'Hike' - Just Do It (Alexander)
You were cursing him in your mind. You completely despised him right now... Correction, for the past 2 days actually.
How could I have agreed to this? You asked yourself and groaned in frustration.
"Sorry?" Alex looked back to you after stopping from walking, "What did you say? I didn't hear you."
You gave him a blank expression and he rolled his eyes, resuming his walking. You followed him, like you've been doing for the last hour, even though you didn't want to.
"This is against my will Alex!" You sort of yelled and he turned around sharply. "Against your will?! You're the one who agreed to it, you're the one who came up with the idea of hiking through the mountains for the holidays!" He replied and your clenched your jaw.
He tightened his fists and continued to wall ahead while you mentally tortured yourself for thinking of a plan like this.
"Did I really think of this? It's not possible!" You mumbled to yourself as you quickened your pace to walk beside your boyfriend.
Bugs, thorns, humidity and just plain feeling tired. You hated every single thing you were going through right now and you were praying that it would end soon. Oh don't even get started on how you felt around the bugs!
Your eyes remained constantly on the ground, tracking to see if any 'creepy crawlies' were around to scare you to bits. Ten minutes ago, a fairly large in size spider was crawling over your leg, up to your knee and you've never screamed that loud in your life. You were thankful that you were wearing full, leg covering pants and not shorts.
You became moody, looking at your boyfriend from behind with a snarl rather than with happiness. You kept asking him if you both could stop and rest for a while and at a point he groaned loudly and suddenly came to a halt, pacing around in front of you while you leaned by a tree to take a breath.
It was at that moment that you realised that this trip was making it bad between you both. If you ever want to break up with someone, go hiking!
You resumed walking after a few minutes, only to tip and fall into s muddy puddle. You were disgusted, horrified and trembling while feeling cold. Thankfully, Alex had packed extra shirts and jackets and you took advantage of that.
He kept looking at you with an adorable expression but you didn't care. You hated everything right now and you weren't going to give him the satisfaction that spending time with him like this was actually starting to become okay... To your horror, you started to get used to the 'great outdoors'.
You reached the foot of a steep hill and you sighed loudly. You heard Alex laugh and you crossed your arms, not wanting to climb.
"According to the map, we just need to cross this and we'll reach our destination," Alex said, looking at the small phone-like GPS device. You sighed with relief then walked towards the hill and started climbing, your boyfriend right behind you.
"Alex, you haven't really told me what our destination is," You said but there was no reply. You waited for moment then asked, "Alex what's our destination?"
You looked behind and found him sort of zoned out. "ALEX!" You exclaimed and he jumped slightly. "What? Oh sorry... The view is great from here," He replied and you rolled your eyes.
"Stop staring at my ass!" You scolded, though a smirk crept into your face, and he shrugged his shoulders.
Half an hour later you reached the top and pulled yourself up so that wouldn't fall back to the foot of the hill and break your neck.
You shut your eyes and took a moment to steady your breathing. You don't have the best stamina so climbing is something that needs most of your effort. Alex on the other hand... Well, he's quite fit.
You noticed that he was standing somewhere towards the right, ahead, looking at something with his hands on his hips. You walked over to him and looked over his shoulder.
"What are... you-"
You gazed over the mountain valley below, completely hypnotized by its beauty. "Wow, that's b-beautiful," You stepped forward, watching the still lake and grass and trees swaying when the wind would slightly blow.
"We have finally reached," Alex said, after breathing out loudly. You looked at him with excitement and relief. "Really?! YES!" You cheered and hugged him tightly.
He chuckled then pulled away and looked at you hesitantly, with a nervous smile. "But... We still have to climb down and then after a week walk all the way back," Alex explained and you froze.
"Don't. Ruin. The moment," You clenched your jaw and looked at him with horror, "UGH NO! NO MORE WALKING FOR THREE DAYS!"
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