"I'd Give Anything To Be By You" (Misha Pt. 2)
Requested by and dedicated to iamcumberlover. Enjoy!! 💕😚
(HE LOOKS ADORBS IN THE GIF EEEEEKKK 😍😍 Okay on with the imagine)
Btw watch the video! It's hilarious and you'll understand why I put it after you read the imagine
You watched the cars drive by, the trees sway in the the soft breeze, the leaves rustling and falling onto the floor. Excitement and anxiety slowly rose throughout your body.
He couldn't come to pick you up from the airport, he was shooting a scene. Though he did send a car from the set.
"Mom, are you okay?"
You looked at her, slowly fading out of your thoughts, feeling lost, "What? Of course sweetheart, I'm great!"
"Okay, I thought you were feeling a little down," She said and you smiled softly. "I'm excited to see your father, after such a long time. What about you?" You asked and she smiled widely.
"I can't wait to meet uncle Jared and uncle Jensen!" She expressed and you chuckled. The car pulled up towards a secured plot, a tall metal gate closed in front.
The driver waved at the security guard and a BEEP! later the gate opened. The car drove in slowly and parked in it's designated spot. The driver got out and opened your door then went over to the car trunk and took out your three luggage bags.
You smiled and thanked him then he asked if you'd like to be led around the set. You told him that you'll be fine figuring it out.
Your daughter looked around, watching the all block buildings and lines of trailers in the lot with fascination.
You saw a few of the crew members and they were looking at you confusion as to who you were. You smiled at them nervously.
"Mom maybe we should ask them about where dad is?" Your daughter suggested and you shook your head. "It's alright we'll... find our way," You said, "I came here... a few years ago."
You had doubts about remembering your way around here.
You found a group of large number of people standing ahead, there seemed to be a scene going on.
"I'm sorry ma'am, this is restricted area. There's filming going on," A security guard alerted you. You looked around for someone you may recognise.
"No but-My name is [y/n] Collins and I-"
Then you saw him, talking to Jensen as they walked to the Impala.
A ray of happiness flooded throughout your body and you bit your lip to stop your joy from showing. You waited impatiently for him to turn around and see you.
"Mom it's-"
"Yeah I know!" You whisper back at your daughter. He turned around and spotted you in the distance as he stood on his marker. He smiled and gave you a small wave, a few people turned back to see who he was acknowledging.
You just wanted to push everyone aside and meet him up close but... of course you couldn't do that, he was busy working and you didn't want to embarrass yourself.
You took a breath then turned back to the guard. "I'm [y/n] Collins, this is my daughter [y/d/n]. We're here for two weeks, visiting Misha," You explained and he put his arms out feeling a little ashamed.
"I'm sorry about stopping you like that ma'am, we need to keep this area off limits for unauthorised personnel," He explained and you smiled.
"No need to apologise! I understand," You replied then looked to the crew and cast, "When are they going to finish?"
"In the next ten minutes, they'll then have a lunch break," He informed and you nodded, thanking him then walking to the other side to pass the time.
You and your daughter explored the grounds like you were kids looking for buried treasure. You both looked around to see if you could find Misha's trailer and in the end you did, but much to your disappointment it was locked.
"Of course dad is paranoid," Your daughter commented and you chuckled. "I bet he left it in a mess, his clothes all over the place," You laughed, "He's probably scared of being embarrassed. Did he tell you about the incident with his orange underwear?"
"Ew mom stop!" She slapped your arm playfully and you laughed. You couldn't help feeling overjoyed.
You started walking back to where they were shooting the scene and heard a TRING! indicating that the scene was over.
Everyone dismissed and dispersed, You looked around anxiously for any sign of-
Someone wrapped their arms around your waist and kissed your cheek, and you jumped in fright, ready to elbow the person in the gut.
The wide smile on your daughter's face gave away the identity of your captor.
You turned around quickly and squealed in happiness when you saw Misha, right there in front of you in your arms. You hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go, while you greeted him with the most excitement you've ever felt. You didn't care if the whole crew heard you, you were too happy.
You pulled away and kissed him passionately on the lips. You stepped back when you were in dire need for a breath and looked at him with tears in your eyes.
Your daughter cleared her throat and giggled, "Mom I think it's my turn to meet dad now."
She embraced her father playfully and Misha ruffled her hair slightly. You watched everyone spectating your family reunion, they all had smiles on their lips.
After lunch, you and Misha decided to go to his trailer while your daughter was busy spending time with Jared, Jensen and Alex.
You walked ahead and Misha jogged to you and grabbed your hand, holding it tightly. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" He smirked and you looked at him with confusion.
