'Dancing In The Dark' (Destiel)
This imagine was requested by BlueShadow_ME
I hope it's good enough.
🎶: 'Dancing In The Dark' by Imagine Dragons
"You don't understand Dean," Castiel said sadly, "All I do is mess everything up. I am of no help to you and Sam. You should not ask me for anything from now on."
Dean turned on the radio and tuned into a music station. It was currently playing "some crappy, no-good 'pop-hop'", as Dean would describe it.
He continued to sort out of the files in a box, alphabetically, and Castiel rolled this eyes. "Dean," Cas said, "DEAN!"
Castiel grabbed his friend's shoulder and turned him around swiftly, "Listen to me!" Dean, surprised by the sudden action, glanced at Castiel's lips, only centimetres away from his, then moved back a little.
"Cas honestly, no matter what, I'd choose you over anyone," Dean explained, "Grace or no grace, limbs or no limbs, Angel blade or no weapons at all. I'd have you over the most strongest person on the planet because I... We believe in you."
Cas looked at Dean with awe, "R-Really?" The Winchester nodded, fidgeting with his hands, "Cas you... Mean everything to me-us. Sam and I have accomplished so kuch with you so don't say that youre messed up or you have no use cause you're just lying to yourself."
"Dean I..."
"We all make mistakes and like I said, bottom of the ninth I'd want you with me for anything and everything. We fight the world everyday, to save it and Cas I think about how you have changed our fates, and I'm not one who usually believes in that."
Dean decided to move closer to him, "You've saved my life Cas so don't you dare tell me that you are not worth being here. Sam and I... You know what l, screw it, I'm so thankful for knowing you and I would do anything for you Cas. I love you Cas and I-"
"Wait what?" Castiel stepped closer to Dean, looking him straight in the eye and having his hand out with confusion.
"I love you."
Castiel shut his eyes, looking to the floor, unable to comprehend if these words were something his mind wanted him to hear or were they real.
"Say it again," Cas requested, a bit off. "I... l-love you," Dean bit his lip, feeling a little nervous all of a sudden. Castiel's stared at him, a glow in his eyes.
"Th-The feeling is... mutual Dean," He mumbled and Dean raised his eyebrows, "More than a friend."
"H-How long?" Dean swallowed hard then licked his lips as he watched Castiel's every move.
The Angel looked to the floor and smiled, "From the beginning Dean, you are a... An amazing person. How could I not have a liking for you?"
Dean smirked and scratched his head. He couldn't believe it that all this time, He just thought that his friend was poking into his personal space and being overly considerate... but it was all because he genuinely admired and loved him.
" 'We are still kids, but we're so in love'."
Dean grinned and looked at Castiel again, holding his hands and pulling him towards an open space in the room. "W-What are you doing Dean?" Cas asked with surprise and confusion, looking around in caution.
"We are going to dance, this song just feels like one of those," Dean explained, A smug smile on his face, "It's some famous Ed Sheeran dude nowadays."
Castiel tilted his head, "Do you like Ed Sheeran?"
"Um... maybe? His sounds alright."
"I can like him too, if you want Dean."
"Sure, whatever you want Cassie," Dean chuckled and Cas smiled. The two swayed slowly with the music in the background. They coudln't help but feel happy, it was as if everything had gone back to being at peace.
"'Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person'"
Castiel furrowed his eyebrows and bent closer to his dancing partner. "Dean this... Ed Sheeran knows who I am. He knows I'm an Angel," He expressed and Dean laughed.
"It's a way of describing someone who's beautiful and flawless," Dean said, "And Angels, they're the most flawless of creation right? Well, a few of them I guess, most of them are real asses."
Castiel smield slightly and looked to the floor. "But you do think I'm a fine Angel right?" He asked and Dean nodded proudly.
"More than fine. You're the best Angel I've ever met and that's being lucky," He expressed and brought himself closet to Cas, "And now I have you all to myself."
They danced in silence as the song faded out, looking into each other's eyes with complete awe. For the first time, they were calm and just... happy.
"Dean..." Cas mumbled but his partner didn't reply, "Dean?"
"The song is over," He whispered and Dean smirked. "You don't mind continuing this for a while yeah?" Dean winked at him and Cas shook his head, licking his lips. He suddenly wanted a glass of water for his dry throat.
"Don't ever leave me Cas."
"Why would I leave you? I would never."
"Okay?" Castiel reassured Dean And he smiled.
"Yeah, Okay."
In the distance, at the far entrance of the library, Sam Winchester was secretly watching Castiel and his brother Dean dancing to the soft music on the radio.
Discreetly, he was video recording everything on his phone. He smiled softly, feeling peaceful about the situation.
"They really are perfect for each other," He commented,making sure that his voice was heard in the video.
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