Teraphobia (Dean)
🎶: 'Harder To Breathe' by Maroon 5
Dean was one of your worst enemies right now. You despised him, the very thought of Dean Winchester made you rage out. How dare he put you in such a situation?!
"[y/n], come on, I was trying to help you out. I wanted to make sure you don't feel afraid anymore," Dean explained while you brisk-walked to your room.
You turned around sharply, making Dean stop suddenly, and you shot him the finger. He raised his brows and scoffed, "I did it for your own good [y/n]. I care about you alright?"
You didn't turn back, you charged on towards your bedroom then slammed the door shut. You paced around, groaning in frustration.
You just found out that Dean played a nasty prank on you, targeting one of the things you hate: Monsters.
Yes, you're a Hunter but ever since a traumatic event that took place a few months ago, involving a Djinn and you being unconscious for three days in the hospital, you prefer not coming close to any supernatual creatures.
The ever-growing fear of getting killed by a slit throat or broken limbs from being thrown to a wall or choking on your own blood...
No, you couldn't break this fear. Anything but this one, this is too intense for you to handle.
But Dean thought otherwise.
He put on makeup and fake fangs, pretended he was a vamp then came at you after sending you coordinates. You believed it, the make up was pretty legit. You freaked out and attacked him, but his outlook was too realistic and it got the better of you.
Now you're giving him all the hate you can muster because he was a jerk for doing that to you. Though deep inside you know you shouldn't be afraid, you're extremely skilled and knowledgeable about Hunting. You have nothing to worry about but... You can't help it.
You lay down on your bed with your arms and legs sprawled out. You breathe slowly, staring at the shadowy figures on your ceiling and smile slightly. You turned and looked to your side table, your lamp had a piece of paper placed on it. You left it there in a hurry.
You read it and shook your head, it had the words Werewolf and bullets, which was enough for you to crumple it up and toss it into the bin.
You sighed loudly then shut your eyes, concentrating on the swirls that moved around under your eyelids... Which slowly made you fall asleep.
"When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love
You'll understand what I mean when I say
There's no way we're gonna give up
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams
Is there anyone out there 'cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe"
You paused your music and jogging at sane moment, looking to your phone to see the new text message:
You furrowed your eyebrows then picked up your pace and headed for the location. He seemed pretty straight forward, maybe something came up about the case.
After collecting your emotions and returning back to equilibrium, Dean apologised immensely and you shrugged it off. He told you about the case he was working on, he wanted a new insight that could help him.
Though he went on about the intricacies of the case, at that time your mind was still occupied with the annoying prank the Winchester had played on you.
You're kind of fuzzy about what the case is actually about, reading about it once again wouldn't hurt.
You turned to your first left, jogged for a bit then turned right, and there you were at your destination-
You scoffed.
"You have got to be kidding me," You mumbled to yourself and walked ahead gradually.
In front of you stood an old, creaky and termite-infested two-floored house with an attic and probably a basement. The metal gates had bent bars and rust all over, one cut and you're done for with infection.
You gulped. You were concerned about this place but the thought of Dean attempting to pull another prank on you kept making a reappearance in your mind.
You dialed Dean's number, wanting to call him out for being a jerk for trying to tease you again and make you face your fears.
"This is Dean Winchester. Leave your name, number and nightmare at the tone."
"DEAN I SWEAR if this is another attempt of yours to make me freak out then it's not working because I've found out!" You walked towards the house, looking to the ground to avoid tripping over the loose wires and vines, "You're a dick Dean!"
You ended the call then stuff your phone in your pocket. You push the main door open and step in cautiously. You were sure that Dean made you come to this place to haunt you, but you still felt worried... a constant shiver ran down your spine.
You entered what you assumed was the living room, you could see an open kitchen with a burnt down stove and cabinets at the far end.
"Dean?" You said loudly, glancing around then swallowing hard. There was no sign of him.
"Dean where are you?!"
You felt a cold breeze hit your neck and bare arms... You rubbed them to warm them up. You turned behind and saw a figure, a man, standing there, a wrench in his hand and he continued to glare at you.
You rolled your eyes, "HA HA Dean... quit the act, I know it's you. You're such an ass some-"
You were thrown back to the wall, then fell to the floor with the air in your chest knocked out. You coughed hard, you had trouble breathing a bit. "WH-WHAT THE HELL DEAN?!" You yelled, your voice growing a little shaky.
You started to stand up but the figure raised his arm and made the artifacts in the room levitate.
Your eyes widened... this was DEFINITELY not Dean.
"What the shit?!" You whispered furiously and eyes darting frantically for something iron. This was clearly a ghost.
You went to grab a fire poker but the ghost grabbed your neck and choked you with a force you couldn't fight off.
The ghost disappeared into fiery ash. You breathed heavily then looked at the person who shot it.
It was Dean... and he looked dead serious.
He grabbed the fire poker and threw it to you. "Come on, the flask has to be ariund here. Help me find it!" He instructed and you grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.
"What is HAPPENING?!"
He tilted his head in confusion, "This is where he died [y/n], I sent you a message that we have to hunt him here. Don't you remember the case?"
You stared at him blankly. You don't remember a thing.
You took a breath out.. it was cold mist and you gulped. The ghost was coming back.
You turned around and it was charging towards you. Instinctly, You swung the fire poker at him and he disappeared. "DEAN FIND IT QUICK!" You yelled fearfully. Your hands started shaking with anxiety.
This was an absolute nightmare for you. You were fighting a supernatural creature on your own, who just happens to have powers involving levitation and throwing you metres away till your bones break.
Life is great... can't argue with that.
You walked around the long house corridors, stepping into the guest bedroom when-
The ghost threw a candlestick a you, missing you by a hair. You charged towards him and swung at him but he threw you to the wall before your reflexes acted.
"De... DEAN H-HE... HELP!" You felt the air in your lungs compress, your vision grew blurry.
You mustered all the strength you had left in you and took a final swing at the ghost-
He yelled in agony, Dean lit the flask with fire, you could see him approaching the room.
The powers stopped working and you gasped for air. Dean watched as the ghost's soul rose to the world above. You bent over and put your hands on your knees.
Dean smirked and gave you a side hug. You pushed him away and went for the main door.
"I'm proud of you [y/n], you fought all by yourself!" He commented and you shot him a dirty look.
"I can bet that you knew exactly where the flask was but you took your good time so that I'm traumatised for longer," You stated and crossed your arms.
He looked to you with a fake hurt expression, "I'm not that cruel [y/n/n], though what I am is extremely proud of you. Now I won't bother you anymore, I know you'll want to come on hunts... the adrenaline rushing through your veins. Fear BEGONE!"
You chuckled and pushed him playfully. You sighed, you had to admit that even though you were moments away from dying, he was right about the adrenaline thing.
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