Chapter 37 - The end of it all part 2
"You're looking more human, scared, hopeless, pathetic...." earth X Kara shrugs looking at me, pulling my arms I feel the restraints tightened around my wrists. "We're not that different from them" she scoffs "oh please we're everything they want to be, blonde, white, area in perfection" she faces me.
"I'm not like you... I don't think I'm better than anyone else" she looks at me "you should, you are..."
"Just because I have these powers doesn't mean I should take advantage of people,We're there when they need us" she rolls her eyes "oh spare me the Good Samaritan crap"
She leans in close "why do you care if I take your heart, you're not using it" i look at her "atleast I have one, and by the way my heart beats for someone, everyone I love, my love that I was going to marry before you nazi tyrants came barreling in" she turns back to me "oh yes how could I forget, your human... one your risking everything for, you're a god kiara, you could have them down on their knees listening to your every command, yet you treat them as your equal... pathetic"
She huffs "we hadn't even planned to take your heart, we had originally came for my counterpart of this earth, but you seemed to be more beneficial don't you think?" Feeling my arm she walks off "we're almost ready"
"The plan was to get Kara Danvers of this earth, not some half breed!" An uncle Oliver look alike said.
"We brought her instead because she's immune to the weaknesses of Kara Danvers, meaning she is more stronger and powerful, which would be beneficial for the commander to not fall to such weaknesses" thawne said.
Slightly dazed kiara Wakes up to find herself strapped to a table. "Is the transplant possible?" Evil Oliver, that's what I'll call him, asks. "Yes" thawne answers as they both look towards me.
"There is one issue at hand" thawne proceeds to look over a scan "she seems to be with child" showing a picture of an ultrasound.
That's not possible, "we do what we need to do for my wife" evil Oliver says lacking any emotion.
"Not my baby.... please" kiara mumbles as she moves attempting to break free of the restraints in her weakened state.
Thawne proceeds to bring the knife closer to her chest but is unable to push it in "what...are you waiting for? Do it" Evil Oliver questions, "I'm trying, I'm trying" he grunts trying to push the knife further.
Stopping the knife from plunging into my chest was atom. Growing into his original size he punches thawne and blasts him away, turning to do the same to evil Oliver.
He walks over to me undoing the restraints "ray?" He send me a smile "hey kiara" helping me stand up we walk over to where aunt Iris was standing with felicity.
Aunt iris pulls me into a hug "thank god you're safe" sighing we pull apart and begin to walk down a hallway to get to the others. "Sorry I missed the wedding," ray apologized "it's fine Sunray you didn't miss much because the nazis crashed it" I rolled my eyes at my past babysitter.
"We need someone to lock the time vault" nodding iris says "I got it you guys get kiara out of here" sending me a smile she walks off.
"Yeah I know I'm late to the party but why are nazi doppelgängers taking over starlabs?" Ray questions. "Because they're from Earth X, they hate everybody they're trying to steal kiaras heart and they have this giant robot..." shrugging ray remarks "I've actually fought one of those" behind us a nazi runs towards us with a gun, rays hand grows huge and swats him like a fly.
Making it out of starlabs we turn and find the others coming towards us. A golden shiny? Guy? Flys past us and starts taking the nazis down. In my still weakened state I begin to fight. Letting the sun strengthen me while throwing punches to people's faces.
Half way through the fight I get a glimpse of Damian and see him cornered, I run over and shoot my laser eyes at them taking them down one by one.
After the last one gets shot down I feel arms wrapped around me, hugging back we pull away and I get pulled in to a long overdue kiss from my would've been husband. "Are you ok?" He pants, nodding I breathe out "yeah...
There's something I gotta tell you..." he pushes us apart due to a grenade being thrown at us.
"To be continued..." coming face to face with evil Kara I crack my knuckles and throw a punch her way in which she falls back due to her already weakened state.
Thunder clapping her, she flies back making a huge hole in the ground, throwing my hands around her neck I look at her as she chokes "you tried to kill my baby... you monster! You are no god! Nor am I....justice and truth is better than vengeance and power... and that's something you'll never understand" I yell pulling away from her letting her live, turning around to walk away I feel an arrow pierce through my abdomen.
Black dots cloud my vision as I slowly begin to fall back into someone's arms before completely passing out.
Waking up to beeps from monitors strapped on me, I groan looking around the empty room. Confused I sit up and pull the tubes off me and begin to walk. Listening around the whole building I locate everyone gathered in the command centre. I walk in to everyone being quiet. "Well why are you all so depressed for?"
Their heads shoot up instantly "Kiara!"
The first one to reach me is my other half also known as my annoyingly twin, breathing in his scent I sigh as we tightly embrace each other. Letting go of each other I hug my dad "I'm so happy your ok!"
Finally reaching my beloved, my love I latch onto Damian and hug him as tight as I could then planting a kiss on his lips. I pull away and he puts me down.
Suddenly remembering a hand goes to my stomach, I quickly turn to caitlyn "I... i-is m-my baby ok?" I frantically ask as she nods happily. Sighing again I look at Damian before pulling him out the room with me instantly jumping into his arms again. "I'm pregnant! We're gonna have a baby you're gonna be a dad" I say as he stiffens for a moment before once again embracing me.
"I didn't know why we thought that there would be a chance that we could get married without anything happening?" I laughed swinging our arms back and forth as Damian, Jon, Irey and I walked around Gotham park.
"You should've just eloped when we told you to" irey joked. "Yeah you should've" Jon added.
I turn to Damian "why don't we?" He looks at me "if you want to let's do it" he agrees and next thing you know we're flying one of the Wayne private jets to Vegas.
Walking down the isle in a church in Vegas I see Damian with Jon to his left and irey walks behind me holding the back of my veil.
I hand her the store bought flowers we got on the way here and turn to my beloved. "No offense but you are a proper officiator right?" I ask as he nods "I'm licensed as an officiator by the state of California" he replies "ok continue"
"You are here to witness this union?" He asks as Irey and Jon nod. "Do you Kiara Elizabeth Kent take Damian Al Ghul Wayne to be your husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, for better or worse til death do you part?"
"I do"
"And do you Damian Al Ghul Wayne take Kiara Elizabeth Kent to be your wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, for better or worse til death do you part?"
"I do"
"May we have the rings" Jon hands Damian my ring and Irey hands me Damian's ring.
We place the rings on each other fingers "i know pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" Damian pulls me closer by my waist and brings me in for a long passionate kiss.
Walking into the manor 2 hours later everyone turns to us "where have you guys been?" Walking past them I shrug "we just got hitched in Vegas" and Damian adds half way up the stairs "and we have a baby on the way!" Dick nods "that's nice"
Smirking I count down from 5 until they realize what we just said.
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