The #1 Fan (Misha)
Plot help from GraceFullbuster!
Check out her stuff, it's great 😍👌🏼
"Thanks for that one, alright next question?' Misha went on and a person tapped the microphone to ask him a question.
People in the audience 'aw'ed when they heard the voice. A little girl was standing as someone knelt be side her and held the microphone to her mouth.
"Where are you? I can't see-"
Misha walked to the other end of the stage and finally noticed the little girl. "Aw hi! How are you?" He asked cutely. She fidgeted with her hands and smiled shyly.
"I'm fine..."
"You know you look lovely in that pretty dress!" Misha complimented the two coloured dress, small blue tie and black fairy wings she was wearing. She was dressed up as a mini Castiel.
"Who are you dressed as?" He sat on the edge of the stage with his legs dangling on the sides.
He laughed, "Who am I? I don't know my name." The girl giggled and Misha's heart melted. "So cute!" He mouthed to the audience and they cheered a bit.
"You're Misha!" She told excitedly and he smiled. "And what's your name?" Misha asked.
"Um..." the little girl looked back at you, her mother, and you nodded for her to continue talking, "[y/d/n]."
"That's such a pretty name [y/d/n], as pretty as mine!" He said and she laughed, "What's your question sweetheart?"
"Uh I wanted to ask you but first I wanted to say that my mommy loves you so much," She shared, "She thinks that... She thinks you're very very handsome."
Misha smiled, "Really? In that case I need to meet your mother! Where is she?" The girl pointed behind her to a woman who started walking towards her.
You picked your daughter up then took the microphone from the convention volunteers. "Hello 'mom who thinks I'm handsome'," Misha greeted playfully and you smiled softly.
"Hi Misha," You said then your daughter grabbed the microphone. "Misha I want to ask you something!" She said loudly and you whispered for her to be a little quiet.
"What is it love?" He asked and she giggled a bit. "Can you be my daddy?" She requested quietly and you widened your eyes.
"Wow, that's... I don't know what to say [y/d/n]," He said, "Where's your real daddy?"
"He went away and I only have a mommy now," She said and Misha frowned a bit. She stopped for a moment, you were going to say something but she beat you to it.
"Misha MISHA!" She said with an increased excitement. He nodded happily, letting her know she had his whole attention.
"Misha... Will you," She looked at you with a mischeviously grin, "Marry me?"
The audience 'aw'ed and Misha laughed wholeheartedly, completely in love with this little girl. He stood up and glanced to the audience then gestured for you both to come over.
"You know what? Come here," He invited then walked to one of the volunteers and whispered something to them.
You looked to someone for confirmation and then you were led to the stage stairs. The whole audience cheered wildly when you walked onto stage, you daughter was surprised by the loud noise.
Misha walked over to you and gave you a hug after you put your daughter down, who stared at the hundreds of people sitting below.
"You have a lovely daughter, she is so adorable," He said and you smiled, "I didn't get your name."
"Oh uh, [y/n]... [y/n] [y/l/n]," You answered and he nodded with a smile.
He curled some sort of wired wrapper in his hand, it was bright pink in colour. Your daughter stood close to you, biting her finger and watching Misha as he bent over.
"Hi [y/d/n], are you liking it on stage?" He asked then put the microphone to her mouth.
"Not that much..." She said and Misha chuckled. "In that case I'll make it quick sweetheart," He said, "How old are you?"
She held up her hand and matched the amount of finger she showed with her age, "Thwee."
"Well [y/d/n], my youngest fan... Will you make me the happiest man on the planet and marry me?" He knelt on one knee and held out the ring he had just made. You watched in surprise and excitement, the look on your daughter's face was too precious.
She laughed then said, "YES?"
Misha slipped the ring onto her finger then she hugged him tightly. The crowd cheered happily in congratulations and in cuteness overload.
"Guys we're getting married!" He said and side hugged the little girl. The audience applauded and Misha kissed her cheek before getting up.
"She reminds me of my little girl Maison," He told you, off-mic, "So what happened with her father if you don't mind me asking?"
"Oh not at all um... I got pregnant without plan, that put him off a bit. After a year he just left. To be honest he wasn't that great of a dad," You told him sadly and he frowned, "She loves you a lot, mainly because you resemble her father and that... she's like her mom. I've shown her pictures of him, she doesn't have a relationship with him."
"Well if you need anything, I'm always happy to help," He smiled genuinely then hugged you, "Seeing you and your daughter made my day a whole lot better. Thank you."
"I should say thank you to you! You made my girl's dream come true," You said cheerfully then walked over to your daughter who was showing her ring off to the audience.
"Come on dear, say goodbye to Misha," You told her and she waved at him. You both walked down the stage and your daughter grabbed the mic from your hand.
"Bye honey!" She said and Misha laughed. "Bye bye sweetheart, I can't wait to see you at home!" He winked at her and she smiled, "You're having a photo op right? I better see my wife there!"
You chuckled then said, "Yeah we are!"
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