Sapiosexual (Jack)
Another Jack imagine, this one dedicated to castiwljack. I hope you enjoy it! 😉
🎶: 'Certain Things' by James Arthur
You huffed and rolled your eyes at the fact that you could hear the guys talking from all the way in the Bunker's library. You needed your rest badly but it seemed as if the boys can't get that through into their freaking heads.
You looked at the clock hanging on the opposite wall and sighed. It was 2:00 AM.
You slipped your feet into your warm slippers and put on your hoodie, then walked towards the library.
"WINCHESTERS, CAS AND JACK! SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET ME SLEEP!" You yelled as you entered their presence. They looked at you with horror on their faces... Except Jack, he just looked like a confused puppy.
"I'm sorry [y/n], I think you misunderstand," Jack said and sat up in his seat, "We can't shut hell up because well... It's hell. It's where demons-"
"DON'T TEST MY PATIENCE JACK," You clenched your jaw and he backed away, looking a bit hurt.
You rubbed your face and sat on the closest empty seat at the table where the boys were at. "So what's this early morning fuss about? I just needed my five hours but you guys can't help with that," You complained and they frowned.
"Sorry [y/n/n], We just can't figure this thing out. Maybe you could help," Dean said and you sighed, nodding and pulling your chair closer to the table.
You looked at the information they had collected from articles and research online and concluded that this supernatural creature is undescribable.
"Woah okay so this thing can look and sound like someone without having to be that someone?!" You said aloud, completely lost for words. They all nodded and you mumbled, "We're screwed."
"This creature isn't exactly like a shifter. It doesn't she'd skin though messes with your mind to make you think that it looks and sounds like the person even though it is in its own form," Castiel explained further and you ran a hand through your messy bed hair.
"So the problem is that we have no way to know how to spot this creature amongst the crowd," Sam stated and you shook your head.
"No there is a way actually. Look at this," You placed an article in front of the boys and they gathered around, "There's an interview with a man who stated that a robber had been caught stealing his priceless items. The man had his radio on throughout and he reported to have seen two faces of the robber."
Everyone remained silent and you sighed. "Two faces... One of the robber and one of the creature? Sound more helpful?"
Everyone nodded, realising that you made a valid point. "The victim reported that he just observed it but I think there's a connection to radio waves and the way this creature works. It probably disrupts its ability to do telekinesis and control a person's mind," You added on.
Everyone stayed in silence, absorbing the information you had just shed light on.
"That's excellent [y/n]! You are far more intelligent than I had thought you were when I had met you first," Jack commented and you furrowed your eyebrows.
"Thanks? I think," You said and he smiled widely, "So all we need is to use as many radiowave producers to let us know who's the creature."
"Something tells me it won't be that easy," Castiel said and squinted his eyes. Sam stood up and put his hands on his hips, "Well actually, we do have some devices that could help us. Dean could you help me get them from the storage?"
The brothers walked out of the library and there was completely silence, making your ears ring. Castiel was busy looking at some lore books to gain more information that could perhaps help the case.
"You're quite fascinating," Jack states and you look at him with confusion. "W-What?" You felt uncomfortable as he kept eyeing your facial features.
"Your structure is astounding. I read about Da Vinci's perfect figure and you fit that exactly," Jack went on while checking you out and you were about to stop him but he refused to pause.
"Your intellectual level is brilliant. It's fascinating like the rest of you," He shared and you looked at Cas, who had a small smile on his lips though his eyes remained on the book he was reading.
"I find intelligence quite alluring and yours is... Beyond whatever I have witnessed," Jack said and smiled, "You have to be the most smart person I have met till now... Though I haven't met many people but-"
"Alright everyone, you're lucky to have us on the case," Dean said and grinned, "We got some old radios and output devices that would do the job for us."
They placed two cardboard boxes filled with devices and you looked at it with excitement.
"You know we could hook them up to a mall's intercom system to make it more efficient. That way we could monitor the cameras for anything odd," You suggested and the boys nodded happily.
"See? Isn't she brilliant everyone?" Jack asked and all looked at him, "Her mind... I like it, just like how I find nougat quite intriguing."
You could have sworn that your cheeks had gone red, you felt them heat up. The boys looked at you with smirks and you mumbled a "Shut your asses" to all of them.
"But [y/n] We can't shut-"
"Don't ruin what liking I have for you, Jack!" You snapped and he sat back in his seat while frowning. You laughed, suddenly having an affection for the half-human, half-angel.
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