Supernatural Avengers CrossOver
Request for ginger300
And Miss Savanna this is your ¡Surprise! sam_cas_dean_
"Dad, I'm going out," you called. Before you could reach the door, your Aunt Natasha swooshed in front of you.
"Where are you going Savanna?" She questioned.
"I'm going to see Dean, тетушка,"
(тетушка is Auntie in Russian)
"Is this the FBI boyfriend?"
"Yes тетушка. Now can I please go?"
She gave you squinty eyes, then let up. "Ugh fine! No kissing!"
You left the Stark Tower where you lived, and caught a cab.
"Nat, where's Savanna going?" your father called.
"To see her weird boyfriend," Nat called back from the living room couch.
"What! You let her out!" He shouted.
"She's a big girl Clint, let her be,"
"But she's my baby Natasha!"
"Клинт, перейдите выпить и получить над ним,"
"Не говорите, что мне делать, Наташа!!"
~~~Time Skip brought to you by Dean. Because he's wonderful~~~
You were planning to spend the day with your boyfriend Dean Winchester. As far as your family (the avengers) knew he worked for the FBI. But in reality he hunted the supernatural.
"Hey Savanna?"
"Listen, I know that your family is um... Them.."
"There's a case in your building,"
"In the Uncle Tony's building?"
"Yeeah... If Uncle Tony is Tony Stark then yes,"
"Oh god..."
"What? I have to Savanna it's my job. And you live there,"
"Yeah, and so does my family,"
"What's wrong with your family?"
"Nothing, I just don't know how well they'll take to the whole hunting thing,"
"Well... We'll get through it. You won't be in trouble for lying because it's against the 'hunters code' or whatever to tell anyone unless they're directly involved with a case. So you were just following protocol,"
"My dad and Uncle Steve might buy that. But тетушка Natasha and Uncle Loki will not,"
"Well... I don't know what to tell ya Savanna. You know I have to do this,"
"Yeah, I know. Having a poltergeist is no fun. Especially when the blame for all the happenings gets thrown everywhere,"
"Exactly. And besides, I think I need to meet your dad. It's weird to not meet him. And come on... Avengers!!"
"You are a total nerd,"
~~~Time skip back to the Stark Tower, brought to you buy Natasha. Because she is just... Ugh! God Scarlet Johanson~~~
In the elevator up to the residential area of the Stark Tower, you fussed with Dean's collar.
"Leave it be Savanna, everything's gonna be fine,"
"I'm not worried. Are you worried?"
"If you get anymore tense you're going to aneurize,"
You laughed neveously. "Haha-hey listen... I know you aren't worried. But um don't be surprised, they are very forward. And tend to not have boundaries,"
"I can deal Savanna. Besides at the very least, I'm here to fix the poltergeist problem,"
The elevator door opened, "Папа, я дома,"
(Dad I'm home)
In a heartbeat your dad you down the stairs and inspecting Dean up and down.
"Наташа получить здесь. Она принесла парню," your father shouted.
"Dad no," you said.
"What did he say?" Dean asked.
"He's called in the cavalry," you said gripping his hand.
Before you could get a hold on the situation. Your entire family in front of you, firing off questions and inspecting Dean.
Finally above all the noise you shouted. "Everyone shut up!"
Your family looked at you with shock and disapointment. "We are going to go to the living room, and do this as normally as we possibly can. Understood?"
Normally your family would not take this from you, but this was the exception.
Once everyone was sat down, you looked about the room then took control.
"Okay first things first. This is Dean," you said motioning to him. Dean gave a sort of hello hand gesture.
"Second, I have told all of you that he is in the FBI. This is not true-"
Immediately everyone was shouting again. "Quite!"
"This is not true. He is what's called a hunter. He hunts and kills supernatural beings that threaten civilians all around the country,"
No one said anything.
"Now, other than being my boyfriend and coming to meet my family, there is some business to be taken care of here. We have a poltergeist,"
"So it is not Tony that's been taking my pop tarts without permission,"
"Dean is going to help us get rid of it. And then you can all go back to being nosey relatives,"
"I am not nosey," they all said in unison.
You sighed deeply.
~~~ Tiiiiims skip because this fic is already very long. Brought to you but food. Because I'm hungry~~~
After the poltergeist was expelled. Your family was actually very interested in concept of being a hunter and all it entailed. You were so thankful they actually approved.
Uncle Thor really wanted to meet the angels, Dean called Castiel. And their was a party. Swaping stories. Much drinking and food.
Oh dear!
(Not the best my loves. But I'm not very good at cross overs)
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