06/13/1980, FRI (Erin x Dean)
Imagine requested by spnhunter1967!
(I really hope you enjoy it and that it's what you wanted. I changed one plot aspect to better fit with the whole story)
(Long one up ahead!)
You sat down on the couch with a glass of iced coffee in your hand and and a bowl of popcorn in the other. "DEAN, get your ass in here quickly!" You exclaimed, "It's movie time!"
"How can it be movie time if we haven't decided what movie we're watching?" He asked then fell onto the couch, wrapping his arms around you.
"There's something called 'channel surfing'," You stuck your tongue out to him, making Dean roll his eyes, and you went through one television channel after the other in search of something to watch to pass the time.
"Oh 'The Nice Guys'!" You suggested with excitement and he groaned. "No way, I'm not watching another movie of that 'Go sing' guy!" Dean complained and you pushed him.
"Ryan 'Gosling', and it's a fun movie!"
You threw the remote to him then crossed your arms. He started flipping through the channels and landed on one showing a horror movie.
"Is this a new Friday the 13th?" He asked and you shrugged your shoulders, completely uninterested. Dean left it on that channel and you both continued to watch the film in-
The channel signal started to interfere, Dean tried changing the channel but the remote wasn't working. He slapped the remote on his leg a few times then tried again but it didn't-
A searing, bright light and a couple moments later, you felt your knees almost break when you landed in the middle of an empty gas station, standing by the mini-mart. You looked around in shock, you weren't in your living room anymore...
"What the hell is this?" Dean asked with confusion, looking around the quiet town and trying to reduce whether or not they were still in Lawrence, Kansas.
"Dean I have a bad feeling that this isn't Kansas anymore..." You mumbled and he stared at you.
"Argh, we're in the TV Erin!" He yelled.
"It happened to us before with Scooby Doo-"
You started laughing and he grabbed your shoulders tightly, "This isn't funny Erin! We're in the FREAKING movie... OH SON OF A BITCH."
"Wait... if what you're saying is true then we're in-"
"Friday the 13th," Dean mumbled, "We have to get out of here."
You both frantically looked around for any help, then started investigating the pockets of your clothes. Dean found the keys to the Impala in his jacket pocket and you both took out an FBI badge each with fake names on them.
"At least I've got my Baby!" Dean smiled smugly and you rolled your eyes. You followed him to a parking lot on the opposite side of the gas station and searched all the cars to find a 1967 Chevy.
"Maybe it's not here, maybe it's still at the-"
Dean shoved you aside and jogged ahead, towards a man with a duffel bag on his shoulder.
"HEY!" He called out, "Sammy!"
The man turned around with a look of surprise on his face. It was really Sam, you felt relieved.
"Sam I'm so glad we found you, what the he'll is going on here-"
"I'm sorry, do I know you?"
"Sam, you okay?" You asked after catching up to Dean.
"I'm not the Sam you're looking for, sorry," He clarified and put his hand out, "My name is Clay Miller. Could I help you with anything?"
Dean started to laugh hysterically and you rubbed your forehead. "That's funny Sam, I'd be laughing out loud if I wasn't concerned about being trapped in this film," Dean reached to grab his shoulder but Clay moved away and furrowed his eyebrows.
"I-I'm sorry, I hope you find... Sam," He said and walked away. You and Dean watched him silently then you slapped Dean's shoulder.
"Hey what of we're supposed to follow the film to get out of it?" You suggested and he looked at you with realisation.
"Yeah it's definitely that," He clenched his fists, "I swear if this is Gabriel again." You pulled Dean by the hand and ran towards Clay Miller.
"Mr. Miller, wait up!" You yelled and he stopped before crossing the road. Once you reached him, you took out your FBI badge and showed it to him.
"Sorry about the mix up. We're actually investigating the um, serial killer in this town and have a source by the uh... name of Sam," You lied. Dean played along with your game and showed Clay his FBI badge as well.
"Oh sorry Agents. I'm actually looking for my sister Whitney, would you know about her?" He asked and you frowned.
"We could help you out if you'd like," Dean offered and Clay smiled gratefully.
11:00 PM...
Dean grabbed a shotgun from the trunk of the Impala and smirked, throwing it to you then taking out a machete. He shut the trunk and started walking into the forest near Crystal Lake.
Clay raised an eyebrow, "Um I know I shouldn't be asking this but... are you both actually FBI agents?"
You looked at Dean, "Unconventional ones, yes. It's a... special division down in DC." Dean shrugged his shoulders and Clay eyed you both with suspicion.
"Come on we have a hunt to finish," Dean smirked and continued to walk towards the cabin in the woods. You and Clay followed him closely, you had your weapon at the ready and Clay illuminated the way with his flashlight.
Dean spots a trapped door, making Clay run towards it and pry it open. He jumped down first then you and Dean followed him. The stench of moss and rot filled your nostrils, making you sneeze. Clay shushed you while he looked around with caution and you huffed.
You three were in some sort of underground lair, built for storage and undetected movement. Clay walked ahead, looking back often to see if you and Dean were alright. He was acting a lot like Sam, which was kind of creeping you out.
