"Once Upon A Time ..." (Olivia x Dean)
Requested by almostarreaga
Thanks for the unique idea! I hope you like it!
"Come on sweetheart, time for bed!" You called out to your four year old son who was busy playing with his building blocks. He sulked as he dumped everything in its bucket then ran towards you in a hurry.
He grabbed your hand and you walked him to his room. "Mommy, where's daddy?" He asked you and you smiled softly.
"Daddy's doing some important work. He'll come home late at night. You'll be sleeping then [y/s/n], " You explained as he raced to the washroom to brush his teeth.
In the mean time, you searched his bookshelf for a story that could captivate him for the night and put him straight to sleep. You found one called "The Men of Letters: The Sound That Went 'Ring Ring Ring'."
You raised an eyebrow then glanced to the washroom quickly before flipping through the pages. There were some colourful illustrations of three men and a black car. There were a few of them talking and fighting, and walking about.
You smiled then nodded your head. "Come on [y/s/n], bedtime!" You reminded and he ran out of the washroom, jumping onto his bed and burrying his lower body under his astronaut blanket.
"Alright now baby, I'm going to read you a new story today!" You told him and he smiled with excitement, "This is a story about two brothers and their friend with superpowers."
"What do the two brothers do?" He asked and you smiled.
"They save the world from monsters and bad people, aren't they special?"
You moved closer to him then opened the book and started reading the words on the pages, one after the other:
'Once upon a time, in a land far away
Lived two brothers and an Angel,
Who saved the day.
They fought with knives, guns and their own two fists.
They fought off werewolves, demons and so many spirits.
Sam and Dean, and Castiel
Started to notice a ringing bell.
They searched around their home,
The Men of Letters Bunker,
But could not find a source
To the mysterious clinker.
In all the many rooms within,
The Hunters starting wondering
What could cause such a din.
"It has to be a ghost," Suggested young Sam.
Dean shook his head and said,
"A ghost can't make such a jam."
"What if it's something magical,"
Castiel raised a point.
But Sam and Dean shrugged their shoulders,
With a feel of disappoint.
"No but look, you must believe,"
Castiel got up and decreed,
"I've heard this before, I'm sure of it.
To the place I shall lead, follow me!"
Sam, Dean and Castiel
Got in their car and drove away,
To solve the mystery of the ringing noise and stop the monsters to save the day!'
You looked up and watched your son listening to the story with complete attention. "You're liking the book?" You asked and he nodded his head quickly.
"YES please continue mommy!" He requested and you smiled brightly.
"Alright sugar, I'll continue. Let's see what Sam and Dean get up to!"
Dean gasped and sat up straight all of a sudden. He felt cold and confused, he was present in an unfamiliar place... and he didn't like it at all.
"S-Sammy?" He yelled out, his voice hoarse, "Sam where are you?" Dean got up from the ground and looked around with a frown. His brother was nowhere to be seen.
Dean stopped walking all of a sudden, his legs stuck to the ground and as much as he tried to move them, he couldn't budge. Dean groaned and pulled himself forward, only to almost fall over and hit his face.
"Dean looked around, his face went cold. He had no clue what events would unfold."
Dean turned left then right, his head moving forcefully without his own will as if someone were controlling it. He didn't realise till moments later that the loud voice was in his head.
"HELLO?!" He shouted and-
"Dean watched the darkness with pure fright, he's have to father his strength and put up a fight."
Dean gulped, his hands felt sweaty and all of a sudden, the sensation in his legs came flooding back. He walked ahead with caution, squinting his eyes to make out his whereabouts in the dark room but-
"A sword lay still on the table in front. Dean picked it up and hoped that it were not blunt."
Dean furrowed his eyebrows and instinctively did as the voice said. He gripped it tightly in his hand then lowered it.
"Dean yelled out to his brother Sam-"
"Sammy!" Dean yelled.
"-To find, but he'd have to be quick before the monster approaches behind."
"Wait what?!" Dean gasped and-
He was thrown to the wall behind him with extreme force. Dean groaned after he fell to the ground, struggling to gather enough strength to lift his body up.
"The monster ran, he finally found a chance,
To put Dean Winchester six feet under fast."
Dean shook his head in horror, crawling away from the fat approaching creature. He looked as It s frantically for the sword he had in his possession but-
"Dean spots the sword, he can finally save himself, from the clutches of the monster and escape death itself!"
Dean's eyes landed on the sword, under a pile of dirty car covers and grabbed his handle. He pulled it out from under and stood up, gripping it tightly in his hand and readying himself for a fight.
"The closer Dean got, the closer he was brought,
To finally being free and finding his brother happily."
Dean smirked and raised the sword, staring at the monster with a glare and backing his hand for a swing.
"But Dean felt as confident as the moon,
The monster knew he'd not have another chance soon."
"What?!" Dean exclaimed and the monster swung it's clawed arms to attack him.
"The monster caught ahead, he battled it out.
Dean tried his best but he would not do without,
His brother by his side.
The pity of the divide."
The Winchester looked around for a sign of aid but he was unable to seem out something-
"And all fell silent, Dean Winchester fell to the ground.
There's no more hero's to be found.
He's gone now, his brother would know,
And he'd feel terrible for what he'd undergo."
As the blood gushed out of his clawed gut, he collapsed onto the ground and prayed for a miracle. He didn't want to die, he didn't want to-
"NO MOM! Dean can't die, he's the hero!"
"But that's how it is in the story [y/n]."
"Make him come back PLEASE!"
"Ugh fine, 'And all fell silent, the monster fell to the ground. Dean smiled widely and nodded his head, he doesn't have to worry about the monster... it's dead!"
Dean gasped and sat up with a jerk. He touched the side of his body for a wound but there was no damage there. His shirt was not soaked at all.
The monster fell to the ground on its own, as if it's power button was pressed off. Dean eyed his surroundings, completely weirded out about everything.
He stood up slowly and listened to the lack of noise. The monster lay completely still and Dean didn't dare to step near it.
"What the f-"
"And Dean looked around, with his face growing glad. Now he needs to find Sam Winchester, his brother and comrade."
You shut the book and smiled widely, "The end!" Your son crossed his arms and pouted his lips.
"There's so much of the book left mommy! Continue reading!" He begged but you shook your head.
"I'm sorry honey but it's way last your bedtime!" You said and got up, "I'll continue tomorrow at breakfast okay?"
Your son sighed then snuggled himself under the covers. You kissed his forehead and tucked him in then walked to his room door.
"Goodnight my sweetheart," You said quietly and he waved to you. You stepped out of the room then walked to the kitchen to make yourself a hot cup of coffee.
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