Changing Channels
Dean and I were sitting on the bed of our motel, watching Dr. Sexy, MD. Both of us pretty into it as Dr Palmer and Dr Piccolo enter an elevator then they start making out as the doors shut.
"What are you guys watching?" Sam asked us. "Hospital show. Dr. Sexy, MD. I think it's based on a book." Dean replied. "It is." I said. "When did you hit menopause?" Sam asked Dean. "Her fault." Dean said, pointing at me. Sam looks over at me with a questioning look. "Hey, you complained until the sex scenes began." I said and Sam gives an understanding nod.
“Well, that explains why he’s into it. But I’m a little surprise that you are, (y/n). Just doesn’t seem like your type of show.” Sam said. “Everyone’s got a poison. Nothing wrong with some junk food entertainment every once in a while.” I said and Sam shrugs. “Fair enough.” He said, with a chuckle.
“I wouldn’t call this junk food. Remember the two part season finale?” Dean asked me, giving me a knowing and suggestive look. “Dean, that finale was basically just porn. It had like three separate sex scenes in them.” I said. “Was still good finale.” Dean muttered as he got up and turned off the TV. I shook my head at him and stood up as well.
Sam grabs his suit jacket off the other bed and puts it on. "You guys ready?" Dean asked us. "Are you?" Sam asked and Dean grabs his keys and walks out.
"One more time, the FBI is here why, exactly?" The officer asked us. "Might have something to do with one of your locals getting his head ripped off." I said. "Bill Randolph died from a bear attack." the officer said, firmly. "How sure are you that it was a bear?" Sam asked him.
"What else would it be?" the officer asked. "Well, whatever it was it chased Mr. Randolph through the woods, smashed through his front door followed him up the stairs, and killed him in his bedroom." Dean said and the officer looks between us.
"Is that common, a bear doing all that?" I asked him, suspiciously. "Depends how pissed off it is, I guess. Look, the Randolphs live way up in high country. You got trout runs to make a grown man weep. And bears." the officer said. "Right. Now, what about Mrs. Randolph? The file says she saw the whole thing." Sam said. "Yes, she did. My heart goes out to that poor woman." the officer said.
"She said bear." Dean said, questioning. "Kathy Randolph went through a hell of a trauma. She's confused." the officer said, defensively. "What did she say?" I asked.
Later, the boys and I were sitting at a table with Kathy Randolph. "No, it must have been a bear. I mean, what else could it have been?" Kathy said, obviously unsure. "Mrs. Randolph, what do you think it was?" Sam asked her.
"No, I, I remember clearly now. It was definitely a bear." Kathy said, shaking her head. "We're sure it was. But see, it helps us to hear every angle. So just tell us what you thought you saw." Dean said. "It's impossible, but...I could have sworn I saw...the Incredible Hulk." Kathy said which is the last thing I expected her to say.
"The Incredible Hulk." I said, confused. "I told you it was crazy." Kathy said. "Bana or Norton?" Dean asked. "Oh, no, those movies were terrible. The TV Hulk." Kathy said. "Lou Ferrigno." I said and she nods. "Yes." she said. "Spiky-hair Lou Ferrigno." I specified. "Yes." she said and I hum at this then I exchange a look between the boys.
"You think I'm crazy." Kathy said, disappointed. "No. Uh, no, it's there, uh, would there be any reason that Lou Ferrigno, the Incredible Hulk, would have a grudge against your husband?" Dean asked. "No." she said. "No." Dean repeated.
Back at the motel, Dean and I were looking on our laptops when Sam comes in. "Hey." Sam said as we look up at him. "Find anything?" Dean asked him. "Well, uh, I saw the house." Sam said. "And?" Dean and I asked.
