Avenging Angels (Erin x Dean ft. Castiel)
Requested by spnhunter1967, I hope it's exactly like what you wanted!
(long one, just like you asked for)
"Cas call me back NOW! Erin's gone, taken by those winged sons of b's you call brothers! Call me as soon as you hear this," Dean records and throws his phone to the passenger seat in annoyance. His Angel friend, and possibly his only lead into your disappearance, has gone AWOL leaving Dean quite on the edge.
He continues to drive on the empty highway, back to his temporary motel after finding no information on your disappearance. Not gaining much sleep during the past few days, he starts to feel a little drowsy.
Dean had met you a little over a year ago, at a bar. You're a Hunter just like him and he immediately found an interest in your skills, your stories and well, you as a person. You spent a lot of time together after that day then started to live together. You both worked jointly on finding information about Lucifer and his devilish plans though were not that successful. However, much to both of your stress, more problems started to erupt between the Angels and Cas went completely out of touch.
You were walking back with lunch for Dean and yourself when an unsuspecting bystander started following you. He stopped you and started asking general questions. He stated that he had car trouble and given your knowledge of repair, by luck stumbled upon your presence.
But much to your bad luck, it was Bartholomew and he knocked you out and zapped you to an old abandoned house somewhere on the face of the Earth. There you were introduced to Zachariah, another Angel, and you were beyond lost as to why they wanted you. They refused to answer any of your questions.
Dean parks his car and slams the door shut after stepping out. He collects his room key from the front desk of the motel and opens the door, stepping inside and taking his jacket off-
Dean is pushed to the wall after the room door closes with force. The air in his lungs gets knocked out, he gasps for a breath as he tries his best to push of the attacker-
"Cas? Let me go!" He clenches his jaw and the Angel squints his eyes.
"HOW DARE YOU?" Castiel yells, "After all you had been through, you just let her go like that?!"
"Who, Erin? CAS I DIDN'T KNOW! I would protect her with my life-"
"WOULD YOU? I doubt it, I would take care of her better!" Castiel shouts and punches Dean in the jaw, then pushes him to the table and starts kicking his gut.
"C-Cas, p-please!"
"Cas we'll get her back, n-now that you're here."
The Angel stops attacking the Winchester abruptly. "Are you delusional? WE WON'T GET HER BACK! They will torture her and kill her because she's a Nephilim!" Castiel explains and sighs.
"Yeah that's right. Zachariah and Bartholomew took her because of that. They want to finish them all off one by one," Castiel explains, "And it's all... It's all your fault!"
He appears like he is going to attack his friend once again but Dean glares at him. "It's not my FAULT," He states sternly, "Now cut your whining and let's get Erin back."
Dean feels an internal sense of accomplishment when Zachariah finally shows himself after both him and Cas have tried to reach out to him for days. He leads them to the location of the house and asks Dean, "Now your word?"
"Look before I say 'Yes' to Michael and SHAZAM the world is in good hands, I... I need to see Erin one last time," Dean's eyes glisten with sadness, "I don't know how I'll be when I make it back... If I make it back."
Zachariah rubs his forehead and after a little contemplation, nods his head and leads Dean inside, though stops Cas from coming any closer, leaving the Angel quite offended. Dean keeps a the Angel blade in his jacket pocket close to hidden, so to not ruin his plan.
The Winchester looks to the corner of the basement room with a ray of hope on his face. "ERIN?" He runs over to her and holds her head-
Zachariah pokes his Angel blade into Dean's back, making him stop suddenly. "You touch her and this goes further into your back," He warns and Dean turns around, raising his hands in the air in defense.
"Okay okay... Chill," He says and rolls his eyes, "Anyways, I haven't secured my safety yet."
Dean pierces the Angel blade into Zachariah's chest with full force, with light illuminating the entire room as he flashes and burns out of existence. Once he is sure the Angel was dead, he runs to you and examines your body for any injuries.
"Erin are you alright?" He asked you and you nodded you head.
"Y-Yeah I'm fine De-" You stop speaking and look over his shoulder, widening your eyes, "DEAN Look out!"
Bartholomew charges at him with the Angel blade held high above his head ready to attack. Dean grunts and clenches his fists then swings his blade at Bartholomew. They fight with threat until Dean is unable to block the blade and it nearly pierces through his neck. Bartholomew pauses and instead of hurting Dean, he touches his forehead and knocks him out.
Dean grows limp and collapses onto the floor. The Angel walks over to you and touches your forehead as well. Your head falls to the side, resting on your shoulder.
You sighed as you tried again to open up the chains strapped to your legs with the bobby-pin you picked out of your hair.
It's been two months since you've stayed here, Bartholomew wants to know the whereabouts of Castiel so that he surely does not interfere in any of his plans.
Of course, brig a close friend of yours, you nor Dean release any information. On top of that, you don't even know where he went after Dean came to save you and kill Zachariah.
"Erin, you alright?" Dean asks with a weak smile. You crawl up towards him then rest your head on his shoulder, "Yeah... actually not that much, this place sucks."
You sulk and sigh, "What could we possibly tell him that can change his life? What's honestly-"
You and Dean jerk in fright as you watch the doors open, light peering through, and a man walks in.
"We have to get out NOW!"
Dean squints his eyes to see who entered, "G-Gabriel? What...?" The Angel runs a hand through his hair and glances back at the open doorway, "I need to get you guys out of here before-"
"HE'S COMING!" Gabriel scrambles to open both of your shackles then a Click! later, you and Dean get up, stumbling a little.
"Gabriel wait, how are you alive?!"
The Angel rolls his eyes, "Do you want to spend the rest of your life here? NO, so COME ON! Get your asses on the move NOW!"
