Hushfully (Dean)
🎶: 'Call Your Name' by Daughtry
You were exhausted and emotionally drained. What more was there to fight for, honestly?
You and the Winchesters had just returned from a hunt that took place in a school. A student that had been the target for bullies had been taking revenge by killing anyone that has abused another person in the school. The good part was that the child let go of his vengeful ideas and is now in heaven but on the sad side, you couldn't save the amount of people you had intended to... Which was everyone.
You sighed, walking to you room with slumped shoulders and a frown. You washed off the dirt and blood on your arms and face, and changed into clean pyjamas. You felt physically relaxed though the weight of not saving enough people still weighed on your shoulders
You walked to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and found Dean getting a beer from the refrigerator. "Hey [y/n], whats up?" He asked with a soft smile and you didn't change in your facial expressions.
You shrugged and walked past him to the other side of the room. "What's wrong sweetheart?" He questioned, unaware about how you feel.
"It's fine. I'm fine Dean," You grumbled but he crossed his arms and stared at you. You sighed slowly then looked at him straight in the eyes, "Alright I'm not fine. Okay?"
You walked to the cupboard to get a mug and he followed you. "Tell me what's wrong? Why the long face?" He interrogated and you shut your eyes, taking a deep breath then opening them again.
"I feel crappy Dean. I wanted to save everyone but ended up saving just a few. What's the point of hunting when you can't even do the greater good of having everyone live?!" You ran a hand through your hair. You felt emotional at this point.
Dean hugged you tightly, rubbing your arms and kissing your head. "We can never save everyone. We're not... gods or something. Maybe Chuck could but he's left us," Dean felt a wave of anger for Chuck but he shrugged it off, focusing on you for now.
"What we did was great, at least we saved those few people. They wouldn't be alive if we didn't go in and get rid of that ghost," Dean said softly and you hugged him tighter. His embrace made you feel relaxed.
"There's always going to be people who... Move on and pass away when we're on hunts but because of them so many others are saved," Dean comforted but you still felt crappy.
He sighed then pecked your lips, "Okay you relax and I'll finish making your cup of coffee." You protested but he was persistent.
You sulked to the library and sat down on one of the chairs, resting your head on the table. Sam noticed your state when he walked in. All he did was squeeze your shoulder, he didn't want to make you feel wo se than you do. Anyways, your boyfriend is trying his best to make you feel better.
You drank the cup of coffee, Dean sat opposite you and told you about old fun times you've had with the boys. Some brought a smile to your lips but as soon as it came, it disappeared.
He played a game with you, 'Charades', but you weren't interested at all. Dean continued to attempt to make you happy. He even gave you a foot massage which was relaxing but you were continuosly reminded of the failure you were part of.
You felt bad once again, not because of the hunt but because of how stubborn you were. Dean was trying all he could to make you feel better but you were stuck on feeling and acting sorrowful.
You suggested that you both watch a movie so you went to Sam's room and used his Netflix to watch 'The Hangover'. You slept halfway, hugging onto Dean's torso and resting your head on his chest.
He carried you to your shared bedroom and tucked you in. You were mentally awake but physically asleep. He switched the lights off and lay down beside you, pulling you closer till you could feel his pyjama pants on your bare skin (you were wearing shorts).
He spooned you and you hugged his arm as if it were a teddy bear. Dean got up a bit and moved our hair away from your face. He kissed you on your neck and whispered, "Don't feel bad about yourself. You're a good person."
You felt the hairs on your arms and neck stand up. His raspy voice was soothing and if you weren't indulged in sleep you'd be completely turned on right now.
He kissed your cheek and smiled softly. "I love you [y/n]," He said slowly as he stroked your hair, then lay back down and shut his eyes.
You smiled. It was the first time for the whole day when you actually felt happy.
I love you too Dean, You thought.
And that smile never left your lips.
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