Mine Castiel X Reader
Requested by ninjagogirl123 Thank you!
"Cas what are you doing?" You asked, preparing the table for your dinner date at the bunker. You had told the boys to leave for a few hours so you and Cas could have a peaceful evening alone. Dean said wouldn't be so peaceful after dinner, and Sam just rolled his eyes. You and Cas were the happy couple occupying the bunker for tonight, and you would be grateful for that.
"I'm trying to cut it but it won't." Castiel pouted. The turkey you should him how to prepare and bake was a mess. You giggled at the sight and went over to help him.
"Its tricky, let me do the rest." You said, taking the knife from him.
"But isn't the male supposed to do these sort of things?" Cas questioned.
"Only if they need to eat, in which, since your an angel, you don't." You replied, cutting the turkey into thick pieces.
"There is truth to that. I don't need to eat, so you do all the cooking. You must teach me more." He said.
"Of course I will." You finished cutting the turkey and placed it on a separate plate. Putting that plate in the middle of the table, you admired your work. The side dishes all perfectly made and in cute little china. The candles as the center piece that smelled like honey. You clapped you hands happily and pulled up a chair.
"Lets eat, before it gets cold." Cas said, meaning lets eat before the food rots from you staring.
"Oh! Yes!" You grabbed your fork and stabbed a piece of turkey. You chewed happily as the flavor spread around your mouth.
"Its delicious (Y/N), cook for me more." Cas smiled.
"It be my pleasure."
You smiled back and continued eating.
~Time Skip brought to by Juvia and Grey!~
Juvia: Gray-sama! *Heart eyes*
Me: She lllllllikes you!
Grey: Don't roll your tongue like that!
You laid in bed with Cas, you snuggled up close to him. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you until you were flush with is body.
"I missed this, Cas." You said tiredly.
"You have no idea." Cas replied, turning to face you.
"Ever think about what will happen in the future? Like will we get married? Or have kids? Or buy a house ans top hunting for good?" You pondered about these things. This was the first time you ever brought it up to Cas though.
"No, I just need you. Then I know I'm happy. Maybe we will get married, maybe have kids. But right now, I just want to focus on you. Right now, the present." Cas enveloped you in his love, pouring every ounce into your heart.
"You know, that sounds good right now. The present, forget all the worries for tomorrow." You sighed happily, placing a kiss Cas's cheeks.
"You know sounds really good right now?" Cas moved, hovering over you.
"You." Cas leaned in and attacked lips.
Maybe Dean was right about that whole not so silent night.
~Time Skip brought to you by the last episode of Free! Eternal Summer! NOOOOOOOOO I DIED I CRIED NO NO NO NO NO NO. SO DONE RIGHT NOW DON'T TOUCH ME~
You woke up, feeling around for Cas in the bed. But you didn't feel him, nor was there a warm spot were he previously was. You sat up quickly, you saw your surroundings. This was not your bed, your clothes, or your room. You were in a cheap motel, you wore a t shirt and black running pants.
"Where the hell am I?" You yelled to the empty room. You got out of the bed and searched the small motel. Nothing. You sighed and sat in the chair, not even the window or the door would open. Why? If only you had a bobby pin, but those all fell out from Cas pulling on your hair.
"Ah good, your awake." You recognized that voice, you stood up instantly and turned your head to the voice.
"Lucifer." You growled and ran over to him, holding his collar you spit out questions about why you where here and such.
"Whoa, whoa, (Y/N). Calm down and release me, otherwise you will get hurt." He said calmly.
"Fine, just answer me this," You let go and crossed your arms. "Why am I here?"
"I want you of course. But my damn brother got you first, but I want you to be mine." He circled you, looking you up and down. You got uncomfortable and cleared your throat. 'Oh sorry, I was enticed by your body." He smirked.
"Yeah yeah whatever, devil." You sneered. "Let me go, otherwise your head will be served on a silver platter by my boyfriend."
"I wouldn't count on it, they will never find you." Lucifer sat down as continued to stare at you.
"I wouldn't count on that reason, Luci. they have dealt with you before." You countered.
"We'll see which comes out on top. Speaking of topping, is that usually Castiel or you?" Lucifer titled his head and grinned. Oh he did not just go there, trynna get into your sex life. Fine then, two can play at that game, bitch.
"If you really want to know, why don't you find out?" You said seductively. Hah, stupid men and their hormones, always get the best of them. I cant believe he will fall for this.You thought.
"Hmmm, I can take you up on that offer." Lucifer stood up and walked over to you. He hovered over you, leaning down he almost placed a kiss before a painful kick was sent to his balls.
"Honestly, I'm not that easy. Idjit." You flaunted and crossed your legs.
Lucifer grunted, holding onto the table for support. A few minutes later he straightedge up and walked over to you, smirking and cracking his knuckles. "Fine then, you play dirty, so do I."
And with that, the lights went out.
~Time Skip brought to you by Kuro! I want a familiar that is a cat that can turn really big and stuff! Damn you Rin and your cats and your hotness!~
You woke up, tied to a chair in the same motel room. you sighed and attempted to untie or at least loosen the suffocating ropes. But no avail.
"Fine then." You huffed and slumped back in your chair. To bad Lucifer stole your phone so you couldn't call Cas, or even just play a game.
"Now I can do what I want before you hurt me." The voice from the bathroom said. Great, he was still here.
"No, I can still get you." You bluffed, anything to buy time so Cas could find you. You started to panic at the words 'do want I want'. Those were not the words you wanted to hear.
"I thought about that, so I tied down your legs, your hands, and if needed, your neck." Lucifer grinned as he walked over to you.
"Shit." You mumbled, now you don't have your crotch kick under your sleeve. He hovered over you again, but actually kissed you this time. You tightened your lips and closed your eyes, not wanting him to get in.
"Come on (Y/N), play nice." Luci whined as he attacked your neck. You squeaked as he bit down and left red, swollen marks.
"Stop, stop." You whimpered, which only fueled the devil to keep kissing you.
"Yes, Lucifer. I ask you to stop." You heard his deep, gruff voice. Saved, was the first thing that came to mind. You knew to trust Castiel, he would always find you, no matter what.
"Castiel, you came." You whispered, a smile stretched across your face. His eyes softened when he looked at you, but tensed when he made contact with Lucifer.
"Ah, brother. Seems as though you found me, but (Y/N) is mine. You will not be taking her." Lucifer calmly tried to hide his unease, he was just getting started when his pesk of a little brother came in.
"I got her first, now leave or you will regret this." Castiel warned, dropping his angel blade from his trench coat sleeve.
"Now, now. I know you don't want to hurt your brother, am I right?" Lucifer bargained, walking over to Cas.
"I wouldn't be so sure." Castiel stabbed Lucifer in the gut while he was distracted. He dashed over to you and flashed you to the bunker. He couldn't waist time getting you untied otherwise Lucifer would've killed him. He couldn't kill the devil with just an angel blade, he couldn't kill him period. But he just needed opening to grab you and run.
"Are alright?" Cas untied you looked you over. You pulled him up and hugged him tightly.
"I'm so glad you found, I was so worried. I knew you would find me, I had faith." You cried, tears escaping your eyes.
"I will always find you, no matter what. I love you." Castiel said, hugging you close, never letting you go.
"i love you too, so much."
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