"It's a trick, you're not real," You whisper and start to back away. Gabriel groans with frustration, "I was hiding, living my 'What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas' kind of lifestyle, alright?! I didn't come all the way down here to talk!"
He grabs you and Dean's arms and yanks you out of the room. "He's coming that way, follow me," Gabriel alerts then starts to run, you and Dean not far behind.
Once you see a hint of daylight and step outside, Gabriel touches both of your foreheads and ZAP! you find yourselves on a beachside, seagulls flying overheard and calling out for a meal.
You feel a wave of dizziness and you can tell that Dean feels the same as you. "Wh-Where are we?" Dean questions gruffly, "Is Bartholomew gone?"
Gabriel smiles smugly, "Yup! And he won't be able to find you here. Welcome to my seaside paradise, in earth!"
You look around and squint your eyes, a sign board on the highway behind saying 'New Mexico luxury beach houses, CALL NOW FOR BOOKING!'
"Um... Gabriel are you sure Bartholomew won't be able to find us here in New Mexico?" You doubt and he bites his lips.
"Y-Yeah of course!" He replies and fidgets it his arms, "So... go check inside, stay here for a few days."
You look at Dean and he shrugs his shoulders. He starts to walk towards the pretty beach house and enters inside, a grin plastered on his lips.
"Wow," He mumbles with a tingle of excitement, "I'm digging this place."
You look around happily. It has a cosy appearance, the waves washing over the shore appear and sound relaxing.
You take your shoes off and lay down on the bed with your arms stretched out. Dean eyes you, a grin curling on his lips. You realisd something at this point.
You get up and walks over to Dean, hugging him tightly all of a sudden. He's quite surprised by the gesture but you explain yourself once you step away.
"I never said thank you... for actually coming and saving me, for caring about me," You say shyly and he tilts his head, holding your arms.
"Erin, of course I care about you. You mean everything, and more, to me," Dean says and kisses your forehead, "You've changed my life so much, I'm so glad you're in it."
You stare deeply into his beautiful orbs of emerald then pull his shirt to bring him close for a kiss. You make it quick, to not regret your action though Dean has other plans.
He pushes you to the wall by the window and pins you down, placing his hands in your hips. You lean in closer but he smashes his lips onto yours with full force, lustful for something more.
You grab onto his clothing, almost tripping his flannel and the inner t-shirt off his body. Once you reach no where with it because of the angle you're in, you start to fumble with his belt, unbuckling it slowly.
He moves away for a moment, pulling your shirt over your head and throwing it to the other side of the room. Dean runs a hand through your hair and starts to leave a trial of kisses from your neck to your chest, making you moan deeply and making you very happy.
Two weeks later...
Dean jerks up and takes out his pistol from under his pillow and points it to the person standing right at his face. He furrows his eyebrows and growls when he notices that it's someone he knows.
"GABE what the hell?!" He yells and rubs his face as the Angel shrugs his shoulders with shame.
"Sorry I just wanted to meet you guys. It's been a while..."
"Dean?" You run a hand through your hair then stretch your arms and groan, "Who's that?" You cross your legs on the bed and take a deep breath.
Gabriel stares at you with shock, "Wow!"
"Um... Have you both uh, gone out anytime in these past days?"
Dean turns to you and shakes his head slowly in refusal, "No... why? Wait, where have you been these past days?"
"I was with Castiel-"
"WHAT? You were with Cas?! Where is he?" Dean questions in a rush as he freshens himself up and straightens his clothes.
"Y-You both sleeping together?"
Dean looks at him with anger, "Answer me."
"I was running errands with him, I... didn't want him to endanger you or Erin, after what happened between the two of you," Gabriel explains but Dean rolls his eyes, "I was keeping him away! And I'm glad I did!"
"YEAH?! And why is that?" Dean questions and Gabriel looks to Erin, from top to bottom.
"Because she needs to be safe with her baby!" He blurts out.
Dean walks over to you protectively, keeping a hand on his pistol for defense if needed. You shake your head with disbelief, "Wh-What? How'd you get that idea?!"
"Because I can feel the baby... Wait, the power isn't that strong," Gabriel drifts off and you start to feel a little faint at the words he announced. A child at this point in your life?! Things happening around you were too life-threatening. You wouldn't be able to bare the responsibility of an offspring...
You feel like breaking down and crying, though almost leaning over onto the bed if Dean didn't catch you in time.
"So you guys did hook up huh?" Gabriel batted his eyebrows with a cheeky grin, Dean watched him with a stare that could kill.
"Are you sure this isn't some sort of trick you're playing for your own humor?" Dean questions but to his disappointment Gabriel shakes his head in refusal. The Winchester sighs slowly.
You rushed to the washroom, feeling completely sick all of a sudden. You couldn't tell if it was all in your head, or if Gabriel's news triggered it, or was it just morning sickness.
Four months later...
You couldn't exactly pinpoint what she is. She's the daughter of a human and a Nephilim, meaning that she's a little less of a human right? But the Angels, Gabriel mostly, perceive her to have greater power in herself. She's something... new.
Being an Angel and human hybrid, she aged through her childhood at a faster rate than normal. Now your daughter is a beautiful brown haired girl named Belle, with glistening green eyes just like her father.
Castiel pays a visit after a few months, ties between him and Dean are sorted out and he apologised for his rather rude behavior. Dean did the same and you were glad that the friends made up.
But when he laid his eyes upon Belle, he couldn't help but feel pulled towards her. He thought she was beautiful, just like her mother. Though eventually, that admiration turned into an obliged sense of protection in his mind, he'd do anything to watch over her.
And so Belle and Castiel shared something in common. They both turned their 'single' status into an 'in a relationship' one... And they both enjoyed each others company quite a lot.
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