"And there is a giant eight-foot-wide hole where the front door used to be. Almost like, uh—" Sam trails off. "A Hulk-sized hole." I said. "Maybe. What do you two got?" Sam asked us. "Well, it turns out that Bill Randolph had quite the temper. He's got two counts of spousal battery, bar brawls, and court-ordered anger management sessions. You might say you wouldn't like him when he's angry." Dean said and I chuckle.
"So a hothead getting killed by TV's greatest hothead. Kinda sounds like just desserts, doesn't it?" Sam asked and Dean snorts. "It's all starting to make sense." Sam said.
"How is it starting to make sense?" I asked him. "Well, I found something else at the crime scene." Sam said and he pulls a handful of candy wrappers out of his pocket. "Candy wrappers." he said and he drops them. "Lots of them." Sam adds.
"Just desserts, sweet tooth, screwing with people before you kill 'em—we're dealing with the Trickster, aren't we?" Dean asked I groan. "Sure looks like it." Sam said. "Good. I've wanted to gank that mother since Mystery Spot." Dean said. "You sure?" I asked him. "Yeah I'm sure." Dean said.
"No, I mean are you sure you wanna kill him?" I asked him. "Son of a bitch didn't think twice about icing me a thousand times." Dean said and I sigh. "No, I know, I mean, I'm just saying—" I started to say. "What are you saying? If you don't want to kill him, then what?" Dean asked me. "Talk to him?" I suggested.
"What?" Dean asked me, disbelieving. "Think about it, Dean. He's one of the most powerful creatures we've ever met. Maybe we can use him." I said. "For what?" Dean asked. "She has a point, Dean. The Trickster's like a Hugh Hefner type, right? Wine, women, song—maybe he doesn't want the party to end. Maybe he hates this angels and demons stuff as much as we do. Maybe he'll help us." Sam said and I nod. "Exactly." I said and Dean looks between us.
"You guys are serious." He said. "Yeah." Sam and I said, in unison. "Ally with the Trickster." Dean said. "Yeah." Sam and I said. "A bloody, violent monster, and you wanna be Facebook friends with him? Nice, guys." Dean said, sarcastically. "The world is gonna end, Dean. We don't have the luxury of a moral stand. Look, I'm just saying it's worth a shot. That's all. If it doesn't work, we'll kill him." Sam said and Dean sighs.
"How are we gonna find the guy, anyway?" Dean asked. "Well, he never takes just one victim, right? He'll show." I said
"Um, Dispatch? I, I got a possible 187 out here at the old paper mill on Route 6?" A voice said in the police scanner as Dean and I sharpen a couple of wooden stakes. "Hey." Sam said to us and we stop working and focus on the scanner. "Roger that. What are you looking at there, son?" Dispatch asked him. "Honestly, Walt, I, I wouldn't even know how to describe what I'm seeing. Just—send everybody." the guy said. "All right, stay calm, stay by your car. Help's on the way." Dispatch said and Sam turns off the scanner.
"That sounds weird." Dean points out. "Weird enough to be our guy." Sam said and we get up and go.
We pull up to the warehouse and get out of the Impala. Strangely, there was no one else in sight. "There was a murder here, and there's no police cars. There's nobody. How's that look to you boys?" I asked them. "Crappy." Sam said and Dean goes to the trunk and pulls out three stakes and three flashlights, handing each one to me and Sam.
Then he closes the trunk and we begin to enter the building, I take the lead. But there was nothing inside just a normal looking abandoned warehouse. "Well...this is disappointing." I said and I turn around, only to see that I was alone.
"Dean? Sam?" I called out as I look around, my heart beating against my chest. "Boys?" I called out again as I couldn't find them. "Guys, this isn't funny!" I yelled as I go to the front door and go outside and look around to also see the Impala gone. "What the hell?" I muttered, confused and fearfully, and I look around myself. "SAM!? DEAN!?" I call out in a panic.
*3rd Person POV*
Sam and Dean, both wearing white lab coats, walk out into a white hallway. They look around and at each other and themselves. "What the hell?" Dean asked. "Where's (y/n)?" He asked as a blonde doctor and an asian doctor made, Dr Wang, pass by them.
