275) "Love Is An Open Door" (Jack)
This idea was provided by X_Eternity_X.
Thanks! (This is dedicated to you too 😁)
They smiled at him widely, a sense of feeling proud flooded their bodies. "It's called love Jack," Dean smirked and patted the young Nephilim's shoulder.
"Yeah... the good old hearts and sunshine going around," Dean chuckled, "Somebody got hit by the arrow."
Jack furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head, "But I thought Angels couldn't understand what feelings are."
"Hey but you're half human too," Sam reminded, "It's your human side showing you how it is to feel things."
"And let's not forget that Mr. Soldier-of-the-Lord here was a big stuck up in the beginning," Dean glanced at Castiel and winked at him, "Now he's just a softie."
Castiel rolled his eyes and shook his head, feeling the embarrassment of knowing Dean Winchester once again.
"But how do you know it's love? You seem so confident," Jack questioned and Sam looked to Dean.
"Well my friend, I am an expert in this field of work so take my word for it," Dean explained then bit his lip, "I'll let your dad explain the biology of it."
"What? I'm not going to go full on Magic Mike right now to let him understand," Dean clarified and Sam rubbed his head.
"Anways Jack, what we're trying to say is that go talk to [y/n], tell her how you feel," Sam suggested with a smile, "I think she is pretty interested in you too."
"You think so?"
"Yeah, the way she looks at you and how she smiles whenever you're around," Sam told, "How could she not be into you?"
Jack had some queries he wanted to ask the Winchesters about so he did on this fine evening. Lately, he had been experiencing this weird fiery feeling within himself every time you were around or if he was interacting with you.
Jack got pretty irritated with the feeling, he couldn't focus or work properly. One time, he almost screwed up a whole hunt.
He was beyond confused and about to have a breakdown when he finally told the Winchesters and Castiel about what was going on.
That's where he's figured out that he's got a serious case of being in love.
"Now go on and find her, I think she's in the weapons closet," Dean said, "She cleans the guns and stuff when she's bored, she's weird in her own way." He shrugged his shoulders and Jack stood up and walked to where he could find you.
"H-Hi [y/n]," He greeted,up in seeing you bent over and cleaning up some gunpowder on the floor.
You looked between your legs finding an upside-down person standing behind you. You stood up straight then smiled, "Hey Jack, what brings you here?"
"Nothing I uh, I just wanted to talk to you," He said and stepped inside the spacious closet, "Can I come in?"
"Sure Jack! Don't ask."
He came closer to you and stood there awkwardly, looking at all the weapons on the walls and in the shelves.
"So you spend time here?" He asked and you ran a hand through your hair. "Yeah it's quiet and it's an interesting task to do," You said.
The door slammed shut, a gush of wind made your legs feel cold. You walked to the door and turned the knob-
No use, the door was tightly shut.
"HEY! Open the door!" You yelled and Jack came to stand next to you. "[y/n] what-"
"I'm sorry, Sam and Dean put me up to this. You have sort yourselves out," You heard Cas shout out from the other side and you groaned in frustration.
You sighed loudly then turned to Jack. "I know what their talking about, let's get this over with," You rubbed your forehead and stood in front of him.
"I love you."
"I love you."
You both talked in unison then repeated a "What?!" at the same time. You stared at the floor feeling kind of out of place.
"Sam and Dean told me that the weird feeling I've been experiencing around you was because I felt love for you," Jack explained, an adorable expression on his face. He smiled softly and you stepped closer to him.
"Yes, and it is quite true [y/n]. I think you feel the same way."
"Yes I do Jack, I'm in love with you," You said happily and wrapped your arms around his neck. He chuckled lightly and pulled you closer, "This makes me... very happy." You laughed then kissed his cheek, "Me too."
You both stood there in an embrace for a few moments then you pulled away, looking into his eyes deeply.
You both turned to look at the door and sighed. "What more do they want us to do?" Jack rolled your eyes.
"We talked it out! CAS GET YOUR ASS HERE AND OPEN THE DOOR!" You exclaimed but the ringing of silence was still heard by your ears.
You smirked, then pulled his arm, "I have one idea to pass the time." He tilted his head, "And what would that be?"
"Well... You could help me clean up the guns, it's fun trust me, in a weird way."
Jack smiled and nodded, sitting next to you on a stool as you told him how taking care of the weapons worked.
You laughed and smiled, enjoying your time with him quite a lot. You didn't realise how much you actually loved him until now... and you're so glad that you do.
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