Bother of Brothers (Winchesters AU)
Just a notice: This is SORT OF an AU, it's just the relationship they have with Castiel is different.
You combed your hair and stared at yourself in the mirror, smirking at how good you looked. You couldn't wait to have a great evening out with Sebastian.
You walked to the door and opened it up after turning the door knob-
"[y/n] WINCHESTER!" Dean yelled at the top of his lungs, You could hear his shoes stomping on the ground as he approached you.
You glanced around frantically for something that could protect you but there was nothing. Dean... he's just way too scary when he's mad.
And he's exactly that right now.
You ran to the door, planning to escape his scolds but-
"What the hell is this?!" He put your phone put right in front of your face, with your messages opened, "WHO'S SEBASTIAN?!"
You snatched the phone from him and pushed him aside. "Why are you going through my phone?!" You shouted, "PRIVACY ASSHOLE!"
You started to storm away but he grabbed your arm and yanked you back. "Don't walk away form me [y/n]," He glared at you and you gulped, "Who is he and why are you meeting him at the Stake Out?!"
You huffed and pulled your arm away from his grasp, then started walking to the library. Dean followed you as you explained the whole story, Sam could hear your conversation too.
The Stake Out is kind of like Harvelle' s Roadhouse except it is more of like a club for Hunters. Young peoples pens most of their time there, you are one of their frequent visitors and your brothers Sam and Dean pop in from time to time if they have nothing to do.
That's where you met Sebastian.
He was your dream guy, he was everything you'd look for in a guy: smart, kind, funny, dedicated and super sexy. He knew abojt the hunting life so he was fully equipped with the skills needed. Hell, in his leather jacket and spiked hair he looked badass.
"He's just a close friend and-" You stopped abruptly then looked at your brothers with a clenched jaw, "Why am i even explaining myswlf to you?! I'm a grown person and I can make my own choices."
"Stop acting like I'm the same seven year old who would look up to you like you were my whole world DEAN!" You spat at him and he looked at you with hurt.
He snapped out of it then crossed his arms. "Alright fine," He smirked, but it was more like mockery than genuine, "Sam I'm feeling a little bored today. Let's go out and have a fun evening!"
Dean looked at you with a blank expression then grabbed the Impala's keys and his jacket, and walked to the Bunker's door.
"Come on Sam, let's go meet Sebastian!" Dean said sarcastically with an excited voice and Sam sighed. You were mentally cursing your brother in your mind.
"Sam please stop Dean! He's lost his mind and he's acting like a jerk," You begged but Sam frowned, "Sam... you're on my side right?"
"I uh..." He looked to Dean who was scouring around for Sebastian then turned back to you, "I mean I looked him up-"
"You WHAT?!" You groaned with frustration, "You assholes, YOU DON'T TRUST ME?!"
Sam looked around nervously, you were starting to grow loud. "That's the thing I searched him up and-"
You pushed him aside and stormed towards Dean. He had found Sebastian and was sort of yelling at him.
You pulled Dean's arm, anxiety buding inside you about how things would play out. There was smoke literally coming out of your older brother's ears and you were terrified.
"Hi [y/n]? Who's this?" Sebastian asked and you smiled nervously, "This jackass is yelling at me-"
You shut your eyes and bit t inside of your cheek.
Dean's going to explode.
"Jackass... Hmm, that's a new one," Dean looked at you with disgust then grabbed Sebastian's shirt and tugged him closer, "You try anything funny like that on my little sister and you won't be able to screw anyone ever again, UNDERSTAND ME PRETTY BOY?!"
He looked at Dean with slight fear, nodding his head slowly. Dean let go of his shirt then looked around discreetly, eyes darting to see if anyone was watching.
"Alrighty, [y/n]..." Dean leaned to you, "Don't go home with him and I won't have to shoot him."
You shoved him aside and shot him the middle finger then turned to Sebastian with a nervous smile. "Siblings... they're a pain in the ass," He commented and you nodded.
"Hey do you want a drink?" He asked and you nodded with a smile. You watched Sebastian walk off and you sat all alone, and bored, watching around to see if Dean was anywhere to be seen.
Ten minutes passed by and he didn't return back with drinks in his hand. You looked about but there was no sign of him. You got and walked around the club, observing all the people and faces to see where he had-
You widened your eyes, blood boiling within you. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" You exclaimed, making people turn their head to you.
