Scary Movies Come To Life Sam Winchester X Reader
Requested by ILoveHarryStyles111. Thank you! Warning! if you are not fond of scary movies, I highly recommend you don't read this! It wont be too descriptive, but if you obviously watch Supernatural you shouldn't have much to worry about. I just don't want my readers to be too scared! The scary movie is The Conjuring, but it's just the house. None of the characers will actaully be there. Also the plot has changed from the movie, so it just involves you and Sam. =^.^=
Gabriel's P.O.V
I looked at Sam and (Y/N), it was obvious they like each other. Yet neither of the two would admit it! That was annoying, even more annoying than when Balthazar decided to unsink the Titanic. They need to hurry up and just kiss, or in my opinion just start making out. Whatever, maybe I should send (Y/N) a basket of sweets and say it was from Sam. Or I could....
Your P.O.V
You looked over at Sam, his head in a book. His hair falling over his handsome face. His body lazily sitting in one of the comfy chairs in the bunker. Why? Why did he have to be so cute! I really like him, but I don't know if he likes me. And I don't want to be embarrassed if he turns me down! Ugh, sometimes I wish I didn't like anyone, but then I think of how good looking he is and I cant not love him! You just stared at the tall hunter in awe. He caught you looking and grinned.
"Have you got enough? Or should I stay here a little longer?" You teased.
You blushed furiously and hid your face. "No, no your good."
Sam chuckled and went back to his book. You heard the familiar flutter of wings and looked up. Gabriel. Fucking perfect.
"Hello there Samsquatch and Dollface." Gabe winked at you. You and Sam both but on your bitch faces and stared at the candy loving archangel. "Ohhh double bitch faces, I like."
"What do you want, Gabe?" You asked.
"Well, I don't want anything, but you two do." He smirked.
"And what would that be?" Sam looked up from his book.
"Well, you will just have to find out." With a snap of his fingers, the bunker went black and so did yours and Sam's visions.
Soon the bunker was turned into The Conjuring house. Dean made you and Sam watch the stupid movie when it came out. you hated him for it. You couldn't stand scary movies and now you and Sam were trapped in one.
"No, no, no, no, no, no! SAM! SAM!" You screamed. You began hyperventilating.
"What! Where are we?" Sam ran over to you and grabbed your hand.
"We are in The Conjuring house! You know the one with the demon! I know that those aren't really demons, but now they are! Sam! NO!" You grabbed onto his flannel shirt. Your sweaty palms holding onto that shirt like it would save your life.
"(Y/N), (Y/N). Gabe would never hurt you. He just have to make it out, or something. We don't have to 'play our roles' or anything, so we just have to survive. Besides we do this crap for a living." Sam reassured you taking your hands away from his shirt. His calm eyes looking into yours.
"Okay, okay. I'm good. But I hate scary movies and you know that." You looked up at him with fear in your eyes.
"We will get through this. I haven't seen anybody from the movie, so I think it's just us. So we have to make the plot up as we go." Sam explained. You nodded in agreement.
You noticed it was nighttime, and so according to the movie you would have to sleep. Well duh? What else would you do? Oh yeah, go on hunts. You and Sam went into the room with two full sized beds. You knew that something was gonna come and try to pull you out or slam the door, but you don't remember when.
"Sam, I'm scared." You pulled the blankets up to your face and glanced at Sam.
"You will be fine, just sleep." He told you. You agreed and fell into a fitful rest.
You heard the door creak open and saw a shadow dash across the room. You looked wide eyed as the shadow disappeared into the dark corner.
"SAM! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" You screamed. Sam jolted awake and looked at you. He followed your eyes to the corner and pursed his lips.
"Hmmmm. I think I remember this part." Sam stayed in bed and kept his eyes locked on the corner.
You make a quick decision and ran across the room and hurled yourself on Sam's bed. You grabbed his midsection and buried your face in the crook of his neck. Instinctively, his arms wrapped around you waist and he pulled you closer. His other hand ran through your hair to calm you down.
"Sammy, I'm scared." You whispered.
"Shhh, I've got you, I've got you (Y/N)." He cooed. He held you their until daybreak, when the thing left the room.
You and Sam 'survived' over the next few days. You slept with Sam, not like slept, but you shared the same bed. You didn't want that thing to get you. After the 5th day, you and SAm got cornered in a spare room with two dressers and a mirror. The thing was trying to get it, but you had locked th door and shoved a chair underneath the handle.
"Sam, I hate this. What did Gabe mean by all this? Why?" You asked, your eyes started to water.
"I.. don't... know..." Sam was lost in thought. I like her, a lot. And I have been to scared to admit my feelings. But the way she was looking at me the day Gabe came made me feel like she liked me back. So what if the whole point of this was to make us admit our feelings for each other? Maybe I should try that? I should.
"Sam? Are you okay?" You asked, grabbing his hand to bring him out of his trance.
"(Y/N) you know when Gabe said we both wanted something?" He pulled you closer, your bodies flush with each other.
"Well I know what he meant, I want you. I like you." He looked down at your blushing features.
"I like you too Sam. Yet I was too scared to admit it. I'm glad that we both know what we want now." You chuckled, putting your head on his chest.
"Yeah... now we do." Sam tilted your head up and kissed you firmly. You kissed back right away, melting into the feeling of Sam's lips on yours.
Soon the dark room in which the thing was trying to get in was gone and replaced by the bunker. You broke off and looked around. You saw the place you called home.
"Sam! We made it back! Sam!" You looked up and saw him grinning down at you.
"Yes, yes we did." He kissed you again, you threw your arms around his next and his hands went your waist. The slow kiss was interrupted by slow clapping.
"Finally, I thought I was gonna have to make that demon eat on of you to make it work." Gabe looked at you two, grinning with a sucker in his mouth.
"Hey! Was that what is was all about?" You yelled, letting go of Sam to go give that bastard a piece of your mind.
"Yup." Gabe said making the p pop.
Sam grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder.
"Sam! Put me down!" You yelled hitting his back lightly.
"No, not until you be nice." Sam said, smirking.
"Get a room!" Gabe yelled and flashed out.
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