Chapter 29/30 - i honestly don't know anymore
Kiara's pov
I was sitting down my head in Damian's lap as I listened to music and he read a book. We were at the mountain in civvies cause there wasn't any missions or world crisis' so we were just relaxing. One by one the members of the team came into the cave.
That's when I remembered "da-robin remember you have to meet with Batman and nightwing later, have you got your suit?" I ask as he nods smiling at me. And I get up so he could get up.
I walk with him to the zeta tube "bye honey, love you" I say pecking his lips as he mumbled "love you too beloved" before leaving he's not big on pda.
I turn back and sit down, everyone's looking at me "what's up?" I ask confused. "You know you and Robin act like your married or something" Wally says as dick and the others snicker real mature guys "Well... he is my boyfriend and nightwing aren't you supposed to be meeting with batman and robin 5 mins ago" I reply looking at my watch. "Shoot. Yeah bye guys by hun" He says kissing Barbara on the way our "see you act like that, they're married and you just act like you've known each other forever and you act like your married, I mean the pet names, reminding him of things, knowing where everything of his is and asking about each other. You kinda get the impression of it..." he replies.
I look at Irey "really?" She nods "I've never noticed" i reply. "Well... there's nothing wrong about it now is there?" I say nervously. "No... of course n-not" he replies "you stuttered why did you stutter, are we going too fast? I mean I only met him a year and a half ago." I started panicking.
"Chill kiara, it means your comfortable with each other and that you care about each other" Barbara says reassuringly. "Thanks B" I smile at her. "Or it could mean he might think about proposing to you considering the fact that you caught the bouquet at the wedding." Bart says.
I get nervous again "you know what, I'm just gonna go for uh.... walk yeah... walk" I say and I fly off. In the distance and can hear a smack and an "ow" and "great job idiot you scared her off" I shake my head and land in an ally and begin my walk around Gotham trying to clear my thoughts.
I walk into the park and my mind is clouded with thoughts about marriage, would Damian propose? Would I say yes? Is it too early? I mean I do love him. But still..... would I marry him? Could I marry him?
I look off into a distance as I walk and notice a
Couple walking their hand intertwined and
Suddenly the guys drops on one knee and takes a box out, the girl cries tears of joy and nods then kisses the man, I sigh confused.
I continue walking and see the same thing again this time the girls cries but not out of joy she shakes her head and says she's not ready then the guy freaks out saying 'he her everything and ask why she doesn't want to give him this' I turn away and walk off not wanting to think about this.
I get a text from Damian saying he has a surprise for me and to come to the manor.
I go to Wayne manor in hopes of finding Damian and clearing my thoughts and just to confide in him.
I reached Wayne manor and asked Alfred if he knew where they were and told me Damian was in the cave with dick.
I walk down to the cave and see Damian talking to dick "remember little d she loves you and is gonna say yes" I hear dick whisper to Damian which makes my palms sweaty.
I walk over to Damian "hey" he pecks my lips "hey" I mumble back trying to act casual. "What's wrong?" He ask concerned. "Can I um... talk to you alone?" I ask as he nods and grabs my hand taking me to his room.
I walk in and sit down on his bed "what's bothering you?" He asks sitting next to me.
"Uh... it's silly" I say looking down "doesn't matter, if it's bothering you I want to know" he says reassuringly.
" it's just something that wally said about us" I say quietly "what?" He asks slightly irritated by the speedster(who tends to jump to conclusions) "just let me talk without any interruptions then you can say whatever you want" I tell him, he nods taking my hand in his.
"Well... after you left he mentioned how we act like married couple. Then Asked me about marriage and stuff. Which made me wonder would you propose seeing that it's common in people who are 18 and over and such with us being 19 and all.. whatever, then it got me thinking about if I would say yes or not? Or If I'd be ready if you did pop the question, I tried to walk it off and I was in the park and saw a couple and the guy proposed to the girl and she was so happy but then I walked further and saw another couple but the girl rejected him saying she wasn't ready and the guy freaked out on her telling her how he gave her everything and she couldn't do this for him.
It made me think that what If that happened to us.... I don't wanna lose you cause I love you too much to let you go. When you texted me saying you had a surprise I uh... got a bit anxious thinking that you were gonna propose because everyone's been implying it all day" I said stressing and crying.
Damian was taken back by the whole thing as I cried, he snapped out of it and went to comfort me, "beloved don't cry, I wasn't going to propose and even if I did and you said no, I would've respected you and given you time because just like you said I love you too much to let you go" he said wiping my tears and kissing my forehead and I smiled at him. "What did I do to deserve you?" I whispered hugging him. "More like what did I do to deserve you?" He says "you took a bullet for me not knowing I was bullet proof" I laughed as he chuckled.
"So what was your surprise?" I ask as he got down on his knees taking out a box with a ring in it "kiara I wasn't going to propose cause I didn't think we were ready for that just yet, however I knew that I loved you and always will, so this is a promise ring, a promise that one day in the future I will marry you and I promise I'll always respect you and care for you and be there for you and never leave you" he says giving me the ring as I give him my hand as he slips the ring on my finger and I hug him.
I go to his bathroom and clean myself up from the mess of makeup on my face from crying.
I redo my makeup with the makeup I've left here from previous visits and walk out along with Damian.
We walk to the zeta tube and go to the mountain. We walk in hand in hand as everyone looks at us expectingly. Damian nods to Grayson who smirked at him saying "what did I tell you?"
I walked off to the girls and they all were asking what that was about and I told them and showed them the promise ring Damian gave me. They all squealed and I look over to Damian as he glared at wally, who looks nervous. As Jon smiles at Damian and pats his back while winking at me as I laugh.
Even if he didn't propose I know one thing and that was that I love Damian al ghul Wayne and there's nothing that could change that.
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