Social Anxiety (Castiel Ft. Dean)
"Dean we can't afford to let this go on for any longer. It's not safe for the people around," You said to the Winchester and sat up in your seat on the cold hospital bench-chair.
He rubbed his head and shrugged his shoulders, "What do we do about it? At least he's fixing up his mess."
"Yeah but... I don't know Dean, we should take matter into our hands-"
"Hello Dean, [y/n]," Castiel walked over to the two of you and took a deep breath, "Their memories are wiped of remembering anything from today afternoon."
You stood up and hugged him, much to his surprise, "Cas we'll help you through this alright? Talking to people isn't that difficult. I used to have problems in the beginning too but I made an effort to fix it up."
Dean smiled at his friend, "And your first assignment is taking off your coat and going and interviewing the police officers at the crime scene."
Castiel gulped, he threatened to do something wrong again but you grabbed his shoudler and looked at him straight in the eye.
"Cas take a deep breath, it'll be fine," You whispered and it relaxed him. You looked at Dean then walked over to him, "Are you trying to freak him out more?!"
He rolled his eyes, "Its called 'flooding'."
"Flooding... It's a psychological technique related to phobias."
You raised an eyebrow, slightly impressed by his sudden knowledge about psychology.
"What, I saw it on NatGeo People," Dean rubbed his neck and smiled smugly, "But it's where you face your fears straight on."
You frowned, "I don't know if it would be good for Cas..."
"It won't hurt to try. What do we have to lose?" Dean batted his eyebrows and started walking to the exit. You followed him after Castiel walked next to you, after analysing the situation in the hospital.
He was beyond tensed, he stood awkwardly still in the middle of the large hall, watching all the people walk around. He didn't have a clue about what was going on and he didn't know how to deal with the anxiety that has seemed to have made a permanent home inside him.
Castiel doesn't usually fear human interaction but lately, after knowing of the consequences that his brothers and sisters are going through after Hunters finding out that they were actually Angels, and then torturing and capturing them.
His confidence is slowly diminishing. Every time he stammered in a conversation with anyone he feels that he may say something wrong and then the person would find out about his true identity.
He'd go under pressure and then WHOOSH! He'd disappear and teleport himself to somewhere where he could clear his mind.
And that's not good at all because Cas would disappear in front of a bunch of normal, unsuspecting people who would then think that they're crazy. Castiel would have to clean up his mess and wipe their memories so that they don't go to the police or worse.
You and the Winchesters have this as your top priority, you need to solve it soon.
And that's how Castiel is in the middle of a ballroom hall, asking and investigating a case about woman whose eyes turned bright red then she slit her throat at a formal party here.
"H-Hi I'm... Agent D-Dion," He introduced and flashed his FBI badge, "I'm here about the Sharon Knowles case?"
The officer nodded his head and led him to the direct crime scene. "What are the Feds doing here? This is an open-and-shut case. She was a little suicidal, did her time with drugs to the surprise of everyone," The officer eyed Castiel and the Angel gulped.
He'll know, what do I do?! I'll get captured and they'll trace Father knows what in my chest with their blades, Castiel thought while the nervousness started to boil up in him.
"Well I um... i-it's-"
"You look a little tired, you doing okay?"
Castiel widened his eyes, he threatened to disappear from this social anxiety. He feared the consequences way too much.
"Hey, you want something to drink?" The officer tilted his head and frowned slightly. Castiel shook his head then took in a sharp breath.
Think about what you're going to say... they are just people like Sam and Dean and [y/n], and I always talk to them, Castiel mentally told himself.
"Thanks I'm... fine, I was working late last night. W-We believe that this case links to one we are closely examining at the FBI," Castiel made up an explanation, a spark of confidence clear as crystal in his tone.
The officer nodded then told Castiel further details about the victim. Castiel took notes professionally, looking at the crime scene from all angles and making sure he had enough information to pass onto you and Dean.
At the back of the room, clear of view, you smiled softly. You stayed in the hall, disguised as one of the attendees, without Castiel knowing just to make sure he doesn't collapse and lose it all.
Dean told you he'd be fine, you were too concerned for poor Cassie. He's too innocent.
But there was nothing to worry about. You were watching a completely new look of Cas and you looked at him proudly.
Attaboy, Cas! You thought and took a sip of your cocktail.
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