You walked to his booth, he had his hands all over another girl who was dressed way skimpier than you. "[y/n] look I-"
"If you ever talk to me or look at me ever again, YOU KNOW WHO'S GOING TO CAUSE YOU PAIN," You screamed then shoved his drink into his face and stormed off.
You exited the club, swinging the door open and caring the least about whoever saw you. You just wanted to go home and be with your brothers-
Dean's going to lecture me with the 'I told you so's', You thought, which made you cry harder.
"[y/n], what happened?!" Sam came rushing to you, and wrapped his arms around you. "You were at the club, you know what happened!" You cried out then saw Dean approaching and your heart thuded faster.
"[y/n] I-"
You got out of Sam's grasp and wiped the teats off your cheeks, "Look I don't want to hear your brotherly talk about how you're always right and I'm always wrong and that I should always listen to you! So just... please, take me home and let me be alone."
"I wasn't going to say any of that," He said softly and walked up to you to give you a hug and place a kiss on your head.
You grasped his shirt and hugged him tightly. Even though Dean is pretty scary at times, his hugs make you feel a lot better.
"It's just that I wanted to be with someone again so bad after Ashton... after he died I-I," You felt another wave of tears form in your eyes. He was your boyfriend and you both loved each other so much that you'd decided you'd get married and have a life together, but then he hot clawed and knawed by a bunch of werewolves on a hunt.
"And when I finally get the confidence to have someone in my life, they turn out to be a real douchebag," You said with hopelessness, "I'm just cursed..."
"Hey [y/n], look we're all cursed. You're a Winchester and it comes with that heavy price tag," Dean reminded as he looked into your eyes, "You being with someone for such a fixed time... You're not as cursed as a Winchester would be."
He chuckled and raised his eyebrow and you smiled slightly. "We didn't want your heart to break again," Dean concluded.
"And researching about Sebastian, I was on Dean's side because he didn't have any online activity for the past 4 years," Sam explained, "And knowing a guy like that who can sweep up the ladies... you'd expect him to be famous. It's weird."
You thought for a moment then smiled, "Thanks guys. I love you both so much, never forget that no matter how I act." They nodded happily, glancing at each other.
"No let's go home-"
"Uh nope! I have a guy for-"
"Dean what?! Are you insane? He probably saw me yell at that guy!" You rolled your eyes, "And I don't want to be broken by someone again in the matter of twenty minutes!"
Dean smiled smugly, "But he's a great guy, if I were you I'd date him!" You eyed him suspiciously, "Given the way you are I think you'd date him regardless of being a woman."
Sam laughed and Dean pushed you to the door with annoyance. "Dean no! I'm not talking to another guy!" You tried to push yourself back but Dean was way too strong, "My face is messed up, I look horrible!"
"You look fine and you're not leaving until you talk to the guy."
You huffed then walked inside, your brothers on your tail. Dean led you to one guy sitting at the edge of the bar all alone, minding his own business.
Damn he actually looks good, You thought with excitement rising within you.
Dean sped ahead and started talking to the guy, you weren't far to follow him. "So this is [y/n], the annoying little sister I was telling you about," Dean introduced and you nudged your brother.
"Hi [y/n]," The guy said with a smile. You actually took a proper look at him right now... He was really pretty. He black hair stuck up in places, messy but it still looked good, while his piercing blue eyes glowed and glistened with the club lights reflecting on them. He had a soft smirk on his lips, and kindness written all over his face.
"H-Hi... Dean told me you're a friend, you met on a hunt?" You asked and he nodded happily. "Yeah, demon's attacked a joint and... I have a way with working with demons," He explained and you smiled.
"Alright you two kids hang tight, I'm going to get some beers," Dean said and tapped your shoulder, leaning to your ear and saying, "If you want to screw him I'll be more than happy. He looks... sincere-"
You kneed him softly in sensitive zone and he cried in pain. "Now where are those beers Dean?" You smiled forcefully and this time Dean flipped you off.
"So... I didn't get your name?" You said and he smiled. "Oh sorry! I thought Dean would have told you," He said, "I'm Castiel, but you can call me Cas."
"That's a... That's a pretty cool name."
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