The wedding
Kiara's pov
It was 6:00 am. I woke up and woke everyone else up. You might be wondering why I'm up this early, well you see I somehow talked myself into being the wedding planner and bridesmaid. Apparently I'm very persuasive and now I'm stressing over last minute details and checking If the venues good and if everything's placed. Finding out where Barbara and dick are and making sure nobody's drunk yet.
First I stopped by to check on the girls and got my hair and make up done :
Then I carefully put my dress on :
We all were wearing different versions of the same dress. I looked around Barbara was almost done and everyone else was ready. Barbara was slightly stressing. "I need a drink" she sighed and that's when I remembered "not until after the ceremony, now I'll get you a little bit of champagne but nothing more, now excuse me I need to check on the boys" I said getting up heading for the door.
I walked to the other side of the manor and knocked on the boys door then entered when I heard a 'come in'.
"Hey guys just came to check on you and to make sure you don't drink too much" I said plopping down on one of the chairs. I motioned for Jason to hand me a glass and I took a few sips of wine before getting up and taking a bottle of champagne and heading out the door as I left I yelled out "don't forget to learn your vows" then I left. As I got out the door I bumped into Damian, I smiled at him but he saw through it "stressed?" He asked knowingly I put my head on his chest, sighing and slowly nodded. He rubbed my back comfortingly and kissed my forehead reassuring me and all my stress slips away, I take a deep breath and smile at him "thanks love" I peck his lips and go to check the venue before relaxing.
I go to the venue:
After telling the staff how to set the stage. I went back to everyone else and got ready to walk the isle along with Damian who was a groomsmen along with Jon, Jason and Tim with wally being best man. Barbara's maid of honour was Stephanie and Cassandra, me and Artemis were bridesmaids.
We one by one walked down with our respective groomsmen and stood on each side. Barbara soon walked down the isle, dick cried, they said their vows then the priest asked "speak now or forever hold your peace" I glared at the audience because why not? We've been waiting years for this to happen and I stressed way to much for it to go in vain.
"You may now kiss the bride" they shared a sweet loving kiss.
At the venue for the reception everyone was sat down and ready, dinner had been served and the speeches were done so that just left one thing, I got on stage "excuse me can I have everyone's attention, hello hi, for those of you who may not know me I'm kiara.... the wedding planner but also friend and possibly future sister in law to these to love birds anyway! We wanted to show you guys how "special" you are and that we're so happy you finally tied the knot after many many many many years, so this ones for you"
All of the Wayne boys, Jon and me, Steph, cass got on the dance floor:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
We made sure to give Jason a few drinks before we asked him to do that.
Eventually everyone was slow dancing on the dance floor while I was sat down admiring everything. Damian came over and sat across me "Hey hun" I said looking up "hey beloved, Care to dance?" He asked offering a hand. "Love too" I said taking his hand as he pulled me onto the dance floor.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands on my waist "so what do you think? Did I do ok?" I ask "you did an amazing job beloved" he answers "yay" I say tiredly before laying my head on his chest relaxing. "Tired?" He asks and I hum in response.
All of a sudden I hear "come on ladies" I lift my head up to see something being thrown at me and as a reflex I catch it and when I look at it I realise it's the brides bouquet and I blush looking at Damian who was equally red "looks like your gonna be my sister in law earlier than you thought" dick whispered "can it Grayson" I saw Barbara laugh "you too mrs grayson"
After having some punch I found out it got spiked, how I found out, well I'm drunk and Damian is taking care of me sowe're trying to find my hotel room, we enter and sit down I'm a bit fussy cause I'm drunk and also exhausted so I go over to Damian and ask him to help me open my zip. He reluctantly helps me and changes my clothes into a tank top and shorts he tries to put me to sleep "stay" I whimper and drag him into bed and he eventually lies down after changing out of his clothes leaving him in his boxers. I cuddle closer to him and kiss his lips and begin to make out but he pulls away and I look at him confused "your drunk kiara and I'm not gonna take advantage of you and do something you might regret so no more" he says sternly. I look at him then sigh and hug him and mumble "I love you" before falling asleep.
I woke up, my head pounding I looked around seeing that I'm in my hotel room. Unable to remember anything from last night I feel an arm on my waist pull me closer and realise it's Damian then realise he's only in his boxers and I'm in my bra and underwear "oh my god did we?" I whisper to myself. "No we didn't" Damian mumbled out and then opens his eyes and yawns. "Then how... why..." I ask confused. "Someone spiked the drinks, you got drunk I brought you back here and changed you into a tank top and shorts, you wanted me to stay so I changed out of my clothes and had no other so that's why I'm in my boxers. In the middle of the night you said you were hot and took Off your clothes claiming you were hot and I was too tired to argue so I went with it" he explained. "So just to be clear.... we didn't?" I ask as he replies "actually you wanted to and tried to but I said no and I wouldn't take advantage of you like that and do it and have you regret it later" I smiled and hugged him "love you" I said kissing his lips.
"Love you too" He says before getting up. "BTW I stole one of your shirts and sweatpants and it's in my suitcase If you wanna change into them we're meeting everyone for brunch.
He went and changed whilst I showered and realised I forgot my clothes I blushed immediately thinking about what I was about to do I wrapped my towel firmly around me and as I left the bathroom Damian kept his eyes on me "Umm... I forgot my clothes in my suitcase" I said blushing grabbing my clothes and running to my bathroom, quickly changing and then heading out the door walking awkwardly to the elevator and making out in the elevator and approaching everybody else "so what were you guys up to last night?"
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