"So, where are we going?" The teen, Percy, asked, sometime later.
Once everyone had gotten settled in the Impala, Dean had started the engine and drove down the road, heading for the bunker-their home.
Glancing into the rearview mirror, Dean could see that Percy was still favoring his right side, though he assured the two brothers that he was fine.
"It should heal soon," Percy insisted. Dean knew that the kid was lying through his teeth, but he didn't push him.
Instead, Dean decided to grill the kid. "So, kid. Where are you from?"
Percy frowned at Dean when he called him kid, but answered, "Manhattan."
"How'd you get from Manhattan all the way to here?" Sam asked.
"He probably flew," Dean replied, deadpanned.
Sam punched his arm for that comment. "I mean, it's must've took you weeks to get from New York to Ohio by foot."
Percy hesitated. "Yes and no. I walked for a couple of miles." Percy blushed. "Then I..." he mumbled under his breath.
"You what?" Dean asked, a smirk playing on his face.
"I, uh," Percy cleared his throat." Istoleacaranddrovetherestoftheway," he quickly finished.
"Say that again," Sam replied, biting his lip to keep him from smiling.
Percy cleared his throat again. "I stole a car and drove the rest of the way," he repeated, slowly this time, his blushing more pronounced.
Dean chuckled. "Classic."
"Percy," Sam said, turning in his seat. "We're not going to judge you for stealing a car."
"You should've seen Sam when he first stole a car," Dean laughed. "He was mortified."
This time, Sam blushed and glared at him, Dean returning the dark look with an innocent smile.
Dean looked into the rearview mirror and saw that Percy had a small smile on his face.
"So, what do you guys do for a living?" Percy changed the subject.
That sobered up the mood rather quickly.
Out of his peripheral vision, Dean saw Sam glancing at him. He met his brother's gaze and shrugged. It wouldn't harm the kid if he knew what they did. After all, they did just finish fighting a hellhound. What harm could there be?
Dean saw his brother take a deep breath. "Well, there are these...things, dangerous things, that can harm people. And me and my brother travel across the country to stop those things from hurting anyone else."
Both brothers held their breath to see what the new passenger would say. Dean looked into the mirror, searching for a reaction, but what he saw surprised him.
Instead of freaking out, Percy's expression was relaxed. There was no hint of shock or confusion, nothing. In fact, he almost looked bored.
Said teen just nodded. "'Kay."
"'Kay?" Dean repeated. "'Kay'? We tell you that there are things that go bump in the night, supernatural beings that are lethal in most cases, and all you say is, 'Kay'?"
Percy shrugged. "Okay?"
Dean shook his head, exhaling deeply. "Okay, then." He paused. "Smartass," he mumbled under his breath.
Sam and Percy chuckled at him.
The three riders were quiet for a moment, until Sam spoke up.
"Hey, Percy," Sam began. "You said that you should be dead. Why is that?"
Dean glanced at him through the mirror, wanting to know more about the kid.
Percy took a deep breath and let it out slowly when he answered. "With my life, unexplainable things can happen. And the way I live, well...it's hard to describe."
"We hunt monsters for a living, kid," Dean replied. "I seriously doubt anything you say would surprise us."
Percy paused. Sam must've sensed his hesitation, because he then proceeded to turn on his 'gentle giant' switch.
"It's okay," Sam promised. "You can trust us."
Percy nodded. "Yeah, okay." He gathered up his thoughts before he answered. "I am a demigod."
As soon as the kid finished, Dean slammed on the brakes so hard, he thought that the Impala might flipped.
He snapped his head around to look at the kid sitting behind him in the backseat.
"I knew we couldn't trust you," Dean growled, reaching for the glove compartment to grab his gun.
Sam grabbed his arm from getting his weapon. "You're a demigod?" He asked.
Dean looked at his little brother like he was insane. "You heard the lying little bastard," he gestured to Percy (what kind of name is that for a trickster anyway?). "He's a freaking trickster! We let a freaking demigod into the Impala! He could be screwing with us right now!"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Time out." Percy intervened, making a T-sign with his hands, signaling to wait. "You think I'm a what?"
"A trickster," Sam explained, his face void of any emotion. "It's a type of demigod. They can play pranks on people, some fatal, others not. They're very powerful."
"Dude," Dean protested.
"Well, I'm pretty sure that I'm not a trickster," Percy said, patting himself down, as if to make sure that nothing has changed.
Sam and Dean gave each other a glance.
"But you just said-" Sam began.
"I'm a demigod, yes," Percy explained. "But not the kind that you think I am."
"So..." Dean slowly started. "You're not a trickster?"
Percy shook his head. "Nope. Just your normal, average day, demigod. Or something like that."
Dean didn't feel reassured to the news. But before he could open his mouth to voice his thoughts, Sam placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.
"So, what type of demigod are you?" Sam asked, gripping his older brother's shoulder, as if he was trying to hold himself back as much as he was with Dean. "Since you're not a trickster, what other demigods are out there?"