"What? Oh I didn't realise," You smiled nervously, "I'm just... happy to see you." He looked to the floor, conjuring up an idea.
"Well in that case-"
He ran ahead with a flash and you gasped a bit. You shook your head and rolled your eyes, then chased after him. You were surprised at how fast he was at running. You're usually the sprinter of the family.
You turned a left then a right then... looked around.
"Hey where did you... Mish?" You called out, looking frantically around for your lost husband, "Misha-"
Someone grabbed you by your waist and pulled you in between two trailers, pushing to one of them and kissing you on the cheek. He laughed and you breathed heavily, the sudden impact was so unexpected.
"You lost me? I didn't even run that fast," He said with a smooth-sounding tone. You ran your hand through his hair, messing it up a bit. You didn't respond with a word.
He held your hands and pulled you into the trailer that you had your back towards. Turns out it was his own.
He unlocked it with a key then tugged you inside. You widened your eyes when you saw the sight it was in.
"You're living in a dump," You comment, while shaking your head with disappointment, "I have nothing to say."
There were papers scattered around, clothing hanging on one of the chairs while there was a mini pile in the corner me at the wardrobe. The sofa-become-bed was pulled out and the covers were not made at all.
"What? I had work in the morning and I didn't have time to clean up," He fell onto the bed with a THUMP! then sighed, "I'm just so exhausted these days."
He looked to you with a grin, "But now that you're here you can help me with that." You bit your lip, squinting at him slightly, unable to give him a clear response.
You started cleaning up, a habit of yours, you can't stay in an untidy environment. You picked up all the papers and magazines and put them on the counter stacked up and-
"Oh my lord sweetheart, I have to tell [y/d/n] about this!" You laughed, holding up a pair of his orange undergarments up to his face.
He sat up and grabbed it, stuffing it into his laundry bag. "Hey, no telling anyone! These are my lucky ones, they're special," He pouted and you stepped towards him and wrapped your arms around him from behind, hugging him.
He held your arms, smiling, while you kissed the back of his neck. He was still in his Castiel get up so you slipped his trenchcoat off then his blazer and put it on a chair so that it wouldn't crinkle.
You just felt a yearn for him all of a sudden, and he was totally fine with it.
He turned around swiftly and kissed you had on the lips, catching you off-guard. Once you got used to it you grabbed his tie and opened it up, swiping it off from around his neck.
He pushed you to the bed, that creaked when you fell on top of it. Above the disbelief that all this was happening and who knows what would happen next, you weren't that worried about anyone hearing you.
"You're wearing too many clothes," He growled and you raised a brow. "I'm wearing too many clothes? I took off two layers from you and you're STILL not showing skin," You stared at his deep blue eyes, glowing with lust hidden behind them.
He ignored your logical inputs, climbing over you and giving you the whole starter-kit into love-making.
He generously expressed his admiration towards you, pressing his lips to your neck and kissing hard whenever he felt right, making your insides twirl and keep asking for more.
You grew hot, your muscles tensed while he moved to unbutton the flannel shirt you were wearing, that was originally owned by him.
His kissed trailed down slowly and you moaned every time you felt his touch on you.
"M-Mish... Misha s-stop please," You begged, but he didn't seem to hear you, "Ugh stop it pl-please!"
He looked to you, abruptly obeying your cry then tilted his head. You took a deep breath, your chest heaving, "If you continue like that then... then I'll f!@#ing want you so bad so stop it. You're working and..."
His head hung low and you kissed his forehead. "Fine," He mumbled then got off you and fell to your side. It took all your will to fight your inside feelings but you had to tell him to pause.
You stretched an arm out on his chest and cuddled up next to him. You both stayed in silence before he decided to speak.
"So now promise me no more sadness or emotional breakdowns okay honey?" He said and he held your hand, squeezing it, "I'm always here for you and I'll do anything to make sure that you have the best day everyday."
"O-Okay..." You said quietly then sighed, "Look I'm sorry about acting like a complete mess. I just-I was consumed by negative thoughts on top of missing you that I couldn't stop crying every now and then about being away from you."
He held your cheek, running his fingers through your messy hair. "Hey you don't have to apologise for anything? Why are you even apologising? You didn't do anything wrong," He responded then kissed your cheek, "Man I missed you every single day, especially when I'd lay down to sleep."
"Wow no surprise."
"No seriously," He chuckled, "I cant help it, your hugs are to die for." He held you tighter and you kissed his jaw.
He stared to poke your sides and you wriggled and laughed, being super ticklish. You pushed him till he stopped then rolled your eyes at him playfully.
"Hey uh... How long till you have to go back to film?"
"I'm around half an hour, why?"
"Maybe we could have some extremely quick fun... I know you wouldn't mind."
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