Foundling (Rose x Gabriel Ft. Dean Pt. 1)
Imagine requested by CressiaGreengrass, enjoy! 😋😄
"So Rose you haven't told us about your past in detail," Sam commented while opening his box of Chinese takeout food. You sat on a chair around the lit world map the smiled. Dean and Castiel were joining in too.
"Well Sammy, I didn't get a chance to. Would you guys like to know?"
"Yeah if you don't mind," Dean smiled and took a sip from his beer. You cleared your throat then started to think about how to begin your story.
"Alright so when I was two years old my parents, they were um... killed in a horrific car accident with a moving van. I was at home with a baby sister, they were out for a corporate dinner and I... never really knew them guys," You explained, suddenly feeling sad, "People, like neighbours, would tell me stories about them or I got to see their books and albums."
The boys looked at each other with frowns and you sat forward. "Hey guys don't... feel bad for me, everything got better after that even though... I do miss my family," You drifted off a bit then shook your head to get back on track.
"After that I was put into an orphanage where I stayed till I was five, until a man came over one day and adopted me..."
Many years ago...
"What's your name sweetheart?"
"Um... Rose? What's your name?"
He chuckled, "For now, you can call me Mr. G."
"Are you adopting me Mr. G?"
He knelt down and held her shoulders, "Yes Rose, would you like that?"
"Yes I would!" She smiled widely, "Do you have a house?"
"Yeah I do."
"Is it made out of cotton candy?"
He laughed and stood up, "No I'm sorry sweetheart, but what about a house made of chocolate?"
"You have a chocolate house?!" She gasped with excitement and the man watched her with a soft smile.
"Maybe Rose... let's just say that I've got a sweet tooth," He held out his hand and the little girl grabbed onto it tightly, walking beside the man.
"Is your tooth made of cotton candy?"
"Not at all! Sweet tooth is an expression, meaning that I love candy!" He grinned and she smiled with him.
"Me too!"
"That's great cupcake, I'm glad that I found-"
Rose started giggling and Mr. G steed at her with an eyebrow raised. "What's the matter?" He asked and she pointed at him.
"You really love sweet stuff! You called me cupcake, I'm a girl Mr. G!" She said and smiled mischeviously.
Mr. G put his hands on his hips and shook his head. "That's not right, we have to change it," He furrowed his eyebrows, looking around for an attendant.
"No please Mr. G, I'll be good! Please adopt me, don't leave me here-"
He kneeled down and widened his eyes, "Leave you here? Of course not, I'm adopting you Rose. 'Mr. G' sounds weird, you can call me... dad from now, because I'll be your father."
"And that's basically it. 'Mr. G' was never heard of again and dad... He took care of me like he was my real dad. He put me in school, we baked something every weekend," You continued your story, "I didn't know that he was an Angel but I always knew that Gabriel was different. He acted different, protective and caring, but he'd also go on these mysterious jobs and spend hours at night especially when I became a teen and could take care of myself."
"And now look at her. She turned out pretty sweet right?"
You turned back and smiled widely, standing up and hugging the man who walked towards you. "Hi dad!" You kissed him on the cheek and he embraced you back tightly.
"You still call him dad?" Dean questioned and you raised an eyebrow, slinging an arm around the Angel's shoulder.
"Of course I do! If John Winchester was alive would you call him John?"
Dean clenched his jaw then got up from his seat, "Touché."
You laughed then started gathering all the empty boxes and bottles of beer, and headed to the kitchen. You found Dean by the sink, washing some cutlery.
"Gabe did a good job as a father huh?"
You turned to look at Dean then walked over, "Yeah he did. He was there for me when no one else was, and it's because of him that I know you guys. I couldn't imagine life without you all."
Dean smiled then scanned your side profile form the corner of your eye. His eyes drifted to your body then he smirked.
"You do have a pretty sweet ass, I got to say," He commented and you chuckled, leaning on the counter and placing a hand on your hip.
"Of all the things I have, Dean Winchester notices my ass," You laughed and he shrugged his shoulders with a shy smile.
"Well something's I can't help! You've got pretty blue eyes, you've got pretty brown hair... you've got a pretty sweet ass too," He batted his eyebrows, "It's a Hopewell package!"
You pushed his arm playfully then walked away from him, swaying your hips and glancing at him. Dean continued to stare at you with a smirk and-
You turned back in fright and almost dropped the plate in your hands. You placed it quickly on the counter, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
"Sweetheart is he flirting with you?" Gabriel asked, appearing from nowhere then pinning Dean to the wall with rage.
"N-No he's not-Stop that!" You yelled and rushed towards him.
"He was talking about your ass-"
"Dad I'm not a hold anymore!" You shouted, "And you know Dean, he's as cool as a guy can get! He was joking with me, please-"
Gabriel tightened his grip on the Winchester and pushed him harder into the wall, "I swear if you mess around with Rose I WILL put you six feet under again and bro Castiel won't get you out!"
Dean gulped and quickly looked at you for help. "DAD LET GO OF HIM NOW!" You exclaimed and grabbed his hands.
Gabriel squinted his eyes then let Dean's shirt go. You father started to walk away and as he did he planted a kiss on your cheek.
You took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm sorry Dean," You rubbed your forehead a Dean widened his eyes.
"Wow... No wonder people are scared of their in-laws."
You furrowed your eyebrows with confusion then looked up into his eyes, "What?" Dean cleared his throat and walked out of the kitchen without saying another word.
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