Ominous (Dean ft. Sam Pt. 1)
This imagine is inspired by S10E03 - Soul Survivor
"We have to figure out a way to help him Sam, we can't leave him like this!" You yelled, not feeling angry at the younger Winchester but being completely frustrated at the current situation the members of the Bunker are in.
Sam rubbed his face and sighed, "I know [y/n] and we're trying. Cas is off somewhere so we need to do something on our own."
You frowned then calmed your emotions, "The longer Dean is a demon... the less chance we have at being successful when saving him. He could stay a demon forever Sam."
Sam continued to stare at the table, completely occupied in his thoughts. The whole Bunker fell silent, a faint ringing in your ears started to annoy you.
You got up and pushed your chair in and started walked towards the library entrance when Sam called out your name.
"Where are you going?" He asked and you took a deep breath, "Going to see Dean, check the files for anything that could help?"
Sam nodded slowly, "Be careful okay? Don't let his words get into your head."
You clenched your jaw, "Y-Yeah I... know."
You gulped, the thought of seeing Dean once again with that smirk plastered on his face at all times left you feeling a little cold.
You and Dean have been more than just friends. He's more of your secret lover, always making sure you're happy and satisfied, buying you food and drinks, offering you pie. You just... adore him so much and when he turned into a demon thanks to that son of a witch, Crowley, your heart just broke.
Well, you're trying to mend your heartache slowly.
You walked into the file room after opening the delicate wooden door then looked around for anything about demonic possession. The only problem? Dean isn't actually possessed, you could say that he's sort of hypnotized into being evil or that his soul has been taken away.
When you thought life couldn't get more complicated... It kicks you in the ass as a reminder.
After finding a few casefiles that could come in handy, you gathered them and placed them by the main room door to pick up when you exit.
You walked over to the hidden heavy metal doors to the dungeon and pulled them open with force.
The anxiety and dread started to rise within you, you kept telling yourself that you shouldn't and wouldn't be influenced by whatever he throws at you.
You looked ahead, his head hung low and you furrowed your eyebrows in con-
"I was wondering when you'd show up," He says with a smirk on his lips. You stood still, hoping that you could run away without him noticing.
"It's been Sam all this time, I missed you [y/n]. I thought you didn't care about me anymore," He said with a raspy voice while you slowly stepped ahead, "I thought you went off, hoping all this could stop..."
He seemed normal, is that alright? Should you be worri-
"Runaway like a little mouse, squeak all down the road to your tiny little home where you can hide forever," He said and licked his lips with eyes squinted, "Like you've always wanted to."
You clenched your fists and cursed him in your mind.
"Oh yeah, do that. Just look at me with disgust while you stand and do nothing, because you won't lay a hand on me right-"
You slapped him right across his face, as hard as you could. A slap wouldn't hurt him, but it would make you feel better and avoid yourself from stabbing him.
"Did Sam tell you to not take my words to heart?" He started breathing heavily, "Well you're failing at that, not abiding to his suggestion!"
"Shut up!" You yelled at him and crossed your arms, turning away from him and hoping you don't start trembling with fear.
"Oh for the love of-Don't tell me you're going to start crying and I'll have to comfort you like I always do!" He complained with annoyance, "Put your head on my chest while rubbing your back and LYING to you that everything will be fine! YOU NEED SOMEONE TO KEEP TELLING YOU THAT YOU'RE WORTH SOMETHING-"
"SHUT THE F!@# UP!" You spat at him, "You're not Dean and whatever you say WILL NOT affect me got it?!"
He smirked, raising an eyebrow, "If it isn't affecting you, why did you just yell at me sweetheart?"
You bit the inside of your cheek then grabbed the flask of holy water and threw the liquid inside at him with a flick of the wrist.
He groaned loudly, as his skin started steaming. You threw the flask onto the ground then rushed out of the room and to the library.
"[y/n] what happened?!" Sam asked, you met him on the way there, and you started trembling with fear. You hated seeing Dean in that state with no empathy.
"H-He's... He doesn't care, Dean's got worse. Give him another dose," You said, trying your best to contain yourself.
