, with others laying down or sitting on his bed, which had the sign 'Waiting Area' pasted on the wall behind.
Nurse Jared led you to the waiting are and you sat there patiently, watching the doctor check on his patients one by one. "Would you like any refresh-"
You sneezed up a storm, which made your son and Jared jerk a bit in alarm. Your husband grabbed a box of tissues and held it out to you. You took a few for safe keeping then blew your nose. Your son laughed at the loud nose sound you made.
Your son called his father and Jared gave him a file. Nurse Jared then called you, saying, "Mrs. Padalecki? The doctor will see you now."
You stood up and went to the other side of the room, and sat on a chair that was beside your son's study table. Your son waddled towards you and smiled. "Hello mom-I mean, Mrs. Padalecki," He giggled, "How are you?"
"I'm not that good Doctor [y/s/n]. My throat is hurting so much and my nose is leaking!" You said with exaggerated expressions, making your son laugh, "And what's bad is that I can't smile because I'm not feeling well."
You poured at him and he put his hands on your face, trying to stretch your lips to make a smile. "There, you are fixed!" He said and you poked his tummy.
"Okay, nurse please give me injection!" He commanded and Jared nodded, getting the toy syringe. In the mean time, your son checked you with the 'heart thing' and the 'ear thing' then checked if your temperature with the 'hot and cold thing'.
He pretended to fill the syringe with liquid from a bottle. You were so fascinated at how observant he was whenever he went to the doctor. Jared didn't tell him how to do everything, your son just figured it out. You felt proud at watching him.
You cried out in pain, fake obviously, when your son put the injection into your arm. He grinned then took the wrapper off a bandage and put it on your arm.
"There, you are better now," He said and your pulled him into your arms. "Thank you Doctor [y/s/n]! You're such a lovely doctor," You said and he tried to wriggle his way out of your grip but you held onto him tightly.
You gave him a big kiss and he laughed. "And thank you nurse Jared, you're as amazing as my husband," You smirked and he winked at you.
As interesting as it may seem, you were actually feeling much better.
The cure for the flu?
Spending time with your boys.
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