When The Tables Turn Dean Winchester X Vampire!Reader
Requested by alienmademeslowdance Thank you!
So yeah, hey, another important AU at the end....
More running
More panting
Stopping to feed
Sleeping in a dumpster
More running
Endless running
Dwindling food, yet more murder
Will the life of a nest less vampire ever have some peace?
You hated it, all those hundreds of years ago when you sold your delicate body to a rich and sex hungry 'politician' for money. But he turned out to be a vampire, and he yearned for a sweet maiden's pure and innocent blood. And boom, you turned and you never found a nest, but was always targeted by them. The weak loner you were so named by others scraped on dead rats and rodents, never taking any human blood.
Until now.
Up until a hundred years ago you would never think of taking a human life in your quest for blood. But then it got to the point when you though of sucking yourself dry than for an alternative to human blood. So you waited and waited until someone died, went and sucked what little was left from the corpse. But you go curious until the insanity controlled you for a split second and you sunk your teeth into the warm flesh of a young man.
Then you couldn't stop. So that's why you have been running, from hunters, other vamps, and the common fat police officers.
Now it was those rumored Winchesters, Sam and Dean. They followed you a few times, but they got side tracked by a demon named Crowley, and multiple other traps you may or may not have set up. You would always follow them around the country, not having a nest and not caring who really saw you. You just wanted a good story to follow, and they seemed pretty intriguing. But they were back on your trail, and they haven't slowed down. You hadn't had a chase like this in quite sometime, though it was quite thrilling for you.
"Idiots." You muttered, silently padding along the rooftops. You tricked the Winchesters by leaving a fresh kill of animal by a dumpster and heading the opposite direction.
You usually did this, but it didn't work today, as you saw them run along side you, just on the ground below you. They periodically (A Long Periodalically Time) glanced up at you to make sure you were still there.
"Tch." (Levi? Soul? Ciel? We will never know...)Losing them would be harder than you thought.
Just as you jumped down to knock out, not kill, those pesky Winchesters, what? You had a knack for em', plus they were cute and gave you some company even if it meant them hunting you. But yet another threat jumped between you. A nest of even nastier vamps landed right in the middle of your chase. You had been to busy focusing and deluding the boys that you failed to notice the nest creep up on you.
"Well well well. Our next two targets in one convenient spot. Perfect." The head female vamp purred, a grin stretched across her face.
"It wouldn't be that easy, slut." You spit, crossing your arms.
She gasped and turned towards you. "Bitch!"
The vamp had a hard time finding an insult so she just grumped and crossed her arms. "Well I'm much better than you so fuck off."
"Well at least I wasn't a stripper hoe like you were and got knocked up, oh wait. You purposefully wished for this life, what is sooooo amazing about it anyway?! Immortality? That's a fucking joke, having to kill innocents for blood, stealing more lives than we deserve to live. Heh, I bet you even begged that poor vamp who turned you, using what little of a body you had to seduce him." You growled, the disgust dripping from your tone of voice.
She just gaped and stared at you, her nest hissing in reply to your insult at their leader.
"Alright, ladies put away the claws." Laughed the shorter of the two Winchesters, the taller one just looking like a concerned little puppy.
"Excuse me!?" Both of you shrieked and looked at him.
"Whoa, whoa." Dean backed up arms raised, machete in one. "We just need to kill that one," He said, pointing his machete at you. "Then possibly they rest of you freaks."
"Dean." Sam hissed and hit him.
"Oh sorry, I forgot there was a queue to kill me, but sorry that ain't happening." You snorted.
"Well if you quite murdering people then maybe we wouldn't have to!" Yelled another vamp. Others nodding in agreement.
"Don't put their deaths on me! Your freshies over there are like 90% of the problem!" Jerking a finger at the huddled newborns in the corner of the alleyway you were held in.
"Enough!" The female leader yelled. "We both know this ends in blood, so why not kill the pretty little loner over there and get on with the real fight."
"In your dreams, skank!" You lunged at the leader, aimed for her throat. But she deflected your hit, landing you into the wall. She pounced after you, starting the cat fight.
While you fought the lead vamp, Sam and Dean had begun to wipe out the rest of the nest. Going for the untrained freshies first, to get them out of the way. Then it was on to the experienced killers, those vamps knew how to lay a hit. All those years of training, from medieval times to ancient Japanese fighting forms. They knew it all, no wonder these vamps wanted you dead, you were the only one who could stop them and their killings.
Just as you had her pinned, slowing the long life draining out of the leader, you heard a yell. A very manly yell and knew it was one of the men hunting you. So you turned to see the second in command lowering his teeth down onto Dean's neck. Sam was preoccupied with one of the last vamps of the nest, but still a handful. You noticed that Sam was on the verge of blacking out, and Dean had a huge gash across his middle. Perfect.
"Tch, damn boys grew on me." You released the half dead female and ran to Dean's aid. You threw the hungry vampire off him. You quickly snatched the machete Dean hand and placed it in your belt loop.You had a show down of hissing and jab steps, but the other vamp was clearly bluffing. Dean watched from up against a trash, thankful he didn't kill you earlier.
The fight was quick, with you dominating from your centuries of experience. But then both female leader and vamp that stopping fighting Sam ganged up on you, knowing this might not end well. You didn't have much to live for anyways, so whatever. Plus Sam was out and Dean was going to bleed to death if you didn't help them.