"Doctor." The blonde doctor greets Sam and Dean. "Doctor." Dr Wang greeted them. "Doctor?" Sam said, confused, while Dean opens the door they just entered through. It leads to a janitor's closet where a man and a woman are making out.
Dean closes the door, looking freaked, while a brunette doctor, who bears a remarkable resemblance to Dr Piccolo from Dr. Sexy, MD, turns away from the receptionist's desk and approaches Sam and Dean.
"Doctor." She said then she slaps Sam. "Ow!" Sam exclaimed in pain. "Seriously." the brunette growled. "What?" Sam asked her. "Seriously? You're brilliant, you know that? And a coward. You're a brilliant coward." The woman said, dramatically.
"Um. What are you talking about?" Sam asked and she slaps him again. "As if you don't know!" She shouts then she stalks off. "I don't believe this." Dean mutters as he stares at the brunette, in awe. "What?" Sam asked, annoyed. "That's Dr. Piccolo." Dean said.
"Who?" Sam asked. "Dr. Ellen Piccolo. The sexy yet earnest doctor at—" Dean starts to explain then he looks at the sign behind the receptionist's desk and gestures at it angrily, reading it aloud. "Seattle Mercy Hospital." he said.
"Dean. What the hell are you talking about?" Sam asked him. "The doctor getups. The, the sexy interns. The seriously's. It all makes sense." Dean said. "What makes sense? What's going on?" Sam asked, angrily. "We're in Dr. Sexy, MD." Dean states.
Minutes later, the brothers walk through the hospital corridors. "Dude, what the hell." Dean said. "I don't know." Sam said. "No, seriously, what the hell." Dean said, a bit panicked. "I don't know." Sam exclaims. "One theory. Any theory." Dean said. "Uh, the Trickster trapped us in TV Land." Sam said.
"That's your theory. That's stupid." Dean grumbles. "You're the one who said we're on Dr. Sexy, MD." Sam said. "Yeah, but TV land isn't TV Land. I mean, there's actors and, and lights and crew members, you know. This looks real." Dean said. "It can't be. Dean, how can this possibly be real?" Sam asked. "I don't know." Dean said, shrugging, as Dr Wang walks past.
"Doctors." She greets as she walks on. "There goes Dr. Wang. The sexy but arrogant heart surgeon." Dean said as he watches her go down the corridor and sees her pass a man sitting on a gurney. "And there's Johnny Drake. Oh, he's not even alive, he's a ghost in the mind of—" Dean said just as another brunette doctor enters, sitting next to Johnny. "Of her. The sexy yet neurotic doctor over there." Dean finished.
"So...this show has ghosts? Why?" Sam asked him. "I don't know. It is compelling." Dean said. "I thought you said you weren't a fan." Sam said, suspiciously. "I'm not. I'm not. It's (y/n) that's the fan." Dean said. "Speaking of (y/n), where is she? Why didn't the Trickster trapped her here with us?" Sam asked. "No idea. But she'd be freaking out if she saw this." Dean said then he sees something and just stares.
"Oh boy." Dean said.
"What?" Sam asked him.
"It's him." Dean said.
"Who?" Sam asked as Dr Palmer comes down the corridor. "It's him, it's Dr. Sexy." Dean said and Dr Palmer stops next to Sam and Dean then looks at Dean. "Doctor." he greets and Dean looks down, hiding his smile. "Doctor." he said then Dr Palmer addresses Sam. "Doctor." Dr Palmer said and Sam nods then Dean whacks him. "Doctor." Sam said, through gritted teeth.
Then Dr Palmer addresses Dean "You want to give me one good reason why you defied my direct order to do the experimental face transplant on Mrs. Biehl?" he asked and Dean's expression goes from awed through confused. He glances at Sam, then back. "One reason?" he asked and Dr Palmer nods. "Sure." Dean said then he looks down then noticed something.