"But we don't know if the human blood injections are working on him or-"
"Just do it Sam!" You said loudly then bit your lip, "We... We have to keep trying Sammy, we need to save him and I can't... I can't continue seeing him lose touch with humanity. It's hurting me."
Sam looked at you sadly then nodded, walking into the file room to give Dean another shot.
Hours pass by, you could still hear Dean's loud groans and cries of pain and help and it made you feel worse.
You rubbed your temples slowly, trying to block out all the noise. Sam continued to stare at you with sorrow, "[y/n] do you-"
"Sam please I don't want to hear about how Dean may not recover and how shitty this whole thing is," You snap at him and he shifts in his seat, shutting the lore book he had been reading.
"Hey, I was just asking if you think having two or three more shots would work," He clarified sadly and you looked at him with shame.
"Sam I'm... I'm sorry, I just... I'm afraid for Dean, he may never be the same again. He may hurt us and not even give a damn," You told him and he sighed.
The lights suddenly turned off throughout the whole Bunker, a red light blinking, indicating that someone messed with the Bunker's functioning system.
"Sam what's going on?" You stood up in a rush and looked around. He ran a hand through his hair then jogged out of the library.
"I'll check the control room, you check Dean!" He instructed and you nodded slowly, walking down to the dungeon and grabbing the extra Angel blade that Cas had obtained from killing one of his rebellious and harmful brothers.
You gripped it tightly in your hand, your eyes darting to look at every corner and corridor as you walked cautiously. You entered the file room with dread and looked to see Dean sitting in his seat-
He's not there.
You curse under your breath and jog towards the control room, only to hear Sam yell out for help.
It sounded like a door broke into pieces, fragments of wood falling to the floor. You jumped at the loud noise, running towards where you thought it came from.
"[y/n]!" Sam exclaimed with a choked voice, someone had their hands on him. You ran across to the next corridor and stopped abruptly when you saw Sam and... Dean fighting, harshly. Dean had a hammer in his hand.
You hesitated to interfere at first but then 'man-up' and charge ahead, with the Angel blade ready to attack and defend.
You swung the blade at Dean but he grabbed your arm without even turning back.
"Oh sweetheart, you wouldn't want to ruin this pretty face, this pretty everything," He said with a grin and gestured to his body, while turning your arm in an unusual way and making it hurt. You gasped in pain and dropped the blade.
Sam attemped to attck his demonic brother but Dean head-butt him hard, making the young Winchester fall to the floor unconscious. It didn't seem to affect Dean at all.
He pushed you to the wall, making you stand up straight, while his grip on you didn't loosen a bit. He stepped closer to you and grabbed your hair, tugging it and staring into your eyes, then the rest of your facial features.
"You really thought you had a chance against me, you... beautiful piece of art?" He said slowly, "So fragile and breakable."
He snapped your wrist and pinned your arm to the wall. You cried in agony, but he covered your mouth. He shushed you as tears streamed down your face.
"Where's your tough attitude now?" He asked with an irritating smile, and dug his nails into your arm. You shut your eyes, hoping it would all go away.
"I said I'd protect you from everything," He said huskily as ground his hips into yours, "But who's going to protect you from me?"
"I am."
You looked to your left and saw Sam holding the demon blade. With a swift action, Sam emptied out a flask of holy water onto Dean, which made him let go off you and search around for his hammer.
To your relief, Castiel turned up after many attempts to reach out to him for days. He grabbed Dean from behind and started chanting something under his breath, which made Dean extremely agitated.
You hugged Sam tightly, wanting protection from all the trauma you experienced. You grabbed his shirt then yelled in pain when an unbearable pain reminded you to not use your arm.
Sam held you and took you to the kitchen to patch you up.
"I meant whatever I said [y/n]! I MEANT IT ALL!" He growled and Sam brought you closer.
"He's lying okay?" He told and kissed your head.
You hoped...
All you wished was that Dean... Your Dean would come back and the only thing that would make him angry is having no pie in the Bunker, or when you call him Deanna.
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