Comfort Castiel X Reader
Requested by -Fangirling- and Argents_Imapla also wanted a Castiel imagine, so kill two birds with one stone right? Or in this case, write one oneshot for two people! Hope ya don't mind.
Castiel, still getting used to his human body and all its great features, still has a hard to coming to terms with the human body rules and restrictions. No time travel, no killing demons on the spot, and especially to flying. He was having a bit of a dilemma when it came to (Y/N) and these rules. See, (Y/N) was sick, and as you know, angels don't get sick. But alas, Cas isn't an angel anymore, so when he tried to help (Y/N), it didn't end as expected.
"Uhhhhhhhh." You groaned as you laid in bed.
You had caught a cold, but still, you hate sickness no matter how minor. Plus Sam and Dean where out on a hunt, so it was just you manning the bunker for tonight. So the normal get up was in motion, sweatpants, tissues, and a pile of your favorite snacks on the nightstand. Lets also not forget your movie marathon that you always watch when you get sick.
"Hello (Y/N)." Said as he invited himself in your room. He shut the door and sat next to you on your bed.
"Uh Cas, one, your supposed to knock. Two, get out I'm sick. And three you will catch my cold." You told him in a stuffy tone, focusing your eyes on him.
"Sorry (y/n), but no, I wont get sick, I'm an an-"Cas was immediately cut off by you throwing some chips at his face.
"Not anymore dumbass, you are human. So get out unless you wanna feel like someone set your skin on fire. Or that your eyes have bugs crawling around them they are so itchy, or that..."You trailed on about the symptoms of the common cold. Cas's face got more and more displeased with every comment.
"That doesn't sound very... fun. Please, let me help you get better?" He asked, throwing in the puppy eyes. Those damn eyes got you every time.
'Fine... but stay away from me." You grumbled, crossing your arms.
"Thank you (Y/N. Do you need anything?" He asked.
You thought abit, thinking about anything that might calm your raging aches and pains. You snapped your fingers and jumped, which only caused your ever growing migraine to worsen. You let out am inhuman noise at the pain searing through your head as you grasped your scalp.
"If you could get me the pint of ice cream downstairs, that you be fabulous." You ground out as the pain numbed away.
"Ok." Cas stated simply, yet he just sat there for about 15 seconds before you had to snap him out of it.
"Hey uh Cas. Watcha doing?" You asked as you grabbed a tissue to blow your nose.
"I'm trying to flash there, but its not working (Y/N)." He replied and gave you the most saddest face you have ever seen. You didn't want to have to remind the poor angel- err uhh ex-angel that he was human, but who was going to do it besides you?
"Cas." You about put your hand on his shoulder before you realized that too much contact with others while sick wasn't good. "You are human, remember? Just open the door and go downstairs." You spoke softly.
"Oh, right." He got up and left. You let out a sigh and started to pay attention to your movie while he was getting the ice cream.
~Time Skip brought to you by J.A.R.V.I.S.~
Me: Thanks J.A.R.V.I.S!'
J.A.R.V.I.S: Of course ma'am.
You sighed happily as the now melted and cool ice cream flowed down your sore throat and relieved the pain for only a little bit. But hey, something is better than nothing. You greedily devoured the entire pint of (favorite flavor) ice cream. Cas just stared at you in curiosity at how such a simple thing could give you so much joy.
"Wha chu lukkin at?" You asked with your mouth full of the creamy treat.
"Just how happy you are with that (Y/N). Can I try some?" Cas asked, leaning ever so closer to you.
Before you could respond, he grabbed the spoon from you and scooped up a bite of the ice cream. He didn't even flinch when he bit into it, he just chewed and swallowed. Showing no emotion what so ever, typical Castiel. You just gave him the bitch face that you picked up from Sam.
"Great! Now you are more than likely gonna get sick Cas! I told you this before!" You yelled and took the spoon away. But you only felt like you where the horrible robber taking candy from a baby with the look Cas gave you.
"Sorry (Y/N). But I don't understand why that helps, it doesn't even taste that good." He pouted.
"Awe geez Cas, just trust me on this, I've been human fro my entire life unlike you. And (favorite flavor) is the best!" You scoffed and ate more to sooth your throat.
"I beg to differ." Cas said in a gruff voice and leaned against the headrest of your bed that you two were sitting on.
The hours ticked by, you coughing up a lung and having to pee really bad because of how much Cas made you drink. You also ended up in a barrier of tissues around your bed. But began to feel better and better, as Cas began to feel worse and worse. He had a runny nose, watery eyes, his body ached, and he coughed like hell. Well you told him not to get close to you but noooo he just had to be the proud and stoic Cas you knew and brave through it.
So by midnight the boys were back and you switched roles with Cas, you the caretaker and he the one who needed the comfort and care. He took over your bed, snacks, and movie marathon, which sucked moth balls because that was your food, your bed, and your movies. But, since this was literally the first time he had got a cold, you let him off the hook.
~Time Skip brought to you by Kagami's split eyebrows~
"Hey (Y/N) feel... What?" Dean entered your room, fully expected you to asleep, but found Cas instead.
"Hey Dean. Cas caught my cold, so now I'm taking care of him. Just try to stay away from him, like major. Don't even look at him." You beamed a bit, knowing that Cas trusts you as well.
"Wait, why?" Dean gave you a confused look as he knitted his eyebrows together.
"He got sick because he got to close and kept touching me and what not. So I don't want you two to fall into his trap." You answered, looking at the sleepy, sick ex-angel.
'Oh, well in that case I'll keep my door locked, but you will give me burgers and beer right?" Dean teased and grinned.
"In your dreams pie boy. Now leave before he wakes up from your annoying voice." You scolded and shooed the smaller hunter out.
"Shut up."
~Time Skip brought to you by Eren's eyes *starts to drool*~
"(Y/NNNNNNNNN)." Sam and Dean voiced through out the bunker. Those idiots got too close to cas and ended up getting sick because that other idiot couldn't keep his hands off the Winchesters.
"Fuck you Cas!" You yelled, hoping he would here in your bedroom, as you were stuck taking care of the sick hunters.
Such joy to live in this household.
Author's Note
Hola! Buenas tardas! Como estas? I'm in Spanish class and we are learning Spanish stuff. I'm pretty sure that says "Hello! Good evening! How are you?" If I remember correctly! Anyway, requests are still on hold, but please enjoy this oneshot! Adios amigos! Makenna out!
Instagram~ makenna_stark
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