"Sorry For Your Loss" (Misha)
Took inspiration from an idea given to me by LaniCollins.
Thanks for the contribution! 💕
You sulked. You had come back yesterday from your father's funeral and it had consumed you mentally and physically. You couldn't fathom the fact that he isn't in the world anymore.
You went into an emotional patch. You were so shocked that you had a blank and drained expression on your face. You didn't eat much and you barely talked. At least you weren't crying anymore.
Your family... They were concerned. Your mom and sibling were, no doubt, but your own family was worried about your health, especially your kids.
"Is mommy still sad about grandpapa dying?" Maison asked her father and he squeezed her shoulder slightly. "Yes, and we say 'passed away'. It's a nicer way to describe when someone has died," Misha said softly and his daughter nodded.
Today, you were feeling particularly overwhelmed by the tragic event, you stayed up in your bedroom for most of the time. Misha even brought you a few cups of tea once in a while.
"Alright Maison, continue your homework and I'll go check Mommy," He got up and kissed his daughter's head, walking out of the living room and to your bedroom.
He took a deep breath before knocking on the door and peeping in. Misha sighed when he saw what you were doing. "Oh honey, don't do that... Please," He sat on the bed and observed the many pictures scattered across.
Your eyes were red and puffy. There were tissues piled up on the bed side table. Misha started to gather the pictures and place them back in the dusty box from which you took them out from but you held his hands.
"Wh-What are you doing?" You asked hoarsely and he looked at your sadly. "You shouldn't be doing this sweetheart, it's going to make your heart ache more," He explained and you sighed, your eyes threatened to tear up again.
He placed the box on the floor then moved closer to you. You pulled your legs up and your toes touched his upper leg. "Talk to me honey, I want to help please," He looked at you with pity and empathy and you sighed with frustration.
"It j-just hurts Misha! I can't-I don't think I can live with this g-grief," You broke down into tears again and he wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your shoulders and back and planting kisses on your head.
"[y/n], we're all hurting, I'm so devastated but would your father want you to be in this state? He'd hate to see you in so much sorrow," Misha said, "Plus, we've got Maison and West who are anxiously waiting to spend time with their mother once again. They miss you honey... I-I miss you."
You looked up to him and sniffed, wiping your nose with a tissue. Misha used his thumbs to wipe the tears away from your eyes. "Come on, where's the happy girl I know? She seems to have gone on vacation," He said with a slight grin and you smiled a bit.
He was going to get up but your grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "Please don't leave my side," You mumbled into his ear and he kissed your cheek. "I would never leave your side. I'm yours for as long as you want," He told you and you pull away from the embrace, kissing him passion-
"Um... Daddy? Can I talk to you?"
You pulled away abruptly, though Misha wanted more. You both looked to the doorway and your cheeks got a little hot when you saw your son watching your mini make-out session.
"Sure Westie, I'll come to your room," Misha said and your son skipped along towards his room. Your husband got up and kissed your forehead before walking towards the door, "Let me know if you need anything."
You nodded and smiled, going back to your deep in thought routine.
"Alright son, what's up?" Misha asked and collapsed in one of the bean bags laying about. "Mommy isn't feeling that happy so can we cheer her up?" He suggested and Misha smiled in slight awe.
"Wow, you are such a kind boy! That's very thoughtful of you," He said proudly, "What idea do you have in mind?"
3 days later...
You felt much better than before. West and Maison had made you a card and they even planned a small skit to perform for you, to cheer you up. You felt blessed to have children like them.
You and Misha decided to go out and spend some time together, just the two of you. You ate at a restaurant at the local mall then he treated you into buying anything you wanted. You refused at first but he argued that he'd end up getting clothes for you then. You ended buying a dress, two casual shirts and some rather pretty underwear.
You were on the drive back home when you noticed that he was a bit tense. He kept tapping the steering wheel and he was distracted.
You pulled into the driveway, got out of the car and took the shopping bags. You walked with Misha by your side then you turned around all of a sudden after placing the bags on the floor and hugged him.
"Thank you for today. You made me feel way more better than I was a few days ago," You said and he smiled. You pecked him on the lips before he reached to unlock the door.
It was rather dark than you had left it. You remember clearly that you left few lamps on. West and Maison were at their grandmama's house, Misha's mom.
You stepped into the living room-
You jumped in fright as the lights suddenly switched on and many people jumped up from their hiding spots. You stared at all of them with your heart pounding.
Everyone froze all of sudden, they stopped cheering and starting mumbling. You looked to the floor and realised that you had dropped all your shopping bags when they surprised you. Everything was scattered on the floor... Even the pretty underwear.
Your cheeks got hot. You quickly dumped everything back in their bags and stood up like nothing had happened.
You chuckled nervously, "S-So what's this all about?"
"Where's [y/n]?!" Misha asked a few of the party members and they replied by saying that you were in the backyard. He rushed out, feeling worried about how you were feeling.
His eyes scanned the backyard for any sign of you and finally found you sitting on one of the garden chairs, your head in your hands.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He walked over to you and sat in the chair placed beside. He pulled your closer and rubbed your arms, hoping that you would respond.
"You know, dad loved to throw surprise parties because he loved to see that look of shock and excitement on the person's face," You told him between sobs, "It was one of the things I loved about him. He was so... Caring and giving... Just like you."
Misha smiled slightly and kissed your forehead, "Isn't that something to be happy about? Family and friends are here to have a good time with you. Isn't that something to enjoy?"
You buried your head in his chest and cried, "It reminds me of dad... I miss him!" Misha frowned and rocked you slowly. He felt tears stinging his eyes, he hates seeing you like this.
"Honey, he wouldn't like to see you like-"
"Um Misha?"
Your husband looked back at the back yard door and saw one of your close friend's husband standing there. "Can I talk to you?" He requested and Misha went over to him after kissing you on the cheek.
"What's up?" Misha asked then noticed how everyone was preparing to leave, "Wait, what's going on? Why are you all leaving?"
"[y/n] seems uncomfortable so we thought that we should, you know... Give you guys some space and stuff," One of your childhood friends said and Misha shook his head.
"[y/n] is fine, she's-"
"H-Hi guys," You said and walked towards the crowd of people. They watched your every move and Misha came over to see how you were feeling.
He kissed your head and held your hands, "Are you okay?" You nodded slowly, giving him a smile with effort.
"Please don't leave, everyone," You said, gripping your husband's hand tightly, "Having your company while going through this sadness... It's way better than being alone. I care about you all and I can't thank you enough for being here for me." Everyone smiled at you.
"I guess I just need to... Let go," You said and took a breath, "He's in a better place now, hopefully and he wouldn't want tears and misery to be what he left behind." Misha nodded in agreement, pulling you closer to him by your waist.
"To dad, and to all the great doings that he did when he was with us," You said and smiled. Everyone shared the feeling of attachment that you had channeled out now.
"Do you know what's the best part of this?" Misha asked and you shook your head, "Your gem of a son West came up with this idea to cheer his mommy up." You looked at your son softly and gave him a hug, whispering a 'thanks' in his ear while the guests 'aw'ed.
"But! Maison helped to plan everything," Misha informed, "She called everyone up and invited them over." The guests nodded in confirmation and you looked at your little daughter in surprise. "Sweetheart really? Aw that's sweet of you!" You said and smiled widely.
You were so thankful that you were having friends and family over. Though you lost one very close member of your family, you realised that you have way more than you could ever ask for... Right here with you.
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