Shangri-la (Castiel AU)
This takes place in the future setting in the episode 'The End' (S05E04).
(Dean was originally from 2009 and he went to 2014)
"Hey Raven, how's everything going?" You waved at a member of the camp, a close friend of yours. You saved her from a pack of Crotoan-infected gang of thugs, with the help of Dean by your side.
"Good, what about you? How's Cas doing?" She asked and you smiled in return. "I was just about to ask you about him, do you know where he is? I checked the food truck, he usually has his evening coffee around this time but he's not there."
She shrugged her shoulders, "Sorry [y/n] I have no clue." You waved goodbye then walked over to your small cabin, that you co-share with Castiel.
"Permission to enter?" You called out and waited for some response. If he wasn't in here then you had no clue where he could be.
"Access granted!" You heard A deep male voice say moments later and you smiled widely, opening the door and stepping inside.
You looked around for Cas and found him looking out of the window. "Hi Cassie!" You greeted and he turned to you and smiled.
"It's my favourite person in the world!"
You crossed your arms, "Really? I thought Dean was."
"Well... I liked his old self. Now he's all rigid," Castiel frowned and you hugged him. "I looked everywhere for you," You whispered in his ear, "What were you doing here right now?"
He pulled away and touched your nose, "Nothing of your business." He stepped away and took a cloth and dusted the artifacts on his shelf.
"OH lord, please don't tell me you were organising your 'female-members' party?!" You rubbed your face, feeling completely weirded out.
"Come on, it's fun!" He grinned, "I wanted you to join the or-"
"Hell no Cas! I'm not getting mixed up N-NO," You clarified and shook your head with disgust, "If you wanna sleep with me, I'd like to have privacy and one-on-one."
He wrapped his arms around your waist, "How about tonight then? I need something to warm up."
You squinted at him then pushed him off. "Don't make me ignore your presence again!" You warned and he raised his hands to his chest, signalling that he'll stop.
"You know... if you change your mind," He winked at you and you rolled your eyes, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the cabin.
"Come take a walk with me," You said softly and he smiled. You intertwined your fingers with his and tugged him along next to you.
The air was fresh and damp, they had just washed the heavy duty vehicles. The soil and ground had got all muddy and your boots squished as you walked. Castiel usually wears his soft slippers, even though you've told him that his feet would get dirty.
"I'll wash them then," He always reasons and you rolled your eyes every time.
"So... Why the sudden idea to walk and go outside?" Castiel inferred and you slapped his arm playfully.
"Hey what's that supposed to mean?!" You exclaimed, "I'm such an outgoing person alright? The weather is nice and it's breezy."
You watched the campsite, the sun dipping down ever so slowly into the horizon, making the sky a hue of colours. There was still a while till the sun set.
You could hear the faint sound of people chattering amongst themselves whole dogs barked in the distance. You smiled, taking a deep breath and shutting your eyes.
"You like this..." He observed softly and smiled at you. You stepped closer to him and hugged his arm.
"Croatoan and then Sam saying yes to Lucifer... It ripped me inside, the world couldn't have got worse but, once in a while to see the sky being blue and the grass growing green, it's nice," You told and he kissed your cheek.
You turned to watch him with surprise. "You look pretty, like mother nature," He complimented and you pushed him then walked ahead.
Cas laughed then followed you, walking down a hill. "What? I mean it! You're very pretty [y/n], I always tell you that," He reminded and you smiled at him a little.
You and Cas weren't in a relationship, he likes his... occasional 'gatherings, and you don't mind his preferences. He's sort of like the camp's guru, it's probably because he was a former Angel.
But you both had a great friendship. He was someone you could spend time with for the whole day, everyday. You share your innuendos with one another and you have a good understanding with each other.
"Alright fine Cassie," You said and smiled at him smugly. You sat on the dry grass, this area needed more watering, and tugged on Castiel sleeve to make him sit next to you.
He sat with his knees spread out a bit and you say in between them, leaning back on his chest and he hung his arms around your shoulders.
"Hey Cas, you never... you never told me about how it is go be human," You said and be took a deep breath.
"Human..." He sighed, "You know I used to be a part of a much cooler gang when I was an Angel. Human means I feel tired and hungry and feel scared or happy, it's just a mixture of wrong and right and ups and down..."
"But doesn't that add some sort of mystery to your life," You turned to look at him, "Every single day is never the same."
"Yeah but I'm hurting everyday, I've got a leg ache that just-"
You pushed his knees down then you massaged his thighs slowly, giving them the right amount of pressure and earning a moan of comfort that told you he was relaxed.
"But you wouldn't feel that if you were an Angel Cas," You said smoothly and moved your hands higher till he had to grab your arms and make you stop.
"Oh sweetheart that's why I want you for the-"
He looked up, seeing a man at the foot of the hill waving and yelling to grab his attention.
Castiel got up immediately and jogged down hill. You followed him, catching your breath at the end, then asked, "What's going on?"
There were trucks being loaded and lined up, ready to be driven out on another mission.
But they just came back from one yesterday. They have a maximum of one every week.
Castiel walked up to you and held your arms, "They need me. They heard of a possible supply location and need to get there immediately."
"No but-"
"[y/n] Dean needs me for this, I have to go I'm sorry," He started to walk away but you grabbed his arm and pulled him back, immediately planting your lips on his.
He pulled away and stared at you, completely lost for words. "What..."
"Be back soon, please I'll be worried," You requested then playfully pushed him to the truck, "Be my hero Cassie, get me some beer and if you're lucky a pack of mints."
He winked at you, "If I get you to kiss me every time I leave then I should go more often."
Cas started walking to you but you put your hand out. "Don't make me regret it," You warned then started walking away, "Hey if you come back soon then I may just have a surprise for you... all me."
You turned to the way to your cabin, hearing Castiel say, "Get in now, we're leaving as soon as possible DEAN!" as he fumbled into the truck.
You chuckled and shook your head, smirking a bit then hurrying up your pace so you could take a soothing shower.
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