Screeching Tires (Misha)
6:34 AM
You rubbed your face before getting up from your bed. Even though you had your decent hours of sleep, you still felt tired.
Your family was one to continue your routine, even on weekends. You can't help it. You felt sleepy early on and wake up automatically in the morning.
You took a deep breath then walked towards the kitchen after stretching your arms. Your thirteen year old son was already there, about to take a bite from a chocolate bar when you cleared your throat loudly.
He jumped a bit then huffed when he saw you. You chuckled, "That's a great way to start the day." He smiled nervously and put the chocolate bar on the counter, walking over to you.
"So eggs and bacon for breakfast... chocolate for dessert?" You raised an eyebrow and he nodded slowly. You walked over to him and kissed his head, and he went and sat on one of the island stools.
"Mom, dad didn't wake up?" [y/s/n] asked and you frowned, while beating four eggs. "Dad didn't come home yesterday, he had to work till early in the morning," You explained, "He and Uncle Johnson thought they'd finish most of the work so that dad can spend the whole of next week with us."
You expected your son to be happy, you were happy yourself, but he sulked. "We haven't gone cycling for days, dad was supposed to take me," He told and you put the eggs on a plate in front of him.
"Oh honey, I can take you cycling. Don't forget I used to cycle by your dad's side, we used to be very competitive," You grinned and he sighed.
"But he was training me for the Sportathon," He explained and you smiled.
"He'll be back today, he should be in the way actual-"
You picked up the home phone and stared with confusion as to who would call at this time. "Hello? Who is this?" You asked and a woman replied.
"Hi, Mrs Collins?"
"Yes, speaking?"
"This is Doctor Marie from Goodwill City Hospital, I'm sorry to inform you but your husband was involved in a car accident and he-"
"W-Wait... What?! When, how did this happen?" You questioned with shock, looking at your son with concern.
"A person called in reporting a head on collision with the traffic light this morning at 5:26 AM," The doctor explained, "I would advise you to come right away to see your husband."
"Y-Yeah... I'm coming," You said, feeling a little shaking, "Thank you so much."
"Mom what's wrong?!" You son asked and you frowned then jogged to your bedroom to change your clothes.
"Daddy was in an accident, I have to go to the hospital," You explained in rush. You son watched you with confusion, "Mom I have to go with you."
You looked at him for a moment, debating about it then groaned, "Alright fine, get dressed quickly! We're leaving in five minutes."
"I'm here to see my husband Misha, he was admitted in emergency," You told the receptionist, in a hurry, and she nodded pointing down the hallway.
You grabbed your son's hand and rushed towards the end of the corridor, asking a nurse on the way about which room your husband was in.
You finally approached room #212 and knocked on the door after peeking into the door window.
You looked into the room then opened it up a little more. A nurse was taking an account of your husband's vitals. When she saw you she closed up her clipboard then smiled and walked out of the room to leave you three in privacy.
Once the door shut you rushed to Misha and hugged him. "Oh my lord Misha! What happened?!" You scanned his body, sulking at the sight of his plastered hand, chest area and bandaged head.
"Y-You have a patch on your eye," You sighed, caressing his face. "Dad's a pirate," Your son said with a small grin and Misha smiled tiredly, shifting his position then groaning when he felt pain.
"Do you need some water?" You asked then looked to your son, "Sweetheart get your father some water."
You helped your husband with the glass, he needed some assistance with holding the glass.
He rested his head back on the pillow and sighed. You and your son pulled chairs from next to the small table and sat by the hospital bed. You held your husband's injury-free hand and kissed the top.
"So if you have the energy... Tell me what happened," You said softly, looking at his eyes sadly.
"I... finished filming with John early on and packed my things to drive home. I wanted to come home so bad, I was tired and I wanted to spend time with you both so bad," He explained with effort, "I was driving on the highway and all of a sudden, I felt this way of drowsiness. I needed to rest my head then BAM! I crashed into one of the lights. I banged my eye on the steering and that's how I got this stupid eye patch!"
You smiled and kissed his cheek, "It's not stupid, You look... like a pirate." You looked at your son and smirked. Misha shut his eyes, sighing tiredly.
You bit your lip in sorrow, "Honey I'm so sorry. I should have messaged you like I do every night and asked you about how you were feeling. You wouldn't have been in this damn accident, oh my lord! I could have picked you up and left work early-"
He lifted his hand and held your cheek, "Would you please be quiet? I'm trying... to rest my sweetheart."
