Replacement (Dean Ft. Castiel)
🎶: 'Dead Man Walking' by The Script
Dean climbed out of the ground, clawing at the dirt and needing the fresh air desperately. He felt light headed, he needed oxygen soon otherwise he'd pass out.
The sun's heat waves pierced through his skin, Dean tried to find a spot of ground that wasn't as heated. He pulled himself out of the six feet deep whole and room a deep breath, chest heaving as he lay down.
Dean was seriously getting tired of the whole dying-and-coming-back deal. He needs to talk to Billie and get everything straight and sorted. She had told him that he still has time in his books, with him saving the world and all that heroic stuff.
He was standing in the middle of a dense forest, birds chirpes and leaves rustled in the soft breeze. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, his vision was still a little blurry. Dean tried to find any landmark cues to tell him where he was.
He found a diner that's a five minute drive from the Bunker up ahead in the distance after he squinted his eyes. He's in Lebanon, Kansas.
"I'm not far from home..." He mumbled, a fire starting up in his dried up throat. His muscles ached as he walked, being stiff for around four months isn't a breeze to go through.
After taking off his jacket that was messy and torned up, he bought a bottle of water from the diner, having enough change for it, and drank it in one go. People stared at him... He didn't care. Dean wanted to get home quick, he just wanted to see you.
He paced around in the Bunker. There was no sign of you or Sam anywhere. All your belongings were gone, there were no devices to give him some sort of contact to you both-
He noticed a till on the table, it had receipts and papers, and a note that said:
There's enough food for you for a week more Sam. Call me if you need anything.
Cas and I are at the Sunset Inn.
[y/n/n] xx
Dean smiled a bit then frowned... he missed you so much. He desperately wanted to see if you were alright. It seemed like you are but he wanted to know in person.
"Sunset Inn... isn't that the one in Colorado?" He talked to himself then raised his eyebrows, "Yeah... Colorado."
He walked to his bedroom and decided to freshen himself up and pack his bags for his drive-
"Where the HELL is Baby?!" He yelled then gulped. Dean assumed that you or Sam took his car, hoping that it's doing alright.
He continued to dump clothes into his duffel bag and carried a pistol and an extra Angel blade. After taking a shower he went into the kitchen and found two beers left in the fridge.
Dean walked back up the stairs and exited the Bunker, slinging the bag over his shoulder and walking to a bus station. He was anyways too tired to drive all the way down to the next state.
His boots stomped on the brick pavement, he didn't have much rest and was only running on beer and a couple of short naps on the bus. Dean was constantly fighting off the urge to sit by the road and doze off.
He crossed the road then started walking along the long stretch of the town the inn was located-
There, he saw it from the corner of his eye. It was a few buildings down, Sunset Inn had a glowing sign on a pole and Dean smiled.
He picked up his pace, excitement about finally getting the chance to meet you but he could shake off the dread in his mind.
Did you still care about him lile before?
Both of you were in a relationship, a really intense and passionate one too. You were the 'one', Dean felt, and he'd do almost anything for you.
But one hunt and a stab to the chest, he was buried underground, his soul travelled to Heaven when Billie put it back in his body months later, saying that his work on earth isn't done yet.
Dean peered through all the windows with curtains pulled back. Lucky for him the curtains were lacy so even if the windows were covered, He could somewhat see through and find the shadowy figures.
He didn't see you anywhere, Dean was sure that this was the inn. He had called them an hour ago to confirm that you were staying here.
He frowned, furrowing his eyebrows and-
Dean widened his eyes at the sight, He couldn't believe it.
There you were standing in your motel room, a bright smile on your face... but you had your arms wrapped around Cas and you kissed him.
Dean grunted, storming into the Inn and asking for your room after saying that he was a guest. He walked down the corridor to the third room on the left and banged on the door.
"Okay, I'm coming! Just a mom-"
You opened the door and froze, your first instinct was to slam the door shut on his face. You grabbed the dagger from your pocket and pointed it to his neck after opening the door again.
"[y/n] it's me alright! I came back-"
You grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the room, pushing him to the wall and putting your blade to neck grazing it.
"Why are you impersonating Dean?!" You yelled and he raised his eyebrows.
"Wow you've gotten stronger-"
You cut his neck slightly and he grabbed your arm and dug his nails into your skin. You were forced to stop, "ASSHOLE!"
You punched him in the nose then Cas pulled you back. He brought out his Angel blade and threatened to stab this 'Dean'.
"Guys it's me, please you have to believe me!" Dean said with exhaustion, "Billie brought me back alright? Look I'll prove it."
He reached out for the duffel bag on the table, he saw that it was filled with weapons. Dean took out the holy water flask and drank every last drop, none of it affected him.
"See? I'm not a demon," He said then found some silverware and picked up a fork, "Look I'm not a shifter either."
You rolled your eyes, "That's not real. It's steel." Dean frowned, "Okay but... you have to believe me. I came all this way from the Bunker, I saw a note to Sam-"
He paused, "Where's Sam?"
"He's in Ohio, working on a project with some other Hunters. He took the Impala," You told, "Dean wait, you were gone four months and I... I cant believe you're here, I'm so sorry I just you and-"
"Hey it's fine," He smiled softly then walked over to hug you. You hugged him back tightly, but then he pulled abruptly and attacked Cas.
"HOW DARE YOU PUT YOUR LIPS ON MY GIRL?!" He exclaimed while you tried to pull him away from the Angel.
"Dean what-"
"Yeah I saw it right now, smooching it up in here huh?" He said with a clenched jaw, "You betrayed me [y/n]."
"You were dead Dean. You DIED! You weren't supposed to come back," You argued, "Cas helped me go through it all and-"
"So I died and it's the end of us?! What happened to the whole 'we were made for each other'?" Dean shouted, "You're mine [y/n]!"
"HOW the HELL am I supposed to have a relationship with a corpse DEAN?!" You retaliated, "I disnt expect you to come back in any possible situation. Cas cares about me and I know you did too but you were gone. If you cared about me you wouldn't have been an idiot and gone on that case alone!"
"I wanted to protect you..."
"Yeah well, you did the complete opposite of that!" You exclaimed and Dean crossed his arms.
Cas stood there awkwardly then bent towards you to tell you that he's going out for a walk. "I'm happy you're back Dean," He said and Dean nodded.
"Look Dean... I like Cas, he's a sweetheart and for these four months he's been by my side," You explained and held his hands, "I can't just give him up. I got used to you being away and now that you're back... Don't doubt that I'm not happy, im thrilled but, I can't just switch people around."
He sighed, "But you're my girl [y/n]."
You smiled then kissed him on the cheek. "You must be tired Dean. We can talk about this in the morning," You said and pulled him to your bed.
After he sat on it he immediately got up. "W-Wait did you both..." He pointed to the bed and you laughed. "No asshole," You paused, "We did in the Bunker."
He looked at you with rage, clenched fists and ready to fight it out. "I'm kidding Dean! We got together a month back and Cas... He's more of a best friend lover than someone like you," You chuckled and winked at him.
You put a bandage on his neck then tucked him into bed. You walked over to the pantry to get him a glass of water hut when you came back you found him fast asleep.
You smiled softly, then lay beside him. You couldn't believe he was back, you were beyond happy but... You didn't know what to do about your feelings. You couldn't decide where they truly lie.
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