Dr Palmer is wearing white tennis shoes. Dean slams him against the wall. "You're not Dr. Sexy." he growls. "You're crazy." Dr Palmer said. "Really? Because I swore part of what makes Dr. Sexy sexy is the fact that he wears cowboy boots. Not tennis shoes." Dean yelled and Sam scoffs a laugh. "Yeah. You're not a fan." he said, sarcastically. "It's a guilty pleasure." Dean yells at Sam.
"Call security." Palmer said to the others. "Yeah, go ahead, pal. See, we know who you are." Dean said as Dr Wang, the Blonde Doctor and a security guard are all approaching. But then they and the extras freeze-frame.
Dean glances around, only he, Sam and Dr Palmer are still moving. Dr Palmer grins and morphs into the Trickster. "You guys are getting better!" he laughs. "Get us the hell out of here." Dean growls. "Or what?" the Trickster asked before he grabs Dean’s arm and twists, hurting him. "Don't say you have wooden stakes, big guy." he said.
"That was you on the police scanner, right? This is a trick." Sam said. "Hello? Trickster. Come on! I heard you two yahoos and the girl were in town. How could I resist?" Trickster said. "Where the hell are we? And what have you done to (y/n)?" Dean asked him, angrily.
"Like it? It's all homemade. My own sets—" the Trickster said as he raps on the window in a nearby door, then indicates the frozen extras. "My own it my own little idiot box." he said, smirking. "As for your pretty little girlfriend, don't worry, she's fine and safe. I had my fun with her back in Mystery Spot. But now I want to have fun with you two." The Trickster said, mischievously.
"How do we get out?" Dean asked him. "That, my friend, is the sixty-four-dollar question." Trickster replied. "Whatever. We just, we need to talk to you. We need your help." Sam said. "Hm, let me guess. You three muttonheads broke the world, and you want me to sweep up your mess." the Trickster said. "Please. Just five minutes. Hear us out." Sam pleads. "Sure. Tell you what. Survive the next twenty-four hours, we'll talk." said the Trickster.
"Survive what?" Dean asked.
"The game!" the Trickster said, as if it was obvious.
"What game?" Dean asked.
"You're in it." said the Trickster.
"How do we play?" Dean asked.
"You're playing it." Trickster said.
"What are the rules?" Dean asked and the Trickster raises his eyebrows, grins, and vanishes in a burst of static. The extras unpause. "Oh, son of a bitch." Dean mutters, annoyed.
"Dr. Sexy? Dr. Sexy?" the blonde doctor calls out as she walks past. Sam and Dean continue down the corridor after her. "Paging Dr. Sexy. Report to the ER." the voice over the intercom said. "Oh, by the way. Talking with monsters? Hell of a plan." Dean said to Sam, sarcastically.
"Just, what do we do now?" Sam asked. "You know what I'm doing? Leaving." Dean said as Dr Piccolo appears and takes another swing at Sam, who ducks. "Lady, what the hell?" Sam asked, annoyed.
"You are a brilliant, brilliant—"
"Yeah. A coward. You already said that. But I got news for you. I am not a doctor." Sam said, interrupting her. "Don't say that. You are the finest cerebrovascular neurosurgeon I have ever met, and I have met plenty. So that girl died on your table. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anybody's fault. Sometimes people just die." Piccolo said as Sam furrows his brow. "I have no idea what you're saying to me." He said to her.
"You're afraid. You're afraid to operate again. And you're afraid to love." Piccolo said and she leaves, sobbing. "Yeah, we're getting out of here." Sam said and he and Dean go to leave until a voice calls out to them. "Hey. Doctor."
Dean stops and turns to a man walking to them. "Yeah." he said. "My wife needs that face transplant." the man said. "Okay. You know what, pal? None of this is real, and your wife doesn't need jack squat. Okay?" Dean said and he and Sam keep walking.