Clay started to jog and you looked at Dean with confusion, who then ran towards the Sam doppelganger.
"Whitney, oh my God!" Clay rushed to a young girl chained to the wall behind her. She looked a mess, dirt and cuts scattered across her skin. You frowned when you saw her.
Clay grabbed a pickaxe from under a metal box and beat the chains till they came undone. He grabbed his sister and helped her to her feet and the four of you-
You stopped abruptly and-
You jerked in fright as you heard someone scream. A man wearing a hockey mask and a sharpened metal object in his hands walked quickly towards you as you all backed away.
"RUN, GO NOW!" Dean shouted, and on cue everyone ran away from the man. "DEAN WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!" You exclaimed and he didn't answer, being busy with running for his life.
"There, LET'S GO!" Clay pointed up to an open hatch on top and started climbing, helping his sister first then letting you go on ahead. You grabbed Clay's and helped him up but then-
"DEAN!" You screamed out as you watched the man with the mask approach him with rage, with his weapon ready to mutilate your boyfriend.
You knocked yourself back to reality and grabbed your shotgun, shooting the masked-man on the chest and pulling Dean up to safety.
"Dean are you okay?!" Your hands scanned his body and he heaved, nodding his head then holding your hand and running towards Clay and Whitney who were a few feet ahead.
"He's so much like him, don't you agree?" Dean mumbled and you punched him lightly.
"You think this is a time to talk about Clay being San in another life?! NO DEAN!" You scolded in a whisper, "We're fighting for our lives for crying out loud! Just focus in killing this masked-ass."
Dean raised his eyebrows then breathed out, "Alright sweetheart but he seriously looks and acts like-"
You glared at him and were about to comment when you heard a THUMP!. Out of nowhere the murderous man jumps out onto Clay and tackles him to the ground. You scrambled to hold your gun properly and aim it at the man while Dean charged to swing his machete at him.
The man got up and started fighting Dean instead, Clay had a bruised up face. You struggled to aim, fearing that you'd shoot Dean instead as the two fought furiously.
Clay grabbed the man by his jacket and tried to pull him off. You felt lousy for jot doing anything, but you didn't want to make the situation worse.
"JASON!" Whitney yelled suddenly, standing firmly by the entrance. She held out an antique necklace with a picture of a young woman that resembled her likeness. It made the masked man look her way.
The distraction was the perfect opportunity and Clay took it, kicking and tripping him when he was off his guard.
"SAM... I mean, CLAY, HERE!" Dean exclaimed and threw his machete to him, and immediately up in catching it he aimed it to stab Jason's chest.
He stumbled and fell back near a field mower. You saw your chance to end it all and ran to start up the machine, which rattled and clanged with its blades running viciously.
Dean grabbed a hold of a long and large industrial chain and swung it around the man's neck, choking him for a brief moment before he threw Dean across the room. You gasped at the sight, wanting to run to see if your boyfriend was alright but-
Clay threw the chain to you to grab a hold of it but it fell into the field mower. By luck, it actually made the situation fall in your favour.
Jason fumbled and fell to his knees, trying to grab onto something to pull himself away but Clay wouldn't let him. He started kicking his face with full force, stepping on his hands and pushing him back towards the mower.
"For killing those innocent people and taking MY SISTER!" Clay shouted at the top of his lungs, mustering all his energy for one last kick to Jason's face. It made the man fall back into the mower and almost grind his head. It choked him to death and you grimaced at the sounds and the sight.
You heard Dean groan and you wished to him. "E-Erin?" He struggled to stand up, feeling very weak, and you helped him. "Are you alright Dean?" You questioned, "Are you hurt?"
"N-Nothing permanent Erin," He muttered then kissed your cheek. You held him by the waist to keep him balanced.
"I-Is it over?" He asked and Clay sighed.
"Yeah I think... I-I think it is."
8:00 PM...
You and Dean stood on the wooden dock, hand in hand, while you watched Clay roll Jason's corpse into the lake. You rested your head on Dean's shoulder and sighed.
"Erin, you alright?" He asked and you smiled softly.
"Yeah... Never thought a film could affect me so much," You mumbled and he kissed your head. You watched as Clay walked over to his sister, who sat silently completely traumatised. He looked over to you and nodded his head, in a way of saying thank you for your help.
You straightened yourself and furrowed your eyebrows. "Uh Dean... why aren't we back home?" You asked and he gulped.
"I don't-"
You jerked in horror as you watched a man, Jason, jump out from under the wooden dock, breaking it and grabbing Whitney by her neck, pulling her down into the-
You fell onto the floor of the room, blinking your eyes multiple times at the fact that your surroundings suddenly got dimmer. You looked around for Dean, who was just as confused as you.
You glanced up to the television in the room, watching the credits role on screen. You started to breathe heavily and sighed with relief. "Dean I think... I think we're home now," You said and looked at him.
"I um... is 'The Nice Guys' still on?" He asked shakily and you shrugged your shoulders, "I think I've had enough horror for a while."
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