Accidental Meetup (Sam Pt. 2)
Requested by Shesscertlygorgous16
Hope you like it!
"Hey Sammy, I swung by town and thought I'd say hello! You still have my note right?"
Sam stared at the visitor, incapable of movement or malimg any dialogue. You stepped foward, waving your hand in front of his face, smiling slightly.
"Sam? Earth to Sam..." You said and he shook his head to knock out of his trance. He ran a hand through his hair, his ears growing hot from the increased nerves.
"H-How are you here?" He managed to say and she chuckled. "I told you I was in town so I stopped by," You repeated and he shook his head.
"No I mean, how did you find this place?" He asked, "N-Not that I'm not happy but-"
"I just looked around, got a little info every now and then these past years and wound up here," You explained, as he ushered you into the Bunker, "Seems like the details were all factual!"
Sam smiled softly, "I seriously can't believe you're here right now! This is... this is amazing. With everything I'm going through-"
"What's wrong?" You turned around sharply and looked at him with your head tilted. He cleared his throat and said, "W-Work stress."
You continued to walk down the stairs and towards the centre of the Bunker, which had the large map-table.
"Dean!" Sam called out, looking at you with happiness. The older Winchester looked over then got up, noticing a female standing in the middle of the Bunker's main room.
"Who's the-"
He paused, raising his finger to you then looking with surprise. "Well what do you know... If my memory doesn't fail me, [y/n] from Sammy's time at Stanford!" Dean came over and have you a hug.
You smiled widely, even though you didn't get to him as well, you just felt really open and comfortable around him. He remarks and fun loving attitude made you feel relaxed.
You glanced at them one by one, grinning a bit. "Sam and Dean...Wow," You said, " You guys have grown up! Dean you're practically the same but Sam, you're... guess somebody hit puberty while I was away!"
You laughed and Sam chuckled, while Dean gave his brother some glances of suggestion. Sam was flipping his brother off in his mind... If only he had telepathic powers.
Sam took you around the 'Men of Letters Bunker', as he called it. You felt that it was more mystical than realistic but who knows?
You saw every room, after much persuasions. In the first place Sam wasn't taking you everywhere, maybe to just the kitchen and the garage but you naturally have a personality of curiosity.
He showed you everything and left the explanation for the end.
"Now to answer your question about what I exactly do..." He took a deep breath then sighed. You both sat down at the far end of the library, near the telescope. Dean had gone out to get something.
"I hope this won't wreck our friendship but it's all true," He warns and you place your hand on his. "Sam you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," You told but he shook his head.
"You're a very close friend and you should know [y/n]," Sam said and ran a hand through his hair, "Dean and I... we're Hunters and we hunt m-monsters. Vampires, werewolves, Demons, Angels, they're all real and my brother and I hunt them down and save people. Our dad started it after our mother was killed by a Demon when I was a baby, He didn't know it was a demon until he went out and researched."
You didn't dare to ask him anything, you listened to his every word quietly.
"When I came into town that time around 11 years ago... Wow that long back but, Dean and I had actually been on a hunt for a Kitsune-"
"A what?"
"There are loads of creatures, that's too much detail for now at least," Sam said and smiled slightly, then the glimmer of happiness slowly drowned away.
"We've lost people, too many people along the years and it hurts. It never gets easy," Sam told you sadly, the hurt and guilt was way too clear in his tone and you felt bad for making him talk about all this... new information.
Sam chuckled, and you looked at him with confusion. "Dean and I have died so many times and come back to life," He explained and you raised a brow, "God said we were chosen to protect-"
"Wait wait WAIT... You've met God? WHAT?!" You questioned with utter puzzlement and Sam nodded slowly.
"I literally have nothing to say right now, who are you guys?!" You said, intrigued but horrified at the same time.
Sam was about to answer but you interrupted.
"Actually I think I'll be better off not knowing... though you need to tell me tomorrow. I won't leave without you telling me EVERYTHING," You instructed and he nodded.
"In that case maybe I won't ever tell you."
You smirk at him then get up, rubbing your face. "I'm going to head to bed, I need to sleep on this. I have black coffee in the morning, strong... letting you know so that I can function tomorrow morning," You told and he nodded, "Goodnight Sammy and thanks for letting me stay for a few days."
"Hey [y/n], you can stay for how long you want," He said with a soft smile and you walked over to hug him. You planted a kiss on his cheek and he smiled nervously.
He watched you walk away, scratching the top of his head and standing awkwardly as silence fell over the Bunker library. He looked at the first table in the distance, Dean forgot to clear up.
Sam rolled his eyes and started putting all the books back in their places. He piled up all the research notes on Amara and put them in an organised fashion then noticed that the his box of collectibles, that he had brought over before you knocked on the door, was sitting there waiting to be looked through.
He opened it up and jiggled it a bit, looking through all the items quickly before-
He picked out a crumpled piece of paper and opened it up, wonder g why he failed so inclined towards knowing what it was. It didn't seem to be a bill or anything.
He started to read the hand looked familiar. He didn't recognise the note at all.
Dear Sammy,
This is a my note for a temporary goodbye. You know how sappy writing isn't my strong point, that one time I tried to prank you about you having a secret admirer? Yeah, fun for the short two days lasted...
Good times.
I wish you good luck in the world, I wish you happiness and all the joy of life. I heard about Jess, and I'm so sorry about that. I was rooting for you two to settle down and have mini Sammys walking about! Babysitting is something I can do haha.
Good luck with your life, with your brother and all the hunting you do. Yes, I know all about it. I can't help having nosy lifestyle, I'm drawn to the extraordinary. I just hope you guys make it out alive... reading about Hunting, it's harmful. Don't get yourself killed okay?!
To being friends in minds at least... thanks for taking the first step at the induction party.
Your gal-pal,
P.S. Sammy... I know it would be weird for me to say but I envied Jess. I... liked you and when you left,it broke my heart. It just drowned away then...
P.P.S. I saved my number into your phone when you weren't looking :P
Sam stared at the note, unable to think of a response, much less mutter anything. He folded it up and looked down the hallway, jogging towards your guest room and hoping that you hadn't fallen asleep.
He had to know the truth.
Did you really know everything?
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