LOSE YOU (part 1)
After a successful hunt Y/N, Dean and sam were driving back to the motel in which they stayed in. The mood was subtle and light, a few bruises, cuts and miner fractures which could heal over a a week or so of relaxing in the men of letter bunker. The three of them could use a break for healing from hunting.
The sky was dark and the air was coy. The windows were down as Dean drives the Impala back to the motel. His fingers tapping on the wheel as soft rock played on the radio and eyes on the empty dark highway. Sam was siting on the passenger seat soothing his bruised temple with ice from the beer cooler the boys always kept in the car.
Y/N's head was throbbing signing a concussion so she laid her head on Dean's jacket which she piled and plumed as a pillow scrunching her knees to fit her body on the seat.
"You okay back there", Dean asked looking at Y/N through the rear view mirror. He was always protective over her and just wanted to make sure she was fine.
Y/N nods as she sat up straight still placing a hand over her head, "just a small head injury". She gave him a tender smile."nothing an Advil and a good night sleep can't cure". Dean slightly chuckled.
"You sure you okay?", she placed a hand on his arm. Dean flinched a little as she touched a bruise."oops sorry...". Y/N moved her hand from his arm feeling sorry.
"Nah no problem...I am fine, nothing I can't deal with", Dean shrugged not moving his eyes from the road.
Y/N sighed in response,"no your not fine...So dont be a baby now would way", she quickly picked up an ice cube an started to rub it on his bare bruised arm. Dean flinched a little but continues to drive with a small smile playing on his lips. 'So kind, delicate and so loving' Dean thought to him self.
The drive was quite when suddenly a bright light blinded their eyes as Dean was taking a turn. This blurred Dean's vision causing him to lose the balance and try to get the car back on road but it was to late. They crashed hard making Sam and Dean black out instantly.
"Dean...", Y/N tried to raise her voice but the presure on her lungs was making it hard to even keep her eyes open. The car was severely damaged. Sam and Dean
Laying there unconscious. "Dean! Sam!",Y/N panicked as no one replied. She felt her eyes get heavy as she was trying to stay awake. Darkness and smoke, A lot of smoke. She groaned in pain as she tried to free her leg which was trapped. There was silence. Her body was aching in pain. She started to process what just happened. "No Dean...Sam...get up please", she felt warm tears fall down her cheek. Y/N started to los her conscience. Her heart was racing in her chest just by the thought of losing Dean, Sam and losing her life. This Can't be the end.
"Call 911"
"Uhh a car crashed here...we were passing by when we saw the accident..". A man's voice spoke over a phone.
Footsteps approached towards the Impala but before Y/N could say anything she too black out.
"The man who was driving is losing a lot of blood...drive quickly, I dont think I can save him here...he need a doctor", another voice spoke.
She tries to sit up when Y/N felt her self being pushed down. "Stay down...you don't wanna hurt your self", a women said as she held her down.
"No...Dean...where is Dean...Sam", Y/N screamed as she tried to lose the grip of the women. She wanted to know where she was and where Dean was....the crash...it all came back to her.
"If you keep moving your going to hurt your self...there are two other male unconscious with us... were taking you to the hospital...and you are in an ambulance",another man spoke trying to calm her down."I am a doctor...your going to be fine...trust me just calm down".
She looked around to find her self in an ambulance with a nurses.Y/N nods as she turns and saw Dean lying next to her unconscious bleeding and fighting for his Life. A tear slip down her check,"Dean...is he going to be okay". She asked as a nurse started to patch her up. The light was too bright for her eyes, her head was pounding and the pain was getting so much worst.
"We are trying our best...he has lost a lot of blood and has severe damage to his legs...", The doctor replied with a frown while checking Dean's eyes for any signs of serious head injury.
Y/N lets out an exhausted sob. 'No he is going to be fine...he always is' she thought to her self fixating her eyes on Dean. She needs him to tell her its all going to be fine, to hold her, to hug her, to comfort her and to be with her when she really needs him.
"Wha-what about him...", she looked over Sam laying unconscious with body covered with blood. She can't lose her best friend, please not today.
"He has a serious head injury...a broken Rib...a few fractures...thats all what I have detected, the hospital will help him better", The doctor replied with a nod as he moved towards fatima to take a look at her broken arm.
"I believe that he will be fine". She wipes her tears but winces in pain as the doctor examines her arm. Hope they reach the hospital soon.
Her breath started to get heavy,"uhh I cant...bre-breath...". Y/N was grasping for air as she clenched on the medical bed.
The nurse quickly laid her down connecting her with an oxygen mask. "Slowly breath through this...your lungs are sprained".
She nods through the unbearable pain while trying to calm down and breath. She has to fight, for Dean...for her family. Y/N turn her head to look at Dean. Tears stream down her face by just the thought of losing him. The beeping sounds of the machines and the faint voices of the nurse drowned her sobbing. She closed her eyes and just waited.
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