"Hey, Doctor." The man, Mr Biehl, shouts then he raises a gun and shoots Dean in the back. Dean stares after him, then goes to his knees. "Real—it's real—" Dean groans as Sma kneels down to him. "No no no, no no no no no—hey! We need a doctor!" Sam shouts as he looks around frantically.
Later, Dean was facedown on an operating table, staring through the headrest at several pairs of white tennis shoes. Dr Wang passes an operating instrument to another doctor.
Sam is dressed in operating scrubs, as is everyone else in the room, Piccolo watches through glass. Sam holds something absorbent against Dean's injury with a pair of tweezers. He hands the tweezers to another doctor and presses an already bloodstained cloth to the injury.
"BP is eighty over fifty and dropping." the blonde doctor said. "Doctor." Dr Wang said as she holds out a scalpel but Sam doesn't take it. "What?" Sam asked as the two doctors exchange glances.
"Sam. Do something. Come on." Dean growls and Sam leans over and speaks in an undertone. "I don't know how to use any of this crap." he said. "Figure it out." Dean said and Sam grins awkwardly at the other doctors but doesn't do anything. "Sam. Come on. I'm waiting." Dean said, impatiently.
"Okay. Um. I need a penknife, some dental floss, a sewing needle, and a fifth of whiskey." Sam said and the other doctors look at him and each other. "Stat!" Sam shouts and they start moving.
Sam, eventually, got to work on the wound, after he was giving the things he needed, as he uses all of the things he uses. Then he snips off the extra floss from Dean's stitches. "We okay? How's it looking?" Dean asked him. "Yep. You'll be fine." Sam assures him.
Sam looks up and catches sight of Piccolo, who mouths I love you and sighs, smiling.
The shoes leave Dean's field of vision. The lighting and texture shift, and the light starts to flash in time with clapping and shouts and screams. The floor has become two doors, which slide apart.
Behind the doors is blue-lit smoke and a Japanese man comes out of the doors and forward between two Japanese women and Dean and Sam, both of whom are wearing more usual outfits. The Japanese man says something in Japanese then shouts. "Let's play Nutcracker!" The crowd cheers and applauds.
Dean looks around: he is standing in shoes glued to a platform that has a slot for a pole with a large ball at the end. Sam is similarly situated. To one side is an LED screen that says "20".
The host says something in Japanese and pulls cards out of his jacket. Silence falls. "Sam Winchester." he said and he continues to talk in Japanese.
What was the name of the demon you chose over your own brother and best friend?
"Countdown." he said in English while Sam looks at him, confused. "What?" he asked as the screen begins to tick down the seconds. "Uh, what am I supposed to say?" Sam asked Dean. "You think I know?" Dean exclaimed then Sam addresses the host.
"Uh, I, I don't, I don't understand Japanese." Sam said and the host repeats the question in Japanese.
What was the name of the demon you chose over your own brother and best friend?
"Is he screwing with me? I, I, I can't speak Japanese." Sam yells then the screen hits "0" and a buzz sounds out. The host said in Japanese.
The answer is...
"Ruby!" The host said in English while the crowd repeats the answer then he turns to Sam. "I'm sorry, Sam Winchester." he said. "Sorry? Sir? For what?" Sam asked and the host mimes hiding laughter. "Dean?" Sam asked, panicked, just as the pole on Sam's platform comes up so that the ball whacks Sam in the crotch. Dean is horrified as the crowd cheers. "Nutcracker!" the host shouts as the scene of Sam getting hit in the crotch replays from several angles. The Japanese caption flashes.
"Nutcracker!" The host shouts again.
"Sam?" Dean asked his younger brother, who makes an inarticulate noise. One of the Japanese women says something in Japanese. The host goes over to her and she shows off a bag of chips.
Have we discussed these nutritious Shrimp Chips? Lots of nutrition, tastes great...and the more one eats, the slimmer they get, just like you. Please buy them.
