Chapter 11
Chapter Eleven
"We need to talk," my mom stated, appearing in my doorway. I ignored her and stared daggers at my English book.
"Caleb," she warned.
"Can't," I replied stiffly. "Homework." I made a show of examining the text, then flipped the page for good measure.
"Now." I didn't even look up.
"Caleb, your mother is speaking to you."
"Way to state the obvious, Dad."
"There's no need for sarcasm."
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my parents standing just inside my room. Both sported tight lips, crossed arms, and narrowed eyes.
I didn't care.
"Look, guys," I said, finally glancing up, "here's the deal. If you want me to have an actual conversation with you and be at least somewhat civil, you should give me my phone back. Then we'll talk."
Mom brushed a strand of short brown hair out of her eyes and frowned. "Don't try that with us, young man. You're coming downstairs right now."
"Give me my phone, or I'm not going anywhere."
My parents looked at each other. "Then come downstairs," Dad said, "and we'll give it to you."
"Oh, no way. Phone first."
They were obviously fed up with my attitude, but I wasn't giving them a choice. Immature as it was, I was determined to have my way. I smirked inwardly as my dad disappeared into the hallway and came back a minute later, my Paper-Thin 6G Touch in his hands. Shoving my notebook aside, I crossed the room and practically tore it from his grasp.
They had taken my phone away the night before, not long after I'd gotten back from dropping off Delaney. Apparently, Carlie's parents had called and told them what had happened, and how I'd broken up with Carlie. And they were furious.
"Alright, you got your phone," Mom muttered. "Now come downstairs." Grudgingly, I put my book aside and followed them out of my room and down the stairs, into our spacious living room. If my mom hadn't been gripping my arm so tightly, I would've turned and bolted back up to my room the second as I saw who was waiting for me.
"Hey, babe," Carlie said automatically.
"Why is she here?" I demanded, staring at the girl sitting calmly on the couch.
My dad tried to put a hand on my shoulder, but I swatted it away. "We thought it'd be best if you two talked things through."
"No offense," I snapped, "but even the thought of talking to that disgusts me."
My mom gasped, but Carlie only rolled her eyes. "Don't be such a baby, Caleb. I'm not doing anything; just talking to you. I'm sure you can handle that, right?" She raised an eyebrow.
I grimaced at her patronizing tone. "What is there to talk about? Was I not clear when I said that we're through?"
Carlie sighed. "I must admit, while it came as a complete surprise, the break-up scene was a good idea. But you're lucky I caught on; please, don't ever pull something like that again."
"Excuse me?" I sputtered, unable to force any other words out of my mouth.
"And you should have told me where you were going to be," Carlie continued, ignoring my outburst. "Your appearance was a good twist, but things would have gone more smoothly if I'd known you were going to be at Savory's. As it was, poor Stevie was put in quite an awkward position."
I blinked as, all of a sudden, it clicked together in my mind. "You think the break-up was just an act," I murmured.
"Duh," Carlie said, drawing out the word. "Just like my thing with Stevie. You can't honestly think I'd choose him over you. I mean, really."
"It was my idea." I hadn't noticed her before, but Carlie's mom, Dina, was sitting next to her daughter. She smiled at me as she spoke, her heavily made-up face stretching with the expression.
I looked away, fuming silently. "And did no one think to give me a heads up on this? Was it 'let's keep secrets from Caleb' day?"
"Honey, I know you must be upset," Dina began, but I cut her off.
"No, Dina," I snarled sarcastically, "I'm not upset at all! After all, I just love being cheated on!"
Dina pursed her lips.
"Son, you don't understand," my dad said quickly. "Carlie wasn't actually cheating on you."
"I realize that!" I shouted. "It was all fake! But for some reason, no one ever told me about it! Why?" I scanned the room, and though no one responded, I saw a hint of shifting in Carlie's features. Her hands twisted in absent discomfort.
"I'm done," I announced, shaking my head. "This isn't worth my time."
"Don't you get it, Caleb?" Carlie demanded suddenly. "This was all for us!"
I froze mid-step and glanced over my shoulder. "Is that so?"
"God, you're such an idiot." She made a frustrated sound in the back of her throat. "I was going to surprise you, alright? You've been such a good boyfriend, so I figured I'd do one last big booster, just to make sure we were Chosen. I thought that it'd be a nice thing to do. You know, for us."
"Just drop the act, Carlie," I hissed. "If you really understood me, you'd know that boosters aren't my style. And besides; we all know you never cared about me at all."
She opened her mouth to argue, but was interrupted by her mother.
"What are you talking about?" Dina shrieked incredulously. "Carlie loves you!"
I laughed, it was just so funny to me. Carlie had hardly ever even _liked_ me, much less loved. Our relationship had arisen purely because of convenience and necessity. Carlie's mom wasn't stupid; the idea that she could be oblivious to her daughter's true feelings was just absurd.
"Yeah, right," I said dryly. "Of all people, Dina, you should know that isn't true."
