"It's Wabbit Season" (Jack)
First Jack imagine... I hope it's good 🤞🏼🙂
You still didn't trust him.
Who did you not trust? Who else than the nephilim, Lucifer's son?!
But he claims that Castiel is his father... STILL you don't trust him one bit. No doubt, he looks innocent and adorable and EXACTLY like Castiel junior, you just have trust issues with him.
And to your sadness, the feelings aren't mutual with Sam and Dean.
They've accepted him into the household. Dean didn't like him at first but when he reached out to Castiel and it woke him up and resulted in the Angel in the trench coat coming home, Dean completely changed his mind.
They've tried to reason with you, ask you about your doubts but you just don't budge. Talk about being the queen of stubbornness.
But you couldn't help but feel suspicious about him, after he had suddenly disappeared from the Bunker to do God knows what for two weeks. And on top of that he wouldn't talk about it at all. What pissed you off was the fact that Sam and Dean, and Cas didn't even push him to talk.
The Bunker's door creaked open, shutting with a loud THUD! moments later. You looked up to find none other than Jack walking down the stairs slowly.
You rolled your eyes and huffed. You couldn't believe that he was living with you guys now. To put up with Lucifer's son... THE FREAKING DEVIL'S SON?!
What has life come to?
"Oh [y/n]! H-Hi, I didn't see you... I thought you were sleeping-"
"Well you thought wrong," You snapped and crossed your arms, "Where were you? Where did you go?" You squinted at him and he fidgeted with his hands.
The way he was standing... You looked at him with confusion. He seemed a bit stiff, as if he had something wrong with the right side of his body.
"Come here, have a seat with me Jack," You forced a smile on your face and he looked nervous. You wanted to see the way he walked.
Just like you suspected, his stance was very odd. You wanted to pull his hands up and see what's actually going on.
You sat back down and he sat across you. "I sense that you do not like my presence," He observed and you raised an eyebrow.
"Well... You could say that. It's kind of complicated, I haven't really shown a great attitude towards you-"
Jack started giggling uncontrollably and you were horrified.
"You're laughing when I'm pouring my feelings out?!" You said loudly. You couldn't believe his attitude.
"I was wrong to give you a-"
He laughed out loud and wriggled around in his seat. "THAT'S IT!" You yelled and got up, grabbing his shirt collar and pulling him up with full force.
"[y/n] don't-"
He remained in his stiff posture and you were pissed off with his attitude. You couldn't believe that he was STILL giggling.
"What the hell is your problem Jack?!" You yelled, "It's disrespectful and you're still laughing! I hate you now more than ever!"
He looked at you with hurt then bit his lip, trying to stop himself from laughing. He snatched himself away from you and walled away.
"Look I'll... Show you what's... Wrong," He said breathlessly and slowly moved closer to you. You watched him with suspicion as he out his hand inside his jacket then took it off.
You couldn't believe your eyes, you had to blink twice to convince your mind. "I was hiding this little creature," Jack said, a fluffy bunny with floppy ears sitting in his hands cosily.
He held it closer to you and you raised your eyebrows, speechless. "It was out in a dark alley. I didn't know what to do, it seemed hungry. So I gave it the leftover chicken I had but it didn't eat it-"
"Oh Jack, bunnies don't eat chicken!" You took the animals from his hands though he seemed to doubt the action. "He's adorable! So fluffy," You petted his back and smiled widely.
"What do... Bunnies eat?" He asked, head tilted to the side just like Castiel does. You looked at him happily for the first time. The fact that he had a bunny with him made you feel soft towards him.
He followed you to the kitchen and you opened up the refrigerator, grabbing a lettuce leaf and a carrot. You chopped the carrot into cubes while Jack attempted to feed the lettuce to the bunny.
"It's going to bite me!" He cried out and you rolled your eyes. "He won't bite you, they are sweet animals," You explained and tore a piece of the lettuce and held it towards the animal, "Here, like this."
You waited patiently and after a few moments the bunny ate the piece in your hand. You smiled and Jack nodded. The bunny started eating from Jack's hand and you went back to finish chopping the carrot.
You took a few pieces of carrot cubes and placed it in front of the bunny. The bunny noticed the new food item and started nibbling on it. You smiled.
Jack looked at the animal peacefully. You suddenly didn't feel any negativity towards him. You felt bad for treating like crap before.
"Look Jack, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for not making you feel welcome over here. You're part of the family and it wasn't right for me to be mean to you or doubt whatever choices you make," You sighed, "I actually like you, you're really kind. Will you... forgive me?"
Jack scrunched his eyebrows together and tilted his head. "I don't... Understand. I had no indication of any hatred towards me? I didn't know that I make you feel-"
"Good! It's better without you noticing it. It's as if it never happened," You took a deep breath and continued to look at the bunny.
"What do we do with it?" You asked and Jack smiled. "Can I keep it?" He replied with a question and you thought for a-
"What's... What's happening?" You heard a groggy voice question as the person approached the kitchen and you widened your eyes. You grabbed the bunny and stuffed it into Jack's jacket.
He looked at you with confusion. He didn't like how your hands touched his body but this was a life and death situation.
"Grab the carrots and come with me, QUICK!" You whispered furiously. You made your way to the door then mumbled "Shit!".
You moved back, bumping into Jack and pushing him back as well. He was going to say something but-
"What are you guys... D-Doing? It's so late," Dean rubbed his eyes and looked at you with annoyance.
But that annoyance turned into pure shock in a split second.
"SAM! OH MY-SAM! LOOK!" Dean exclaimed and ran off after he witnessed the sight of you hugging Jack.
Once you were sure that Dean was gone you moved away and took a deep breath. Jack was beyond puzzled.
"Why did you hug me?" He asked and you sighed. "Because I wanted to distract Dean. I have the impression if hating you so the hug worked," You answered, " I didn't want Dean to see the bunny."
"Why not?"
"Because he doesn't like pets... And he wouldn't let you keep the bunny!"
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