"You okay?" Dean asked Sam, who just looks at him. Dean looks at Sam's platform, then at his own, and cringes. The light on the doors starts flashing again. "Oh now what?" Dean asked, exasperated.
The doors open to reveal (y/n), the crowd cheers. "There you are!" (Y/n) said, relieved, as she looks between the boys. "(Y/n)?" Dean said. "Is this another trick?" Sam asked and she shakes her head. "It's me. Uh, what are you doing here?" she asked as she looks around the game show set.
"Us? What are you doing here?" Dean asked her. "Looking for you two, duh. You've been missing for days. I got Cas to help me." (Y/n) said. "So get us the hell out of here, then!" Sam shouts and (y/n) nods. "Let's go. And I'll call Cas." She said and she raises her arms to reach out for the boys hands but then she vanishes in a burst of static.
"(Y/n)?" Dean asked, worried, as Sam's eyes widen. Then the host comes back to center stage. "No, no, no, no. Mr. Trickster does not like pretty-human girl." The host said then he pulls out another card and speaks in Japanese. "You son of a bitch, you better have not hurt her!" Dean shouts, angrily, to the sky, hoping the Trickster had heard him.
"Dean Winchester." he said then he speaks in Japanese.
Would your Mother and Father still be alive...if your brother was never born?
"Countdown." He said in English and the screen begins to tick down the seconds from "20". "What do I do, what do I do?" Dean asked, panicked. "What?" Sam said. "I don't wanna get hit in the nuts." Dean said, quickly. "I don't know, I, I, uh, just, uh—wait." Sam said. "What?" Dean asked. "I played a doctor." Sam said.
"What?" Dean asked, confused. "In, uh, in Dr. Sexy I played a doctor. I operated." Sam said. "So?" Dean said. "So I played the role the Trickster wanted me to play. Maybe we should just go along with it." Sam said. "Go along with what?" Dean asked. "With the game! You know, we're on a game show, right? So just answer the question!" Sam shouts.
"In Japanese?" Dean asked. "Yeah!" Sam said. "I don't know Japanese!" Dean shouts. "Try!" Sam yells. "Dammit!" Dean growls and he hits the button and the countdown freezes just before the buzz. Dean says something in Japanese.
The answer is...yes?
The host repeats the last few syllables and so does Dean. The host shouts something in Japanese and Dean braces himself. "Dean Winchester, Nutcracker champion!" the host yells in English and the crowd cheers.
"How did you do that?" Sam asked Dean. "I have no idea." Dean said, shrugging. "So that's it. We play our roles, we survive." Sam said. "Yeah, but play our roles for how long?" Dean asked. "Good question." Sam said and Dean forces a grin and waves.
A woman does a yoga pose then said. "I've got genital herpes."
An old man sits on a couch. "I've got genital herpes." he said.
Four men are playing basketball, one makes a basket. This one turns around; it's Sam, looking very uncomfortable. "Seriously?" Sam asked, exasperated. "Hey, you're the one who said play our roles." Dean said as he walks up to Sam. "Yeah. Right." Sam grumbles and Dean claps him on the shoulder and goes back to the game.
"I've got genital herpes." Sam said.
The woman sits in another yoga pose. "I try to be responsible." she said.
The old man looks over at another woman. "Did I try." he said.
"But now I take twice-daily Herpexia to reduce my chances of passing it on." Sam said, still looking uncomfortable.
"Ask your doctor about using Herpexia." the yoga woman said and she does other yoga poses while the old man slow-dances with his wife.
Patients should always consult with a physician before using Herpexia. Possible side effects include headache, diarrhea, permanent erectile dysfunction, thoughts of suicide, and nausea.
"I am doing all I can to slightly lessen the spread of—of genital herpes. And that's a good thing." Sam said, uncomfortable, then he goes back to the game, feeling relieved to not go through that again. The Herpexia logo appears.
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