Meeting dads girlfriend part 1
Kiara's pov
I got woke up by pots and pans being clanked together. I groan and get up and walk out of my room coming face to face with Jon we both groan and go downstairs. We see dad in the kitchen cooking something and another ice cream cake. Seriously what's his problem?
We lazily sat down "morning kids" dad said and Jon replied "morning dad" I would have replied but I dozed off.
I hear a yell and jolt awake looking around "what? What? Couldn't I just have 10 more minutes of sleep without being disturbed! For Rao's sake please!"
"Kia dad gonna introduce loan lase to us" Jon said not really hearing himself "who?" I grumble "Lois lane my girlfriend" dad clarifies "huh...whatever" I say putting my head down to sleep again. "seriously you were obsessed about knowing her a week ago" dad said confused.
"That was then, when I wasn't sleep deprived this is now when I am, keep up old man don't live in the past" I mumble half asleep and then I completely fall asleep.
I am once again disturbed by someone shaking me awake. I punch that person in the gut and then slowly get up still sleepy. "Ow! WTH!" "Careful Jon, dad doesn't need his golden boy copy to be cussing" Jon scoffs and says "dad says to change we're stopping at the manor before we head to the restaurant, we're all meeting her together" I Groan and get up change out of my pyjamas and put some sweats on and tie my hair into a messy ponytail and grab a bag with my nice dress in for later. I put it down next to me and go back to sleep. 5 mins later I felt being picked up and carried somewhere, I'm too lazy to open my eyes so I just go with it.
I hear voices "Clark" "Bruce" oh so we're in the batcave now. "Is she..." "asleep, I don't know who she gets it from but she is so lazy but I couldn't wake her up she looks so adorable and peaceful when she sleeps" dad says. "Clark we have business before we leave to meet Lois officially" Bruce says I then feel being handed to someone smaller so probably Jon and he flys us somewhere.
I hear more voices "hey Jon!" They yell as Jon shushes them "shush! Kia's sleeping and If she wakes up she's gonna be really cranky and probably punch the closest thing next to her which is me! And let me tell ya it hurt bad enough the first time, so unless you want a pissed kryptonian after ya I suggest you shut up"
I stir a bit just to mess with them and then cuddle closer to Jon and pretend I'm sleeping again. They all sigh in relief and then I'm handed to Damian (cause I know how I feel in his arms😘😘😂😂)
He gently lifts me up and takes me somewhere and sets me on a bed and gives me a kiss on my forehead "sleep well beloved" then leaves. So I fall back asleep.
Jon's pov
Kiara began to stir in her sleep and I could visibly see everyone tense up but she cuddles closer to me and Goes back to sleep I let a breath I didn't know I was holding and see dick silently aww.
I hand her to Damian who goest to put her in his room so she can sleep peacefully. He walks in a few minutes later and sits down.
"Are you nervous?" Dick asks. "About what?" "Meeting your dads girlfriend" he said as I shrugged "seriously you both were hung up on it literally last week and now she's there sleeping without a care in the world and your here just sitting so calmly" Tim said.
" yeah... I guess but that was then this is now, I guess we kinda got used to the idea and dad told us about her so we kinda know her and the obsession thing was a week ago and as Kia told our dad, that was then, this is now get over it old man don't live in the past" I say.
we chilled for a few more hours before we had to get ready to go to the restaurant. We all stood outside Damian's room debating on who's waking kiara up. We all were pushing each other to the door "it's your house you do it" "it's your twin you do it "I'm not dying" "She's your girlfriend you do it" "yea it's your room Demon you do it" Damian was about to open the door when "whatchya doing?" Was said behind us causing all to scream Jump making us fall in the floor while kiara was stood there dressed nicely and laughing her ass off.
Kiara's pov
I smirked at the boys as they debated on who was going to go into the room, risk their lives and wake me up. Truth is I got up an hour ago, I showered and got ready, I heard them outside and flew out the window and hid behind a wall near the door where they were stood.
I watched them as they decided dami should wake me up as he was about to wake them up I grabbed their backs and yelled "boo" causing them to scream and jump which made them fall on the floor "whatchya doing?" I ask before laughing my ass off.
They get up and look at me as I die on the floor out of laughter. "When did you wake up?!" Jason asks "about an hour ago" I replied
"Wait you saw us stressing about who's waking you up and you didn't tell us" dick said slightly confused
"I would have but... did you see your faces you looked so sweet trying not to wake me up aww" I said pinching their cheeks.
They all then left which left me and Damian alone. We walked into his room and I sat down while he got dressed in the bathroom "you've been awake since you got here haven't you?" He asks "yeah how did you know?" "Normally you smile when I kiss you in your sleep" he says casually.
I roll my eyes and say "I'll do better next time that you won't know the difference" I yell back.
He walks out and Sits next to me "are you nervous?"he asks. I shrugs as he looks at me sternly "fine, yes I am, of course I am, I might not show it but I'm so nervous I don't even know! Dad really likes and has told us about her but what if.... what if I don't like her or something what if she can't be like the mom I never had, I don't know this is just stupid I'm being stupid" I sigh looking down.
Damian gently grabs my chin and lifts it up causing me to look into his emerald eyes "You are not stupid beloved, you are right to feel this way and you haven't met her yet to know you won't like her she might not be as your father has described. The way Jon described you I thought I wouldn't like you thinking you were another Jon however look at us I've been dating you for 4 months now and I wouldn't change anything, just give it time and you'll see" Damian says as I smile and pull him in for a kiss. "Thanks dami" I say in between kisses and soon we're making out but get interrupted by a knock on the door "are you guys decent?" Dick asks as I fix my lipstick and smoothen out my dress then help Damian get my smudged lipstick off his lips.
"Yeah!" I yelled as dick comes in. "Good don't need a repeat of last time" he says sighing relieved. "Bruce and Clark said it's time to go" we nodded got up and walked out hand in hand.
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