Sickness part two
*2 days later*
Kiara's pov
My eyes slowly open and I look at my surroundings. I think I'm in the Medbay in the bay cave but have no clue why. I also feel really weak for some reason. I notice 5 black haired boys surrounding me asleep on the floor and two of them with their heads on my bed. I use whatever energy I had left and place my hand on the boys heads. Damian is the first to wake up and he smiles then hugs me.
Damian's pov
I feel a hand touch my head and I instantly wake up. I see kiara awake, I smile and hug her "kiara your awake!" I yell waking everyone up in the process. Jon was the next to wake up and hugged his sister then Jason woke up then Tim then dick. "W-What happened?" She asked. "What's the last thing you remember?" Tim questioned. "Um...I was yelling at Jon for getting us sick I came for breakfast then said I was going to my room then blank I can't remember anything after that." Everyone looked at her nervously. " you see... that was two days ago the thing is you were um..." Tim tried to say. "You got poisoned" Jason said for Tim . She looked at us wide eyed. "Poison?- What? How?" She said confused. "It somehow got injected into you or something cause you started attacking us" Jon said. "OMG did I hurt you are you guys ok?" She asked worried. She squinted her eyes most likely using her x ray vision. She looked at Tim's wrist "d-did I do that?" She asked looking at his broken wrist. "It's fine" Tim said trying to make her feel less guilty. "It wasn't your fault somehow you got nano tech injected into you which then made you get controlled, you had no control over your actions, nobody blames you" dick said.
Her eyes suddenly widened "I know who it was it was that guy from the carnival" she said Damian's eyes widened "HIM?!?" He growled .
*Flash back*
We were walking around the carnival Damian went to go get me cotton candy I sat on a bench I guy came and sat next to me. "What's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?" The guy said. "Waiting for her boyfriend" I replied. "I can keep you company" he said coming closer. I moved over he moved closer I stood up he grabbed my arm and I punched him in the face that's when he grabbed my neck and I broke his hand. Damian came and took me away after I calmed him down.
*end of flashback*
"That's the closest anyone was to me and to be honest I have been feeling off ever since that happened." They all looked at me, Damian looked like he was ready to snap somebody's neck.
Tim searched up the guy and figured out he was working with joker but then betrayed joker and joker killed him with video evidence of the bullet going through his head. "Well that's sorted but I'll look into it to make sure" dick said. "All the nano tech is gone from your system so no more controlling either which is good cause dad is coming back tomorrow" Jon said. "Let's pretend none of this happened." I said everyone nodded.
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