Dads new 'friend'
Kiara's pov
Recently dad has been coming home smiling and happy which I guess is normal but him going out isn't. If you don't understand... basically dad has been acting really weird and strange and has been bringing mom up a lot for some reason. He looks slightly guilty when he talks about her. The most strange thing is that he's been gone a lot lately and doesn't tell us where or what he's doing.
Me and Jon were in the batcave with the bat boys just training...well they were training I was floating on my stomach with my legs crossed complaining to them "I mean it's like the 5th time this month! Like come on, he goes in the morning excited and then comes back smiling and happy which doesn't sound weird considering he's well him but it's different ya know. I swear somethings up with him"I huffed. As Damian walked up to me and rubbed my back "there there"
Bruce then walked in cowl down. "Bruce would probably know I mean they're besties and he probably already figured it out" i say getting up and flying to Bruce with Jon following me. "Bruce!" Jon says catching Bruce's attention making him turn to us. "Do you know what's up with our dad?" I ask "yeah he's acting a bit strange" Jon added.
Bruce smirked and said "yeah I know, of course I know, I knew before he even told me" "wait he told YOU and not US" we said as we motioned to each other. "Stop copying me!" We said pointing an accusing finger at each other. We rolled our eyes and i said "I don't get why he hasn't told us" "I know right you'd think we would know considering the fact that I don't know WE'RE HIS CHILDREN!" Jon said yelling the last bit as I nodded in agreements.
" gonna tell us or what?" I say innocently. "Nope"
"Wha...why?"I whined. "I promised Clark I'd let him explain this to you in his own time when he's ready for now you should be patient and be happy for him" was all Bruce said before he left for the watchtower.
"Does everyone know?" Jon asked. I took out my phone and dialled a number. "Who are you calling?" Jon asked "shush it's grams and pops" "hiya pops is grammy there too?..... yes it's nice to see you too.... yes we miss you too..... listen I got to ask you- no god no! I'm too young for that ..... pops! Anyway do you know what's happening with dad he's acting strange..... no he hasn't .... well yeah.....ok....yeah love you see you soon bye" I huffed. Kicked the closest thing to me which was Jon "damn it" "ow!" "Sorry"
"What did they say?" the bats asked curiously and slightly amused due to the light blush that was on your cheeks due to the embarrassment your grandparents put you through "Oh you know... the usual...this and that and they said the same thing as Bruce and that they're sending another one of Grammys pies" "yeah ok but why is your face red then" Tim said cockily "nobody likes a smartass Tim" I replied.
"I swear your mood changes just like a pregnant lady" he said. "And how would you know the sound of one?" "I-uh...." Tim stuttered. "Dude did you knock someone up"Jason laughed. "N-no I saved one" Tim lied but nobody cared enough to reply.
"Who else knows and would be willing to tell us? Hmm... oh! Con will tell us especially if we both do the thing" Jon said. "Yeah he can never resist that" I say grabbing his hand as we ran to the zeta tube with Damian and dick and Tim and Jason following us.
"Con!" I exclaimed. As I flew around looking for him. "Yeah Kia, Jonny what's up?" He said walking into the main room. We go and hug him and when we let go we stick out our bottom lip and pout and give him the puppy eyes. Con tries to look away but can't.
"Awww what happened?" Con asked. "What's going on with dad?" I ask still pouting. "Sorry I can't tell you I promised" con said slowly backing away "did he tell everyone but us" Jon whispered to me as I looked down and nodded.
"You know what?! I don't give two fucks about this if you don't wanna tell us fine! Don't, but just know I will find out! Come on Jon" I said going to the zeta tubes.
"You good bro?" Jon asked "Yeah fine" "ok so what are we doing?"
"Simple we're following dad" I said "why didn't we think of this before!" Jon said getting ready.
"Ok dick, Tim track the tracker we put on him.
Dami, Jon lets go " i said setting off. We were at home just waiting for him to leave. As soon as he left I got my phone and said "Eagle has left the nest" dami came out dressed in his robin suit. "Ok let's go"
We followed dad everywhere he went making sure to stay undetected by our father. It was all normal. We stopped on a rooftop.
"This is stupid" "he could just tell us eventually" "patience Jon" "I wanna-" "will you two shut up I hear something" I say mid glare.
"I-it's dad he's with a....woman, look there eww ewww eww they're kissing!" I said in disgust "aah my innocent eyes" "no child should witness that"
We returned to the cave "dad....has a girlfriend?" I said trying to process what we just witnessed. "Who was that? she seems familiar" Jon said. Tim typed on the computer and a file came up "Lois lane reporter at the daily planet, so that's how he knows her. But why....didn't he tell us Kia?" Jon said. Just then my phone went off. "Shit! Dads coming home" I said running to the zeta tubes.
We made it home and sat in the living room. We saw dad walk through the door smiling. "Hey guys whats.....up?" He said pausing once he saw our faces.
"Couch now!"
"What's going on?" Dad asked confused.
"Lois lane's going on explain now!"
"She's your girlfriend?"
Dad nodded
"I just wanna know, why the FUCK didn't you tell us?!" I yelled.
"Ok, first of all no cussing and second I wanted to tell you and was going to tomorrow when we went out for lunch plus I didn't know how you'd feel with me being with another woman, I'm sorry" dad said looking guilty.
"Dad it's fine we're happy for you" Jon said as he looked at me " if your happy we're happy" I added then hugged dad.
" did you guys find out?"
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