'Testing 1, 2, 3' (J2M)
You rang the door bell and moments later the house door opened in front of you. You were ushered in by a rather dashing host, a friend of yours as well as a co-worker.
"Hi Jensen," You kissed him on the cheek in greeting and entered his cozy looking house. It had a warm feeling about it... you liked that about houses.
"Are the others here yet?" You asked while taking your jacket off. It was a bit windy outside.
Jensen smiled and nodded his head, "Yeah they're in the lounge, hogging onto JJ's Nintendo Wii."
You chuckled then walked towards where the cheers and laughter were coming from, while your heels made a decent beat.
You peeked in and saw the boys battling it out at some Super Mario game. "Is there room for one more?" You questioned and they looked to the door, abruptly stopping their little argument.
They put their Wii remotes to the side and stood up from their seats, walking over to you with happiness to see their close friend.
They hugged you one by one and you gave them each a kiss on the cheek. Misha gave you some space to sit while Jared searched for another Wii remote. "You want to play Mario Kart?" He asked and you grinned, nodding your head.
"Dibs on Luigi," You said and Misha frowned. "I'm always Luigi!" He complained and you stuck your tongue out at-
"Guys I have a better past time, since we're all here," Jensen barged into the room with a smirk plastered on his lips. You squinted at him, confused and suspicious.
"LET'S BATTLE IT OUT WITH KARAOKE!" He said and put his hands in the air. Jared and Misha high fives while you buried your face in your hands, while groaning.
Okay, here's the deal. You prefer not doing stuff like that with people in public. Sure, J2M are your best pals but well... you're not that comfortable to be completely open and freely show your real outlook. It's not that you're not confident, you just... You aren't that ready.
"Come on [y/n], it'll be fun!" Misha said and smiled at you a little. You put effort into a smile and Jensen smiled smugly.
"And well we all aren't that great but-"
"Oh shut your face Jensen!" You raised your eyebrow at him and Jared hooted. "Boo! Go away Jen, you don't belong here!" He joined in and Misha wasn't far behind.
Jensen rolled his eyes, "Guys it's my house!" He walked out towards his closet and picked out something, bringing it back to the lounge.
There was a system and two... microphones.
Oh no. It's actually happening and you can't do anything to stop it.
You started contemplating about the ways this could be avoided. How you could pretend throw up or faint, or just leave and refuse to talk to the boys. Though in truth, you just sighed and sat there, going along with the idea.
You watched as Jensen set the karaoke system up, while Misha and Jared went to the kitchen to get some snacks.
You observed Jensen while he plugged in the unit but then realised that you had been staring at him... and his back faced you.
"So what songs would you like to do?" He questioned and you rubbed your hands, not sure about how to answer.
"Well, I-I..."
"We got popcorn and a few beers!" Jared announced when he entered into the lounge, with an annoyed Misha behind him, holding a tray.
"Thanks for the help Jared," Misha said, flatly and rolled this eyes.
"Okay so there are a bunch of songs, you guys take a first pick," Jensen have Jared a microphone and one to you, though you passed yours to Misha. He looked at you with his head slightly tilted then shrugged his shoulders.
They sang a bunch of famous songs, old and new, with the mics being passed from person to person.
The boys continued to try to convince you to take a mic and sing but you refused their every attempt.
At one point they shoved the mic close to your lips and forced you to enjoy and sing something. You just smiled nervously through it all, your heart thumping violently. You were so close to having a panic attack.
Come on, just sing and stop being a wimp! You thought.
You finally gathered your will and sang, and the boys were super happy. They sang along too and you all sounded... horrifying, in the best way to describe, but you all were having fun.
"We should have a band, call ourselves 'The Wannabes'," Jared commented with a laugh after the song ended.
"Then we could your around and make money by busking on the street and entertaining kids at parties," Misha added and Jensen laughed.
"I know the songs to every Barny song thanks to JJ!" He said and raised his hand, "I'm in for this idea."
You had a half smile on your face through the conversation. You didn't feel that enthusiastic about it. You know how to sing, you've heard yourself after recording a song cover and it's pretty decent... though you've never sung in front of anyone.
Well... Does sending audio recording a to your best friend count?
You felt super uncomfortable, you needed a change of situation right now.
"Hey, I'll just be back from the washroom," You told Jensen softly after getting up from your seat. He nodded and you walked to the washroom and locked yourself inside.
You didn't need to use it, it's your hiding spot for now. You ran a hand through your hair then sat on top of the closed toilet seat.
You looked at your reflection in the mirror and sighed. "Come on [y/n], just do it. You know how to sing so just... do it," You mumbled to yourself, "It's just Jar, Jen and Mish!"
You huffed, you couldn't suppress the rising anxiety within you. "Jensen can sing and you can too so why not just do it once and for all?" You asked yourself and stood up.
You leaned on the sink and looked at yourself straight in the eye. "You're beautiful, funny, kind and you can sing damn fine," You said and took a deep breath, "Pretend that they don't exist, or be the cause for a surprise of a lifetime!"
You fixed your hair up and licked your lips, cleared your throat then walked out of the washroom with a gained confidence.
They were singing along to a song by Phil Collins... 'In The Air Tonight', you guessed.
You entered the room and nodded. Yeah, you're guess was spot on.
"Hey [y/n]! I was just gonna go check on you. You okay?" Jensen asked and you nodded with a soft smile.
"ARGH! Damn you Collins!" Jared yelled, "You won that one, BUT IT'S MY SONG!" Misha laughed at his dace and they argued a bit.
"What song do you want?" Jensen asked and you told him one of your current jams, that the guys know as well.
[Comment your current fav song, I want some more music!]
"Oh nice choice!" He selected the song and you sat beside Misha on the couch. You could feel your hands shake a bit while your face got all tingly with anxiety.
The music started playing and you waited till you had to sing. You were paired up with Jensen while Misha and Jared continued to fight for the microphone.
You rolled your eyes and giggled, then started to sing... more like mumble the song lyrics when the cue came.
You shut your eyes and sang the way you would when you'd be alone in your room... alone while listening to the song on your speakers or headphones.. alone at home with the world unaware of the undiscovered talent in the one bedroom apartment.
You didn't realise it but at a point you were the only one singing.
And your voice abruptly disappeared when you realised. You looked at the people in room with anxiety. They continued to stare at you as if you belonged to another species.
You certainly felt that-
"I knew it... I KNEW IT!" Misha exclaimed and clapped his hands, "Jared you owe me 100 bucks!"
You looked at them with confusion then turned to Jensen.
"Oh my Lord, wow you can sing! Why haven't you sung before? Where was this hiding all this time?!" Jensen spat out questions and you shrugged at all of them, feeling your cheeks grow hit with this sudden attention.
"Okay now you're out of 'The Wannabes'," Jensen said and shook his head, "It's strictly for 'good singers' unlike you who can never reach our esteemed level! Right guys?"
Misha and Jared nodded and you knudged Jensen's shoulder. "Oh come on!" You have him the puppy eyes and he shooed you off. "Go away, unworthy of being in our presence. We're rising stars at a point where you can never reach!"
You looked at him with a brow raised, giving him a dirty look. You know he's joking, given his constant grin plastered on his lips.
You continued to stare at him with that expression and he licked his lips. "You know I'm jokin-"
"I know that Ackles!" You pushed his shoulder playfully then snatched the remote control from him, "Now what song should we do next?"
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