Subtext (Alexander)
Hey all!
If you've got any ideas for Alexander/Jack imagines, comment or PM me, thanks!
You walked to your trailer, watching your back to see if anyone was looking at you. You tried your best to act as normal as possible, you didn't want to grab any attention to yourself.
You entered inside and waited patiently on the couch, hearing a KNOCK! a few moments later. You got up quickly and opened the door, watching as your visitor wriggled himself through the door as fast as he could. You shut the door and locked it then asked him, "Did anyone see you?"
He shook his head, "I was in full-on stealth mode." You smiled then wrapped your arms around him, he kissed you on the head and you both sat on the couch and cuddled.
"This is exhausting Alex, do we really have to continue doing this?" You questioned and he sighed. "I don't know, you did want to have our privacy and not capture the 'world's' attention," He reminded and you frowned.
You and Alex are in a a relationship but you both are kind of not feeling the joy and happiness of it these days.
You met him when you guest starred on Arrow a couple of years ago for Season 4 when Alex played Lonnie Machin (Anarky), a sadistic murderer and psychopath. You were in three episode with him, being on the bad team of the show, and you immediately hit a connection with him.
Now, he's starring as Jack in the latest season of Supernatural while you've been on the show for a few seasons now.
The sad part for you two is that you both are together, you love each other, GREAT! But you had to hide yourselves and deceive people around you, making them think that you almost don't even know each other.
And that's hard when you're super deep in love with each other.
"Why don't we just tell everyone? It doesn't make sense to keep it a secret," You complained while he stroked the strands of your hair.
"Well, you're the one who didn't want to and wanted to enjoy the low interest of the public," He replied the sat up, making you move away and face him, "Tell me one thing... are you ashamed of being with me?"
You widened your eyes,looking at him with disbelief, "Alex why would you think that?! Of course I'm not ashamed of you! If I was I would have broken up with you long before."
You held his hands, "I love you so much, please never question that." He smiled then kissed you on the lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck,playing with his messy hair then lay down and pulled him along with you.
He grinned and bent to kiss you aga-
Both your heads snapped to the trailer door, who could it be?
Alex got off of you and walked to the door but you grabbed his shirt, tugging him back. "It's my trailer, you need to hide!" You whispered furiously and glanced at the shower.
Alex hurried inside and shut the made your hair then opened the door, finding Jensen standing at the foot of the steps.
"Hey [y/n], I hope I didn't disturb you," He said and you shook your head, the constant thought of Alex being there haunted you.
"N-No... What do you need?" You asked, fidgeting with your fingers. "Bobby is calling you, he wants to assemble everyone," Jensen informed and you nodded, "Have you seen Alex-"
He stared at you, a hint of surprise on his face.
"Umm... no I haven't, he's probably snacking on something," you responded and he nodded, then left you to go back into the trailer.
You knocked on the shower door and Alex opened moments later, smiling slightly. "Are we okay to go?" He asked and you nodded.
"Okay I'll go first then you leave the trailer after five minutes," You told him and he agreed.
That evening...
"Sorry babe we can't have our daily dose of Brooklyn 99 tonight," Alex said sadly and you sighed. You stared at his facial features, illuminated by the white spot lights at the sides in the building plot.
"That's okay, in a way you doing work late night means that you'll be free later on," You explained and he shrugged his shoulders.
You pulled him to a shadowy area then looked around. After finding no one watching you planted your lips on his for one final passionate make out before he left to work. You'd probably see him again tomorrow afternoon.
And that's another thing. You don't even sleep together. A couple of two years would definitely live together but you and Alex...
It gets lonely, you don't like the distance at all.
He caressed your cheek, "Hey, I'll be with you soon. I'm not going anywhere, I'm on the same set. I'll message you when I have breaks and when I'm going to bed. It'll be like om with you."
You forced a smile on your face, through all your sorrow. He kissed your forehead then hugged you.
"I have to go now, it's five past," He whispered and you pulled away. "Have fun, tell me everything about the shoot," You said and he nodded happily.
The next day, afternoon...
You walked over to the snack corner, grabbing a couple of Oreos and making yourself a cup of coffee.
"Hey [y/n]," You looked back to find Misha walking up to you with a smile. You smiled back, offering him an Oreo which he took happily.
"Good afternoon Misha, how are you doing?" You greeted him happily. "I'm good, what about you?" He asked and you nodded.
"Peachy," You said sort of flatly. You grabbed your cup of coffee and walked over to a bench. Misha followed you, sitting beside you and giving you company. He was one of your best friends on set, other than Alex of course.
"Hey uh, I wanted to talk to you about something if you don't mind," He said, running a hand through his hair.
"Yeah sure, talk to me."
"I was wondering if you were dating anyone..." Misha said then bit his lip, as if completely regretting about steering the conversation that way.