You took a breath then nodded, dimming the lights of the room then stepping up from your seat. "Mom, the doctor wants to talk to you," Your son informed and you glanced to the door window.
You exited the room and crossed your arms, feeling your body tremble with a grin of anxiety.
"Ah, [y/n], I wanted to inform you about your husbands condition," The doctor said and you nodded, listening intently.
"Your husband has suffered from a few bruised ribs and a minor concussion. He has received a few stitches on his hands and arms due to windshield glass injuries," The doctor explained, and gestured for us to go inside the room.
"Mr Collins?" He asked softly and your husband stirred awake, "I was telling [y/n] that it would be advisable that you spend a few days in the hospital under observation-"
"Wait, what? Why?" You question, "I can look after him, I've worked with patients that have been in much worse. I'll look after Misha."
You continued to reason with the doctor, You didn't want to leave your husband in the hospital. Being a nurse, at this hospital, you're very capable.
The doctor nodded, saying that it would be discussed later. He exited the room and Misha looked at you with no expressions.
"H-Honey I'm... It's better if I stay here. You can work and-"
"No I'm not leaving here hun, I can take care of you! You'll be up on your feet in no time. You'll be more comfortable at home," You said and he sighed while shaking his head slightly.
"No look, you can work here and watch over me during the day and you don't have to miss your shifts," He explained and you sighed.
"But I don't want you to be here, strapped to a hospital bed..." You said sadly and he smiled.
"I can walk cupcake, I'll be fine and you'll be here with me all day," He told and you nodded.
Your son played a video game on his phone for a time, while you checked on your husband then he expressed his hunger to you.
"I'm fine, honestly," Misha told the guest in the room, "I just need to rest and I'll be alright."
Johnson looked to you and sighed. He was one of Misha's old friends, he's like family. He and Misha are working on a social-message short film for a campaign and the shooting schedule's been quite engaging. Misha was filming for it before driving home... before the accident.
You continued to watch the men in the room converse while your son scrolled through his phone.
Misha sighed, "Its sucks man, I'm really sorry. We have to postpone filming now and-"
"Wait maybe you won't have to," You express, and idea popping into your mind, "Why doesn't [y/s/n] shoot some stuff with you? Of course, if you're okay with it and it'll suit your film plan."
Johnson smiled, "Hey that's actually not a bad idea. I think we could work some new scenes into the storyboard."
"[y/s/n] would get a little taste of how it is to work on a film and it'll help us out, really, since I'll be here for the whole day and night. I don't think [y/s/n] would want to camp out in a hospital..." You expressed, looking at him with an eyebrow raised.
"He can stay with us, no issues. Christopher's been pretty bored nowadays, all he does is watch movies," Johnson said, unamused, "Maybe [y/s/n] could bring some fun to the house."
Your son looked at you with happiness. He hasn't visited any of his friend's houses in quite a while.
"Well... that's settles it. We have everything sorted," Misha smiled with exhaustion then shut his eyes. Johnson got up from his seat, you did as well.
"I'll drop him and his things off in the evening?" You asked and he nodded with in agreement.
"I should be going," He said, "Get well soon Dmitri, we need to keep up with bowling night!" Misha chuckled and raised his arm to wave goodbye, but then winced and lowered it immediately because of the pain.
You hugged Johnson and led him out of the room, then walked back inside. "Honey, are you feeling hungry?" You asked your hubby, repeating the question again when he didn't respond.
You walked over to him and found that he was fast asleep, snoring softly. You smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek-
He turned his head and kissed you on the lips. You were surprised but then you kissed him back. "I thought you slept," You said, staring into his eyes after pulling away, faces inches apart.
"Anything to sneak a kiss," He mumbled and you pecked him quickly before standing up straight and tucking him into his blanket.
"Now rest okay? I'll be taking [y/s/n] home in a while so he can pack his things then I'll drop him and be back here," You explained, "Everyone knows me here, they're going to take extra good care of you and if anything goes wrong I'll be here immediately."
You ran a hand through your hair and tool a deep breath. "Sweetheart, I'll be fine alright? Relax," Misha mumbled with a smile in his face and you gave him a nervous one back.
After an hour, you and your son gathered your things and headed home. You wanted to back with your husband as quick as you could. You just couldn't handle being away from him.
He's your whole world.
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