When there was no answer, Dean turned in his seat to look at Percy. The kid looked like he was having a debate in his head, his mind torn between telling the brothers and just pretending the conversation never happened. Dean could fit right into his boat.
"If you're worried about us not believing you-" Sam gently spoke up.
"No, no. It's not that," Percy interrupted. "It's just..."
He took a deep breath, then slowly let it out, running a hand through his messy hair. "I don't know how to say this without sounding crazy."
"Kid, we sound crazy when we explain our daily job," Dean huffed. "I think me and Sammy here can handle it."
That earned a chuckle from Percy. "Okay," the kid replied. He paused for a moment before he spoke up. "I'm a Greek demigod and my father's Poseidon."
Sam and Dean didn't know what to say to that statement. Dean never thought that Sam, of all people, could be left speechless, yet here he was.
His little brother cleared his throat. "Poseidon? As in the Greek god Poseidon of the sea? Brother to Zeus and Hades?"
At the mention of Zeus, Dean's head snapped to look at the kid before him, then to the one sitting next to him. "You mean your father's a brother to that douchebag? That's just fan-freaking-tastic."
Dean wasn't sure if it was his imagination or not, but he swore he heard thunder roaring. He looked outside, but the skies were clear. Not a cloud in sight.
He turned back to Percy, who just rolled his eyes. "You shouldn't say things like that about the gods," he warned.
Dean scoffed. "Or what? I'm going to be smitten with his big, bad lightning bolt?" But even as he said it, Dean couldn't help but wonder if Zeus would really come back down and smite him.
He wasn't even sure if this was the same Zeus they were talking about. After all, he and Sam helped Shane, or Prometheus, and his son defeat Zeus, along with Artemis, so that Shane's son wouldn't inherit his father's curse of dying every day. That was a fun experience.
"Is there anything else we should be aware of?" Sam broke the silence. "Anything at all?"
Percy nodded. "I have power over water."
Dean whistled. "Knew that was coming."
Sam scoffed at him while Percy grinned. "You'd be surprise," the kid stated.
Dean grunted and turned back around to face the road. Then he shifted the gear into drive. "I doubt there's anything that could surprise us."
Percy's eyes glittered mischievously. "Is that a bet?"
Dean smirked. "Sure, kid. Twenty dollars says that, beside the fact that your father's lord of the fishies, nothing else can surprise me."
Sam rolled his eyes, but Percy continued to grin. "Okay. So, what do you want to know?"
Dean was driving gracefully on the open road. Of course, he was going over the speed limit, but who cares?
While he was driving, Percy was telling the brothers about his first quest (which if something like that happened to Sam and him, Dean would've knocked some sense into the gods', being blamed like that.) up to the part where-
"You jumped off the St. Louis Arch?" Dean all but shouted. "Were you out of your mind?"
"That building is six hundred and thirty feet tall," Sam said in awe. "Any normal person would've been crushed by the impact."
"Well, it's a good thing that I'm not normal." Percy smiled.
"How'd you survive a jump like that?' Sam asked.
Percy shrugged. "My dad is the god of the seas. I can control anything that's water related. Rivers, ponds, lakes, pools, stuff like that. I can't be hurt by water."
Dean groaned. "Great. Now I owe you twenty dollars."
Percy laughed. "Nah, that's okay. We never really made it official."
"We shook hands," Dean said, confused. "What do you mean it's not official?"
"Well, it's different for us," Percy replied. "Whenever a demigod makes an oath, we have to swear on the River Styx."
Now Dean was positive that he heard thunder rolling that time, yet there still weren't any clouds in the sky.
"What happens if you break the oath?" Dean asked.
Percy winced. "Let's just say that bad things happen if you do break an oath. Especially, if you make one on the River Styx."
Again, thunder rumbled in the distance.
"How's that even possible?" Dean mumbled. "There's not a damn cloud in the sky."
"It's just something that we live with," Percy answered, causing Dean to jump in his seat, making the car swerve on the road.
"Damn, kid," Dean said, glaring in the rearview mirror. "Next time you want to scare me, make sure my heart jumps completely out of my chest."
Sam and Percy laughed at that.
"Getting a little off your game there, aren't you, Dean?" Sam smirked.
Without taking his eyes off the road, Dean reached across the seat, smacking his smartass little brother upside the head, causing Percy to laugh more.
Dean smiled to himself. He was starting to like the kid, despite the little misunderstanding earlier. He appreciated the kid's jokes that made Sam's eyes light up with life. Dean hadn't seen them like that in, god, years.
Having Percy around, made everything so much brighter. 'Course, the kid may have some problems; Dean could tell by studying the demigod. His face was pale and daunt, he had bags under his eyes; but his eyes were the main attraction. While the kid's eyes held a sliver of light in them, they shone with pain, fear, loss, and exhaustion. He wondered what the kid had gone through in order to look so...lost.
Dean shook his head. Don't worry about that right now. Instead, he returned his attention back to the conversation Sam and Percy were having and focused on getting them home.
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