"Bring it bitches!" You yelled. They both sprinted forward, you jumped immediately making both of the two crash heads. You undid the machete from you belt loop in a flash, jamming the thing through the back of the leader, the tip sticking out of her last miion's skull. You landed on their necks, hearing a crack as you successfully broke it. Ripping the machete from their braindead heads, hopping off their necks, and slicing the heads off. Quick, efficient, and simple. That's they way you fought.
You stood, bloody and heaving, looking at the murder scene before you. You slowly looked at Dean, who has wide eyes and a large gash that needed stitching.
"You got a first aid kit?" You asked, kneeling next to Dean.
"Yeah, but why should I trust you?" he asks skeptically.
"Dean if I wanted you dead, I would've done it all those years ago when I followed you. And I know everything, the hunts, the drama." You leaked, not caring if he knew about you anymore.
"Proof, lemme hear it."
"I know about Lisa, Ben, Castiel, Gabriel, Bobby dying, Joe and Kevin and Ash and Ellen dying, and how. Dean I know almost every detail since your lover boy entered your life." You grinned. "Now just trust me you bleeding lump, where is it? I have to help both you, I got a soft spot for you two idjits.
"Bobb-" Dean was cut off.
"Bobby. Yes, I know Dean." You smiled.
"Impala, 67, trunk. It has the stuff for stitches, just hurry." Dean pressed, groaning as he sat up just a bit.
In 30 seconds you were back, vamp speed does pay off.
You take out some medical supplies and make Dean swallow a few pain killers. It will make him a little disorientated and mildly delusional. Kind of like when you get your wisdom teeth pulled, and you act all loopy after. Yep, Dean may be a bit like that.
"I'm gonna take off your shirt, nothing sexy I swear." You grabbed a pair of medical scissors and cut away what needed to be to preform your mini operation.
"Huh, that's too bad. You kinda cute." Dean huffed.
You just giggled as you began to clean the large gash, ridding of it from possible infection. You stitched up a complaining Dean and wrapped a bandage around his torso, making sure it wasn't too tight. You hauled Dean up and picked up Sam, throwing him over your shoulder.
"Damn, your strong." Dean complimented, you shoved Dean into the passenger seat and dropped Sam in the back.
"Keys." You ask, hands open, expecting to feel the drop of keys.
"Oh hell no. My baby." Dean clutched the keys to his chest.
"Tch. Dean, if you want to live... come with me." Maybe this may help.
"Sure thang, pretty lady." He groaned, handed you the keys, and passed out on the dash.
You laid down the Winchesters on the crappy motel beds. You found the keys and a pamphlet to the motel they were staying at, so dump them off there and leave. It's still pretty dark, so you could make a quick run for it and not have to find shelter fast.
Until he wakes.
"Vamp chick?" You hear, just as you open the door. You could sneak out no problem, but you wanted to see where it goes.
"Yes, vamp chick is here and goes by the name of (Y/N)." You sighed and sat down on the bed next to him.
"Hey (Y/N), I uhh, I just want to say thanks for kicking those vampire asses last night. Pretty impressive, awesome actually. Wow, I actually just said that." Dean admits with a small smile. Oh how his brother wouldn't let him live this down if he were awake. With Dean always wanting to kill the monster, but no, the monster has helped kill the other monsters, fixed him up good, and is having a polite conversation with him. Oh, how the tables have turned.
"No problem, I got centuries of fighting, medical aid, and other useless crap stored in this brain." You tapped your head. "Thanks for not killing me, now and all those times back."
"I still don't trust you fully, but I do more than I did when we first met." Dean chuckles.
"Right back at ya." You paused awkwardly. "Hey, I have to get going before the sun hits. Otherwise I'll be fried on the sidewalk and I don't know if Sam wants be around."
"Sure, sure I'll let you get going. I'll slip in the tip that I killed you, just don't let yourself be seen by us, I can't say Sam won't kill you. And for me, well I don't usually remember what I had for breakfast, so keep a safe distance." Dean smiles.
"No problem Dean-o." You hopped off and walked to the door.
"Keep up the fighting, but for the monsters. Kick their butts, not innocents." Dean comments.
"I think you inspired me to go to a blood bank." You smile cheekily.
"To donate?" Dean scrunches up his nose.
"No, I think I am the one in dire need of that sweet blood." You say dramatically, placing a hand on your forehead.
"Now go, before your teasing wakes Sam up." Dean playfully pushes you out of the door.
"See ya, Dean-o." You quickly kiss his cheek and leave your phone number in his hand. Vamp speed still helping you hook up.
"Damn." Dean chuckles, placing the number in his phone. He looks up to see Sam smiling while sitting on his bed.
"Morning Sammy." Dean says.
"I never knew you could be friends with a monster Dean, is it even in your vocabulary? Friends with monsters?" Sam smirks.
"How much have you heard?" Dean's voice drops in clear fear of what his brother's answer is.
"Every. Single. Word."
Author's Note
Hey. okay sorry about that last AU. Really sad and i think i offended some people, I never meant that, I was just sharing my thoughts and I am prone and well known to be very honest. Even if not all in the right places.
I'm not quitting
I'm continuing
I promise
Well obviously not forever, but for a long time, okay?
I'm back
So yeah
That's all
See you next update my lovelies
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