"Um, Misha I'm not up for-"
"Before you think that I'm asking you about going out with me-No no I don't mean that," He clarified and you sighed with relief but the dread of Alex becoming a topic of this discussion.
"I uh..."
"I was just curious, you never mentioned a boyfriend or fiancé and we've known you for years now," Misha expressed, "I'd assume a girl like you would have a list of guys or something."
He chuckled and you smiled nervously. "I'm sorry, this is such an awkward conversation," Misha put his hand out, "Just ignore whatever I've said."
You smiled softly then cleared your throat. "It's fine... I guess I just don't bring the statue of my love life into work, even if talking to close friends," You told, "And I'm not with anyone right now."
He paused.
There was silence between both of you.
"Really?" He squinted his eyes, "Because I could have sworn that it was you kissing Alex next to trailer row one yesterday late in the evening."
You turned your head slowly to look at him with horror.
"Hmm..." He shrugged, "Maybe not, it was probably Stephanie. She had the same built as you."
SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT, Repeated played in your mind.
He looked at you with his head tilted, "Judging by your expressions... it was you?"
"Misha, DON'T TELL ANYONE!" You whispered with a slclenched jaw, "I swear if you do-"
"Chill, your secret is safe with me!" He reassured, "But why are you keeping it a secret? It's something to be happy about."
"I don't know, I just want us to have privacy and let the world not... you know," You huffed and he nodded. "Alright I get you," He said then looked ahead, "Hey! There's your boyfriend!"
You glared at Misha, hoping that your expression would cause him to disintegrate. "I'm kidding!" He said and you rolled your eyes.
Alex came closer to the two of you and he smiled at you specifically. "Hi Alex, how was your shoot yesterday?" You asked and he looked happy.
"Went well, Jared and Jensen didn't prank me that much," He informed you and you gave him a 'thumbs up'.
"Alrighty, you kids hang tight. I'm going to check on J2," Misha said and eyed you. Once Alex's back was towards Misha, you flipped the actor off and he stuck his tongue out playfully.
"[y/n] you okay? You seem kind of... distracted," Alex expressed and you smiled at him through your distress, "Something's up, did Misha say something to you? You can talk to me you know."
You started to fidget with your hands, he was on to you and you were feeling extremely nervous. For the first time, his tone made you feel intimidated.
He kept asking about it, you starting walking away from him to avoid this conversation he was desperate to have.
Did someone say something to him? Is it why he's on edge, kind of like you?
You couldn't deduce anything,your mind was over-thinking and over-processing every single environmental cue.
"[y/n] stop walking away from me! Talk it out-"
You turned around abruptly and clenched your fists, glaring at him. "You know what? FINE, follow me," You instructed by he crossed his arms.
"What, why?"
You rolled your eyes and grabbed his arm and pulled him towards where most of the people stood, inside the shooting building.
He complained all the way till you reached where Jared, Jensen and Misha was standing and talking.
"Hey guys!" You waved at them, interrupting their conversation, "Could we have your attention for a moment?"
Then glanced at reach other then turned to look at you and Alex. Your boyfriend was BEYOND confused, he really wanted to ask you about what the hell you were up to but let you control the situation.
You looked at Misha for a moment then spoke after taking a deep breath.
"Because it's been on my mind and it's bothering me, and I really can't do my work properly and keep my mood happy..." You said, then turned to Alex.
You gulped, hoping that you weren't making a mistake.
You pulled him towards you by his mecj and kissed him. He continued for a quick moment before stepping away in complete shock and confusion.
"What did you do [y/n]?!" He questioned, while you waved your hands at them and said 'Surprise!'.
"We're dating, and now you finally know!" You added and they looked at each other. After a long awkward atmosphere, they cheered and smiled, wishing you both congratulations.
Misha was extremely surprised by your actions, a smirk crept on his lips though.
Alex had a look of bewilderment through all of this and after J2M settled down with the excitement, he gave you a face of 'WTF JUST WENT DOWN?!'.
You sighed, "Misha knew about us. He saw us yesterday in the evening kissing. He asked me about it and I just got sick and tired of us being a secret."
"I miss you Alex, I miss spending time with you and being able to openly talk to you without fearing that someone may figure something out," You explained, "We're supposed to have fun, enjoy our time like every couple should and is supposed to. I miss you at night, I miss your cozy cuddles when I sleep with you, and knowing you I'm sure tjat you feel the same too."
"I just..." You frowned, "I couldn't take it anymore."
Unexpectedly, he wrapped his arms around your waist and embraced you. You returned the hug after a moment, shutting your eyes in relief to finally have a weight of social perception and interest taken off of you.
Finally, after a stretched of time you were happy.
"Hey guys so, how long have you been together?" Jensen asked as you pulled away from the hug.
You looked at Alex and grinned, "Well just a short span of two years." Jensen raised his eyebrows, "Wow... you guys really are experts at secrecy."
You chuckled and Alex smiled.
"That's exactly what we had aimed for."
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