Chapter 22
Kiara's pov
I woke up and got into the bathroom at 6:30 in the morning. I brought out the hair dye which I had bought the day before and began to apply it to my hair it was a Scarlett pink. I left it for half an hour then rinsed my hair then dried it and slightly curled it.
I put on a black crop top and grey shorts along with some black vans.
I went to the kitchen grabbed an apple and left to go to the mountain. "Hey guys!" I say walking into the living room. "Hey..." they replied.
"What's up?" I ask. "Just our mentors are not taking us seriously" Bart said and everyone nodded.
"Prove it to them then" I said sitting down as everyone looked at me to continue. "Challenge em and beat them" I finish as they slowly nod understanding what I'm saying.
"Anyone seen robin?"I ask looking around for my boyfriend. "He's in the batcave" Tim said walking in with Stephanie. "Thanks" I say walking out. "Kiara... wait he's in a bit of a mood and working his anger out so just... be careful" he said as I nodded and smiled.
I came into the cave and saw Damian training and mumbling to himself.
Damian's pov
Doesn't think I can handle it... how could he father knows what I'm capable so how could he UGHH
"Hey Dami" kiara said walking in. My mood instantly changes "hey" I go to give her a hug but she steps back "no offence babe but your really sweaty and I just showered" I nod and go to shower.
When I come back I walk into my room to see her sat on my bed she looks at me and blushes hard. I then realise that I'm only in a towel. "Like what you see?" I smirk at her and she turns a deeper shade of red and then turns around. While I go into my closet grab some clothes and change.
"You can look now" I say and she turns to me and smiles "I actually did like what I saw" she whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back. I just smirked back at her.
"So what wrong?" She asks me. I gave a confused look "what do you mean?" I ask trying to cover up. She just gives me a look that says really? I sigh and say "how did you know?" I ask. "I know you, you work out your anger plus Tim told me" she shrugged. I nodded and said "it's father he doesn't think I'm capable of doing anything he treats me like a child I'm 17!" I say furiously. "You too?" She muttered under her breath but I heard.
Kiara's pov
"You too?" I muttered under my breath but he seemed to have heard me. He looked up to me but before he said anything I told him "everyone at the mountain is having issues with their mentors treating them like kids and now they're pissed as well" I explained as he nods.
"So I was thinking of having a competition between us and the mentors sort of a way to prove that we're their equals or somethin" I say as I told him to change into his suit while I got into mine and we head off through the zeta tube.
B25 Robin B26 Supergirl
The computer announced our names as we walked in and everyone was still complaining. Robin sat with everyone else. I got up and stood in-front of the couch and said "ok there have been a few complaints— well.. actually ALOT of complaints about treatment from the mentors so as peacemaker I suggest that a friendly competition to prove that they are not our superior but their equals so whatdya say?"
They thought for a minute before nodding "k I'll set it up" I walk off to the computer and call the watchtower. They answer and most of the mentors are there "Kiara why did you call is everything ok?" My dad asked worriedly. "I'm fine, can't say the same for everyone else" i say and they give me a confused look. "Everyone thinks you aren't treating them the way the should be they think your underestimating them and are fed up of it." I explain
"So what are you suggesting we do?"bats asked.
"Oh you know..... just a friendly one off competition mentos vs students If we win we get to do everything you do and if you win we'll step back a bit. I'm not participating cause I got nothing against you Jon however is a different story" I say as they agree and we end the call.
I call the team into the living room. "Ok so I called the league they've agreed to the competition if we win we do everything they do, however if they win we back off and listen" I say and everyone nods and leaves to prepare "are you gonna compete?" Irey asks "nah I'm treated fine but as peace maker I'm gonna make sure it all runs smoothly and preferably nobody gets into a fight especially hood and bats that's gonna be hard to stop" I say and we walk off.
Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day.
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