She didn't respond.
My dad looked as if, for once, he was about to lose his cool. Before he could, though, Carlie spoke up.
"Steven, Reese, Mom," she interjected quietly, getting to her feet, "maybe I should talk to Caleb. Like, alone?"
"Of course!" Mom nodded encouragingly. Before I could react, Carlie entwined our hands and pulled me aside, into an adjoining room that served as our entertainment center.
I shook her off as soon as we were out of sight.
"What is wrong with you?" she demanded. "What kind of game are you playing?"
"I'm not the one playing games."
"Really, Caleb? Then tell me: what were you doing with that Loser yesterday night? If this isn't a game, then what is it?"
I hadn't even opened my mouth to respond before Carlie continued. "I know you weren't with her to use her as a booster. Like you said, that's not your style. So now I'm wondering why, if not for that reason."
"It's none of your business," I spat.
She scowled. "Have you seen how high that Loser's Rank has gotten? She's a seven. A freaking seven!"
I smiled despite Carlie's anger. "Scared she's going to pass you up, Carlie?" I taunted. "People have been talking about her quite a bit."
"And? Have you heard what people have been saying about her?"
I winced; I had heard, and their words were awful. "They've said similar things about you, Carlie."
She bristled. "Do you think I care? They're all Losers, anyway. That's why I can't wait to get out of this stupid school and go off to the Capitol. Which is why we need to get back together. Because at this rate, that girl's Rank is just going to keep rising. We can't let that happen."
"We," was all I said.
Frowning, Carlie suddenly took a step closer to me. Although her head only reached my shoulder, she seemed much, much taller.
"You know what's funny, Caleb?"
"Just a guess, but I'm pretty sure whatever you're about to tell me isn't gonna be funny at all."
"It's funny," Carlie continued, raising her voice to speak over me, "that I'm giving you a second chance, a sure-fire shot at being Chosen, and you're rejecting it! And you know what else?"
"What else?" I wondered, faking eagerness.
"I can read people's emotions in a single glance. You even more so than most. So I'm a bit confused at what your face is telling me right now."
I took an involuntary step back, unnerved by her unblinking stare. "Exactly what is my face telling you?"
Carlie laughed humorlessly. "That you don't want to be Chosen."
"But that isn't true, right?"
"No! Of course not!" Carlie was the best when it came to reading micro-expressions, but I had my own set of tricks. Lying—I mean, acting—waslike a second language to me.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Positive." I paused. "But there is no way in hell that I will ever get back together with you."
"Your parents will be pissed."
"Do you really think I care, at this point?"
"Shouldn't you?"
"Should I?"
"Yes," she said slowly. "But you don't."
"Bingo. Now, if you'll excuse me..."
"Wait!" I paused as she grabbed my arm. "Caleb?" Her voice was sincere, and I knew that if I turned around, her face would be too. But it was all fake. All of it.
"I'm sorry. That was a dumb, what I did, and I shouldn't have done it."
"Then why did you?"
"Because being Chosen is important to me," she explained. She sounded normal for once, all traces of Popularity gone from her voice. I wonder if this was who she was when there was no one around. "I'm not so sure if it's as big a deal for you, but it should be. Our relationship is important to me, and if—"
"Drop it, Carlie," I said wearily. "I don't wanna hear it."
Her grip tightened. "Please, at least think about it."
Sighing, I shook her hand away. "Okay, lemme think," I said, staring at the door. "No." I started walking away.
"You're making a mistake, Caleb."
"Not as big as the mistake I made of ever asking you out in the first place."
I glanced over my shoulder. Carlie's face had gone scarlet, and though her expression was unreadable, she was obviously very, very angry.
"Well, fine, then!" she shouted. "I don't care! I'm Popular for a reason, and I don't need you to be Chosen!"
"When did I ever say you needed me?"
"Can you please answer me, for once? Can you just stop questioning everything I say?"
"Can I?"
My hand was already on the doorknob by the time she answered.
"Just don't talk to her."
I froze. "To whom?" I asked, knowing full well who she was talking about.
"Don't play dumb, Caleb. I really don't give a crap who she is to you. Just stay away from her. The last thing I need is a Loser being Chosen instead of me."
"The last thing I need," I replied icily, "is you telling me what to do. I'm going to do whatever the hell I want, Carlie, because you aren't, and never were, in charge of me. I couldn't care less what you think.
"And as for Delaney—because she has a name, you know—if you so much as lay a finger on her, I will make sure you regret it. You may have power, but I so do I. You're not the only one who can throw people into oblivion.
"Remember that."
I pushed open the door. It was uncharacteristic of me to defend someone I hardly knew, but Carlie was getting on my last nerve. I turned to face her, taking in her clenched fists and burning eyes. She hated me, and I was proud. For now, I'd won. And it wasn't often that the queen herself was outplayed at her own game.
A/N: I quite like this chapter, actually xD. Carlie is...funny.
Also, I promise that things will get exciting soon. I've been rewriting a LOT.
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